
Read/Modify PDF Metadata using iTextSharp

Hello, I am trying to use iTextSharp to read/modify PDF metadata. I figured out how to do it using pdfreader and pdfstamper. I was wondering if I could also read/modify additional metadata information like copyright information and few others within the XMP photoshop namespace. I would greatly appreciate any pointers to the solution. ...

ASP print xml formatted string

I have: tXML = "<type p_type=\"All\"/>"; if I do Response.Write(tXML); I get a blank space. Is there anyway to output this string so I know it is being created? ...

Inserting/Updating XMP in a PDF ?

How can I insert/update some XMP metadata into a PDF file preferably using java ? ...

Audio/video file formats that support embedded markers and comments/annotations?

I am looking at creating an app for OS X and/or iOS that allows the user to arbitrarily embed markers into the audio at various intervals during the audio recording process. It would be nice to have a single file that could contain this information, but may or may not be efficient or feasible. I suppose it is similar to what YouTube an...

complete xmp/iptc manipulation command line tool or python wrapper? (osx)

hi guys, im searching for a complete command line tool or even better a python wrapper to manipulate and retrieve image metadata. i tried pyexiv2 which is very nice but i cant register a new namespace like 'XMP.imageapp.uuid' (maybe im missing something and i would be glad to hear a solution for that.) with the command line tool exiv2...