
How to Serialize to XML containing attributes in .NET?

I have that code: ... request data = new request(); data.username = formNick; xml = data.Serialize(); ... [System.Serializable] public class request { public string username; public string password; static XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(request)); public string Serialize() { Strin...

Deserialize xml node excluding inner nodes

I have an xml as below <Image Id="23" Name ="image1"> <Used_in Name ="Label1" /> </Image> Here Image node has been serialized as an object of Image class [XmlElement(ElementName = "Image")] public class Image { [XmlAttribute] public string Name { getter and setter } [XmlAttribute] public string ID { getter and setter } } While...

Setting specified flags before serializing objects

We have a schema that we serialize and deserialize into an object hierarchy. Some elements are optional in the schema. The xsd tool creates a cs file that inserts a property for each optional element. This property ends in "Specified", i.e. nameSpecified tells the serializer and deserializer to include the optional "name" element when pr...

Creating/compling .net data class within an application

Is there a pattern, Xml structure, architecture technique we can use to create simple data holder class code that we can deserialise to/from and do that at runtime? We're in the early design stage of a .Net project and one of our goals is to make the resulting system extensible through configuration without needing a developer. We need ...

.net XML serialization: how to specify an array's root element and child element names

Consider the following serializable classes: class Item {...} class Items : List<Item> {...} class MyClass { public string Name {get;set;} public Items MyItems {get;set;} } I want the serialized output to look like: <MyClass> <Name>string</Name> <ItemValues> <ItemValue></ItemValue> <ItemValue></ItemValue...

Partially Modifying an XML serialized document.

I have an XML document, several actually, that will be editable via a front-end UI. I've discovered a problem with this approach (other than the fact that it is using xml files instead of a database... but I cannot change that right now). If one user makes a change while another user is in the process of making a change, then the second...

LinkedList cannot be serialised?

Here are my classes: http://pastebin.com/3dc5Vb1t When I try to run BookStore b = new BookStore(); b.LoadFromXML(Server.MapPath("list.xml")); Label1.Text = b.ToString(); I get the following error: You must implement a default accessor on System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList`1[[Book, App_Code.cxsacizw, Version=, Culture=ne...

Declaring the datatype dynamically reading from an xml string

Hello I've this strange issue. I've an xml string which looks like below - <key><int>5</int></key><value><int>10</int> The above xml is obtained after serializing a Dictionary using Paul's Code. Now i want to convert the xml back to the dictionary. How can i get the type "int" from the xml and declare the dictionary as follows? Dic...

BlackBerry - Extract data from 3rd nesting level of xml

<autos> <cars> <car> <type>Toyota</type> <year>1999</year> </car> <car> <type>Honda</type> <year>2010</year> </car> </cars> </autos> i want to extract car object from the above code whats the possible way. can i have the sample code or any example thanks in advance ...

C# inheritance XmlSerializer

greetngs, i have two classes: [Serializable] public class FireGridUnit { public GridUnit FireGridLocation { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class FireResult: FireGridUnit { public bool Hit { get; set; } public bool ShipDestroyed { get; set; } public Ship.ValidShips DestroyedShipType {get; set;} public bool ...

XmlText attribute in base class breakes serialization

I have a base class with a property called Name, which has an XmlText attribute. When an inherited class is serialized I get an exception saying: There was an error reflecting type '[type name]'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot serialize object of type '[type name]'. Base type '[base type name]' has simpleCon...

Element was not expected While Deserializing an Array with XML Serialization

OK. I'm trying to work on communicating with the Pivotal Tracker API, which only returns data in an XML format. I have the following XML that I'm trying to deserialize into my domain model. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stories type="array" count="2" total="2"> <story> <id type="integer">2909137</id> <project_id typ...

Retrieve XPath of an XML element by using its value

My XmlFile looks like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <document-inquiry> <publication-reference data-format="docdb" xmlns="http://www.epo.org/exchange"&gt; <document-id> <country>EP</country> <doc-number>2160088</doc-number> <kind>A1</kind> </document-id> </publication-reference> </document...

Is it possible to coerce string values in xml to bool?

Let's suppose I have xml like this one: <Server Active="No"> <Url>http://some.url&lt;/Url&gt; </Server> C# class looks like this: public class Server { [XmlAttribute()] public string Active { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } } Is it possible to change Active property to type bool and have XmlSerializer coer...

Default entries on a first time creation for a serialized class

I have a class I am using for serializing various configuration options for an application I am working on. I'm adding a new property to the class that is a List, and I'd like it to fill this list if it does not exist already in a XML file. My first thought was to check if the list contained zero items, however this is not acceptable bec...

XML Serialization of nested classes having Dictionary

I am trying to XML-serialize a nested class. Both classes have dictionaries which I am serializing using this link. Serialization works fine but the nested class doesn't get de-serialized. Can you please let me know how to do it? ...

XmlSerializer throwing InvalidOperationException

I have an XmlSerializer object, and I have added 2 event handlers to the UnknownElement and UnknownAttribute events, as below: XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerialiser(typeof(MyClass)); xs.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler(xs_UnknownAttribute); xs.UnknownElement += new XmlElementEventHandler(xs_UnknownAttribute); Each of th...

Convert xml as string

i have a scenario where in i need to send an xml as a tag content in a SOAP request message to a webservice for example <arg_1><xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sometag><somemoretag>abcd</somemoretag></sometag></arg_1></code> arg_1 happens to be an String parameter to a webservice. So i bring in a CDATA section for this <arg_1><!...

what does the 'addDecl' option do in pear - XML_Serialize

Hi, I am looking at the examples given at the XML_Serialize pear plugin manual. I can't figure out what the option 'addDecl' does in this plugin. What does this do? I can't seem to find it in their documentation... ...

Looking for the most painless non-RDBMS storage method in C#

I'm writing a simple program that will run entirely client-side. (Desktop programming? do people still do that?) and I need a simple way to store trivial amounts of data in a structured form, but really don't see any need to use a database system. What's more, some of the data needs to be serialized and passed around to different users,...