
What is xmlns in my xml file?

First of all please don't close this question as duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1181888/what-does-xmlns-in-xml-mean, Actually, i am having an entry in my servlet.xml, xmlns:dwr="http://www.directwebremoting.org/schema/spring-dwr Now what i think is, dwr is the prefix we are going to use, like <dwr:configuration> ...

How to create XML containing namespace declarations and prefixed names with an XmlDocument?

I am struggling to output the following XML using the XmlDocument object in .NET. Any suggestions? This is what I would like to output... <l:config xmlns:l="urn:LonminFRConfig" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:LonminFRConfig lonminFRConfigSchema.xsd"> </l:config> The namespace...

Scala XML \\ copies xmlns attribute. Why and how can I stop it?

In Scala REPL: val input = <outerTag xmlns="http://xyz"&gt; <innerTag> </innerTag> </outerTag> input\\@"innerTag" => <innerTag xmlns="http://xyz"&gt; </innerTag> How do I stop Scala do this? Why can't it just give me <innerTag> </innerTag>? How can I stop this happening (or remove the xmlns attributes simply)? Thanks! Joe Clari...

atom namespace using linq

I have the following xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"&gt; <entry><id><![CDATA[text]]></id>< author><name><![CDATA[film24]]></name></author><title><![CDATA[text]]></title> <updated>2009-10-30T15:55:13+00:00</updated><published>2009-10-30T0...

Why doesn't Nokogiri xpath like xmlns declarations

I'm using Nokogiri::XML to parse responses from Amazon SimpleDB. The response is something like: <SelectResponse xmlns="http://sdb.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-11-07/"&gt; <SelectResult> <Item> <Attribute><Name>Foo</Name><Value>42</Value></Attribute> <Attribute><Name>Bar</Name><Value>XYZ</Value></Attribute> </Item> </S...

How to eliminate xmlns="" entries produced by XSLT transform of one XML doc to another XML doc.

Ok, I've seen numerous variations on this question, but none exactly answer what I'm trying to solve and perhaps I'm just too dense to see how to apply one of the other answers to what I'm trying to do. I have some XML that looks something like the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <message> <cmd id="api_info"> <a...

wsdl xmlns problems with NetBeans and wsimport

Hi Our application provides a SOAP API. Our wsdl starting lines are something like <wsdl:definitions name='ControlDServices' ... xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/' ... This usually works OK, but a customer complained that when they try to use our SOAP API in NetBeans with the wsdl we provide they got this error: Web S...

XSLT works in IE, not in Chrome or Firefox

Given a normal nhibernate config file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://localhost/xmlStylesheets/nhibernate.xsl"?&gt; <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2"> <session-factory> <property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</property...

How can I ignore a bad xmlns namespace with Perl's LibXML?

I have an XML document that references a namespace that is no available: <microplateDoc xmlns="http://moleculardevices.com/microplateML"&gt; ...my data is here... </microplateDoc> I have a script that reads it fine, but only when I delete the two above tags, otherwise it reads it all screwed up. Is it ok just to ignore it? I'm thin...

add namespace to a xml document in C#

Hi, I have the following xml <book> <chapter>this is a sample text</chapter> </book> and need to add a namespace to it to be like the one below <ns0:book xmlns:ns0="http://mybookurl/sample"&gt; <chapter>this is a sample text</chapter> </ns0:book> I tried Greco suggestions but it does not work. http://stackoverflow.com/ques...

How can I match the xmlns:* attributes with XSLT ?

How can I match the xmlns:* attributes with XSLT 1.0 ? Using a RDF document I tried: <xs:template match="rdf:RDF"> (...) <xsl:for-each select="@*"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:for-each> (...) </xsl:template> but it doesn't seem to work for the xmlns attributes. Thanks. ...

atom feed xmlns attribute messes up AS3's XML-parsing?

Wanna see something interesting? var xml:XML = XML(<feed><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>); trace(xml.entry.length()) // returns 3 Makes sense, right? Now let's add this attribute... var xml:XML = XML(<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"&gt;&lt;entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>); trace(xml.entry.length()) // returns 0 We...

Iterate through XML nodes that have xmlns attribute declared in a XSL.

I am working on creating an XSL to format some incoming XML from an API I am integrating. The xml I receive looks like: <items> <item xmlns="http://www.tempuri.org/Item.xsd"&gt; <key>value</key> </item> <item> <key>value</key> </item> <item xmlns="http://www.tempuri.org/Item.xsd"&gt; <key>value</key> </item> </i...

Access another project over an xmlns reference

I am using a custom calendar control made by someone else (under the GNU-GPL, of course) that I loaded into my solution. So how can I create a xmlns reference to it to use the calendar control? Also, they have different namespaces. ...

Help me clean some ugly XML

I'm getting this XML from a service that I need to deal with. I'm not much on XML Schema or Namespace fu, but to me it looks a mess. Can someone take a look at it and tell me how to make it nicer? http://gist.github.com/325952 I know that the namespace definitions can be declared in the first line, and not on every line. Is there an...

Why does XElement fall over when parsing an xml file with an xmlns?

So I'm trying to parse an xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Root> <att1 name="bob" age="unspecified" xmlns="http://foo.co.uk/nan"&gt; </att1> </Root> Using the following code: XElement xDoc= XElement.Load(filename); var query = from c in xDoc.Descendants("att1").Attributes() select c; foreach (XAttr...

I need multiple xmlns elements in an element with the XmWriter

I'm trying to convert a xml document from one format to another and while doing this I've found that I need to insert multiple xmlns declarations to the root element. Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Template xmlns="http://tempuri.org/TemplateBase.xsd" xmlns:TYPES="http://tempuri.org/TemplateTypes.xsd"&gt; some con...

xmlns naming convention

Do you use a naming convention for your XML namespaces? And if so, what reasoning lies behind it. I was actually amazed that hardly anyone wrote about a naming convention for XML namespaces. Most namespaces I've seen have the format of http://example.org/&lt;some identifier> or http://example.org/scheme/&lt;some identifier>. But that ...

xsl:include template with no default namespace causes xmlns=""

Hi, I've got a problem with xsl:include and default namespaces which is causing the final xml document contain nodes with the xmlns="" In this synario I have 1 source document which is Plain Old XML and doesn't have a namespace: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SourceDoc> <Description>Hello I'm the source description</Descr...

Multiple xmlns attributes affect page performance?

We are working on adding some Facebook Connect functionality to our site. Part of their requirements for FB Connect require adding several additional xmlns attributes to the html element. We are likely going to have 5 or 6 of their custom attributes by the time we're done, and I want to know if this will negatively affect our page perfor...