
automatic reloading page content with xmlhttprequest

how can i auto reload my page contetn with xmlhttprequest and php after few minutes.......!! like in setInterval............!! ...

Problem in jQuery and XmlHttpRequest

I am trying to call a PHP page with XmlHttpRequest (AJAX). My problem is that I have jQuery (javascript) included in my PHP page like this: <script language="javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> // my jquery code here </script> When I call the PHP page with XmlHttpRequest it fails! That is, the respo...

Adding jQuery to XMLHttp

How can I add jQuery click events to a page which was loaded with XMLHttpRequest? ...

long polling - what are methods for determining when you have new data?

Lets say I have a chat program that every time someone sends a message, a globalfile is locked and written to. The receiving client has a pending xmlhttp request that is waiting to return with the newly updated file using this construct: while (!hasNewdata()) { sleep 3; } print "$thenewdata"; sub hasNewData() { # determine if...

Setting cookie by calling webpage by Microsoft.XMLHTTP

Hi, The situation: I have 2 webpages with 2 domains (backoffice.myurl.com & www.myurl.com). The backoffice is written in classic asp, the frontend in asp.net 3.5 (vb.net) When I hit a button in the backoffice, I want to set a cookie on the frontend. I do this by calling a page on the frontend via Microsoft.XMLHTTP Dim GetConnection S...

Sending a 'application/soap+xml' SOAP request using Classic ASP

Any help with this would be appreciated; I've been at it for a few days now. Below is the code that I've got so far; unfortunatly when I run it I get a HTTP 415 error; Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'. I have to send the content...

XmlHttp: How to get the actual statusText from an msxml.xmlhttp object?

A web-server is returning a status code and description in response to a request by an XmlHttp component. The actual status response from the server begins with: HTTP/1.1 400 Not a valid http POST request which i can see in though a Fiddler trace: But when i ask the xmlHttp request for the status and statusText, it shows me the "st...

Find the first character of input in a textbox

I am stuck in implementing the following: User starts typing in a textbox. The javascript on page captures the first character typed, validates that it is an english alphabet (a-z,A-Z) and converts it to lowercase (if necessary). Make an XMLHttp request based on the input (i.e. if first input character is a, get a.xml, if b get b.xml a...

Why won't Internet Explorer (or Chrome) display my 'Loading...' gif but Firefox will?

I have a page that fires several xmlHttp requests (synchronous, plain-vanilla javascript, I'd love to be using jquery thanks for mentioning that). I'm hiding/showing a div with a loading image based on starting/stopping the related javascript functions (at times I have a series of 3 xmlhttp request spawning functions nested). div = doc...

How to Login Google webmaster tools with XMLHTTP

Hello, I have tried so many times but I couldn't get it worked. I am trying to log in google webmaster tools to get Search Queries List (top 20) I used XMLHTTP and AspTear, but no action :(. It says "my browser isnt cookie supported" But how can I log in google webmaster tools via xMLHTTP cookied enables? xmlhttp has any parameter ...

Can't send data via xmlhttp

Hello, I could use xmlhttp and asptear or any other components to post data to external sites on WINDOWS 2003(iis 6). not i am using 2008 server(iis 7) and i can't get worked that components to send data. could you please guide me ? (PS. components are tearing the pages but don't send post data, seems like tear as GET method) ...

How can I recognize a new line in an xml attribute in Firefox??

This is partly related to the age-old unix vs. windows newline LF/CRLF dilemma. I don't love my solution, but I have most of that figured out... (nonetheless any general guidance related to cross-browser newlines appreciated!). FF can send data from html textareas in a way that the newlines are stored in the db consistently with IE (and ...

Using xmlhttp.open() how do I add more than one parameter to url?

I have this code. xmlhttp.open("GET","getuser.php?q="+str,true); where q="+str I want to pass a second var how do I do this? ...

XHR readyState = 4 but Status = 0 in Google Chrome Browser

Hello i'v got a strange Problem with an AJAX call on my site. I make a simple AJAX call to a Script on my site. But the AJAX call fails with readState=4 and Staus = 0. There's no cross domain problem because the script i want to call is on my server. $.ajax({ type:"GET", url: 'http://mydomain.com/...

xmlhttp error-message: "This page has an unspecified potential security risk"

hi, i'm developping a little app under vb6 which grabs html from a site via xmlhttp. the problem is - i'm getting this error: "This page has an unspecified potential security risk - do you wish to continue?" seems like it's coming either from the OS directly or from Internet Explorer. i've already tried changing the internet-options u...

XMLHttpRequest simple HTTP GET not working?

<html> <body> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var async = true; xmlHttp.open("GET", "http://www.google.com", async); if(async) { xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { if (xmlHttp.status==200) a...

Cant use any string functions on xmlhttp response text in VBScript

I can't do anything with the response text from the below code other than print it to the screen. I want to use an if statement to check what the response text is,but whenever I try this it prints nothing. For the sake of this example, assume the response text is "2" Code: Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") xmlhttp.op...

Passing xml via query string to Classic ASP form

I have a test form, (see below), that if I Submit manually, (clicking the Submit button), returns an XML list of orders from the action script. I would like to be able to pass the XML currently contained in the test HTML form programmaticaly via xmlHTTP. So far no luck. Any help would be appreciated. <form action="processorders.asp" m...

Getting a 400 - bad request when sending an xmlhttp to a wcf using vbscript

we are getting an 400/bad Request when we send a request. Please find our code below. Public Sub test123() URL = "http://dev1.xxxxx.employer/employer/v02/Employer.svc" Dim requestDoc Set requestDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") Dim root Set root = requestDoc.createNode(1, "Envelope", "http://schemas.xmlsoap....

Getting an error - content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type when requesting a wcf using a xmlhttp by vb script

Hi i am new to wcf and xmlhttp, i am using vb script to send the request. i am getting the following error "Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'." Please find my code below, g_XMLLink = "http://dev1.xxxxx.employer/employer/v02/Empl...