
axis wsdl generation

Hi, I'm using Axis to model a sample WebService. What I'm doing now is trying to understand which are the limitations of the automated wsdl and code generation. Now for some server side code: this is the skeleton of the sample web service: public class TestWebService { public AbstractAttribute[] testCall( AbstractAttribute someAttri...

Generating a tree diagram from an XSD file

I would like to generate a tree diagram out of an XML schema definition. Liquid XML Studio has a visual XSD tree editor, and lets me save my tree as a .png file, which fulfills some of my needs. But I am wondering if there is a tool out there that lets users convert XSD files to web pages, where the diagram can be clicked, expanded, and ...

Creating XML from SQL Server Data that Conforms to a Specific Schema

I've got data in a SQL Server 2005 table that I need to insert into an application using a SOAP web service that takes in an XML fragment. I'm looking at different options for this and I would like to know if it is possible to get SQL Server to return me XML that conforms to a particular Schema. If it is possible, how do I do it? ...

Xml validation using XSD schema

The following code helps me validate an XML file with an XSD schema. XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add(null, xsdFilePath); settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; settings.ValidationEventHandler += new System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler(settings_ValidationEventHandler); XmlDocument...

Tool for XML XSD schema validation

Does anybody know of a command line tool for validating XML with XSD schema? ...

adding attributes to an xml document

I have an XML schema and an instance document I get from a customer. For example the document can be: <doc>    <carId>12</carId> </doc> And it is valid according to the schema. I would like to annotate this with my attributes: <doc>    <carId myns:valid="true">12</carId> </doc> I would like the annotated document to be va...

Extract a subset of XML file using XSL

I have this XML file: <Response> <errorCode>error Code</errorCode> <errorMessage>msg</errorMessage> <ResponseParameters> <className> <attribute1>a</attribute1> <attribute2>b</attribute2> </className> </ResponseParameters> </Response> And I want the output to be: <className> <attribute1>a</att...

Creating Word or XML document with VBA

I need to create documents, (~150 reports, letters) mostly from pre-existing snippets and local databases, with VBA, in Word 2003. I then need to change specific parts of those snippets, such as dates, phrases, user information, &c. There are also, obviously, some bits that I will generate in my program. Currently, this same task is don...

What is the practice for nesting xml namespaces?

In programming languages, I'm used to namespace foo { namespace bar { void DoIt() { } } } int main() { foo::bar::DoIt() } In a schema(xsd), I'd like to do similar things when defining complexTypes <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.stackoverflow.com/foo"&gt; <xsd:complexType name="bar1">...

In XML, when should one use an attribute versus a child node?

I have seen many programmers write XML in very different ways. One of the major differences I have seen is how attributes versus child nodes are used to represent data. Scenario A: A property of an element (say 'name') is represented using an attribute of that element node. <JobTypes> <JobsType name="Job Type 1"> <bla...

What would be the best framework for XML/XSL/XSD/XHTML app with PHP

I am in the process of designing a web application that takes HTML form input and validates against XSD files and eventually stores data in a Database. I am looking to use the LAMP stack for this application and am looking for ideas on what framework(s) to base my application on. The following are my requirements: Web Application with ...

XML Validation: Am I Doing It Right?

Hi all, I was just wondering if someone could give my XML validation code a once over to see if I'm doing it right. Here's the portion of code that is giving me the trouble... SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory .newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); /...

Which XML-related technologies I have to learn? (C# centric)

At my work as developer I do a lot of XML writing and parsing using C#. I have read very little about XAML, XSLT and XML schemas at Wikipedia and I don't see if they would make my XML-driven coding easier. Should I study any of these technologies? Which of them? Any other? ...

Disabling default XML Schemas in Visual Studio?

I have recently started using CAML.NET IntelliSense for SharePoint with Visual Studio 2008; which works great; however whenever I create a new project using STSDev 2008 (and thus generate feature.xml and WebParts.xml) the default schemas include the CAML.NET IntelliSense and the built-in (relatively incomplete) schemas: caml.xsd wss.xs...

Fill class properties generated from XSD.exe

OK, I generated C# classes from my huge XSD file. Now I have a set of C# classes, XSD schema and actual XML data. Is there an automatic or semi-automatic way to fill these class instances with XML data that I have? Thank you. ...

xml crosswalking

having several xml (with different schemas), i need to cross walk them to a destination xml. any suggestion about a tool or a common methodology to accomplish this? how i can express mapping between schemas? relational db? (rdf? better not) thank you ...

Mapping XPath 1.0 data types to java

I'm using XPath 1.0 to process incoming web services messages. This can be quite hard to get right if schema data types are used, because XPath 1.0 does not recognize them (XPath 2.0 does, but there seems to be no full open source implementation. Not sure if Saxon-B does this). E.g., the literals "true" and "false" in a xs:boolean repr...

XSD: Adding attributes to strongly-typed "simple" elements

Is there some sensible way to have elements with strongly-typed simple-types and also attributes? Okay, I have an XSD schema which has a million (er, hundred) elements that might look like this: <xsd:element name="DocumentDescription" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="DocumentDateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" /> <xsd:element name="Do...

how to make element in a Xml schema as optinal

I have one element this one i need to make it as optional. Is there any other way than making minoccurs = "0" Thanks in advance, ...

How to control XML Serialization behavior on xsi:nill=

I'm working on a Webservice to share data between 2 ERP-systems. First ERP calls the webservice, which serializes the data-object and sends it to the second ERP. A data object looks like this: <xs:complexType name="Parent"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="ta:ReceiptLine" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </x...