
JSON.Net: Convert JSON string from XML string to instance issue

I have the following function: public static T GetInstance<T>(string xmlString) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(new StringReader(xmlString)); string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(xmlDoc.DocumentElement); T instance = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString, typeof(T)) as T; return instance; } ...

Defining pattern of text() node of complex mixed element

This question is related to that one. But somewhat extended. Let's assume we have an xml: <field name="test_field_0"> Some text that is texty text. <subfield>Some text.</subfield> </field> The Scheme for it from related question: <xs:element name="field"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:sequence> ...

Renaming XML nodes using E4X in AS3

I have an XML object in AS3 that is formatted as follows: <data> <nodes> <item></item> <item></item> ... </nodes> <nodes> <item></item> <item></item> ... </nodes> ... </data> My problem is I want to rename the node names("nodes" and "item") to something more relevant e.g. "nodes" could be "author", an...

Storing settings, to edit later, in PHP

I am writing a PHP application that will have the ability to edit settings through a web interface. I didn't mean for the user (and actually, it will only be admins) to be able to load the file up in a text editor, but rather, they make a change using a form, and that will change the settings file (and do other things as well). At this ...

.NET: Import XmlElement with different element name

Basicly what I need is to be able to rename an XmlElement (which is not possible in .NET afaik). Is there a way to ImportNode an XmlElement and rename that new XmlElement? XmlElement oldElm; XmlDocument doc; XmlElement newElm = (XmlElement) doc.ImportNode(oldElm, true); newElm.Rename("newElmName", "urn:newElmNameSpace"); or something ...

C# how can I get all elements name from a xml file

I'd like to get all the element name from a xml file, for example the xml file is, <BookStore> <BookStoreInfo> <Address /> <Tel /> <Fax /> <BookStoreInfo> <Book> <BookName /> <ISBN /> <PublishDate /> </Book> <Book> .... </Book> </BookStore> I would like to get the element's name of "BookName". "I...

XQuery in SQL server doing SUM over zero value

I'm trying to extract monetary sums stored in some poorly formated xml columns (there is no schema defined for the XML column which I guess is part of the problem). I'm getting a conversion error whenever I encounter a node with 0 as its value. Example: select xml.value('sum(/List/value)', 'numeric') sum from (select cast('<List><value...

Saxon 8 (Java version) problem

I'll point out now, that I'm new to using saxon, and I've tried following the docs and examples in the package, but I'm just not having luck with this problem. Basically, I'm trying to do some xml processing in java using saxon v8. In order to get something working, I took one of the sample files included in the package and modified to...

DomDocument failing to add a "link" element for RSS feed

I am trying to create an RSS feed in PHP using DomDocument but every time I try to make a node like http://domain.com the script fails $oDomDocument = new DOMDocument( "1.0", "iso-8859-1" ); // Create the root now $oRootNode = $oDomDocument->createElement( "rss" ); $oRootNode->setAttribute( "version", "2.0" ); $oDomDocument->appendChil...

How to set an ints Hex Literal from a string,

Im attempting to load a hex literal from an xml settings file, I can parse the xml just fine and get the required string from the file, but i cant seem to get it to set an int variables value :/ Code: int PlayerBaseAddress = System.Convert.ToInt32(ConfigLoader.GetSetting("PlayerBaseAddress")); // Input string was not in a cor...

Fastest way to add new node to end of an xml?

I have a large xml file (approx. 10 MB) in following simple structure: <Errors> <Error>.......</Error> <Error>.......</Error> <Error>.......</Error> <Error>.......</Error> <Error>.......</Error> </Errors> My need is to write add a new node <Error> at the end before the </Errors> tag. Whats is the fastest way to achieve ...

Saving XML stream in C# says that it's being used by another process

I have this open-source library that I'm having some trouble fixing a problem... This library allows to easily create an XML file to store application settings. But I'm having an issue saving the changes. I have another application where I'm using this library and every time that application window is done resizing, I call the Save() me...

Xml, xsl Javascript sorting

Hi guys, I am looking for a way to sort my xml data with javascript, and want to eventually filter out the data as well. I know all this is possible in the xsl file but i would like to do it client side. I have searched multiple places for sorting with javascript but most of it was either too xml file specific or I couldn't figure out...

XML Form validation?

Is there a simple form validation that runs off of an XML file that controls the generation of HTML, Javascript, and PHP would actually follow the rules too? The way its done now i have to split the two up. ...

Same element, multiple types with XML Schema

I want to construct the following XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <foo> <bar type="alpha"> <first /> <second /> </bar> <bar type="bravo"> <third /> <fourth /> </bar> </foo> The salient point being that I want "bar" to have different child elements depending on its type -- if the type is "alpha" then the children MUS...

Filtering XML tags while loading to a treeview

I am trying to load an XML file into a tree view control, edit it and save it back in a different XML format. <MyConfig> <description> <![CDATA[Add All config data]]> </description> <group name="Server"> <description> <![CDATA[Server info]]> </description> <parameter name="Host" type="string"> <descript...

TransformerFactory in BlackBerry ?

How do I use TransformerFactory in BlackBerry for XML creation? Java has TransformerFactory method. But BalackBerry does not. ...

Load an XML from Resources

Hi, I have an embedded XML as Resource. When trying to load it like: XDocument quoteDocument = XDocument.Load(Properties.Resources.Quotes); I get an error (UriFormatException). How to properly load an XML from resources? Thanks ...

Web Service speed issue - is it the browser?

Hi I have a legacy CGI web service that returns XML. I have added logging to timestamp the various method calls within the service, and it completes within a couple of seconds. However, because of the amount of XML being returned, it takes about 15 seconds for the browser to display this. I understand what is happening, but other peo...

How to 'transform' a String object (containing XML) to an element on an existing JSP page

Currently I have a String object that contains XML elements: String carsInGarage = garage.getCars(); I now want to pass this String as an input/stream source (or some kind of source), but am unsure which one to choose and how to implement it. Most of the solutions I have looked at import the package: javax.xml.transform and accept a ...