
Where is the full JID value when using xmpppy?

Where do I find the full JID value after connecting and authenticating against a Jabber server when using the xmpppy library? I need the full JID for a subsequent Iq call to the server. Specifying the bare JID (user@domain.com) results in the following error: If set, the 'from' attribute must be set to the user's full JID I have ...

django + xmppy: send a message to two recipients

I'm trying to use xmpppy for sending jabber-messages from a django-website. This works entirely fine. However, the message only gets sent to the -first- of the recipients in the list. This happens when I run the following function from django, and also if I run it from an interactive python-shell. The weird part though, is that if I ext...

python-xmpp and looping through list of recipients to receive and IM message

I can't figure out the problem and want some input as to whether my Python code is incorrect, or if this is an issue or design limitation of Python XMPP library. I'm new to Python by the way. Here's snippets of code in question below. What I'd like to do is read in a text file of IM recipients, one recipient per line, in XMPP/Jabber ID ...

How i can get a response with xmpp client in python

Hi, i'm using xmpp in python, and i can send messages but how i can receive? ...

Sending XHTML over Jabber using xmpppy

I'm trying to send XHTML (a hyperlink) over Jabber (to Google Talk) using xmpppy, but can't find a good working example... I tried with this: http://intertwingly.net/blog/2007/08/09/Sending-XHTML-over-Jabber But didn't work... any ideas?? Thanks in advance! M ...

How to create MUC and send messages to existing MUC using Python and XMPP

I was wondering if anyone here can provide some code samples on the following scenarios. I'm particularly interested in using xmpppy to do this as I'm already using the library for my app, but other libraries ok too. It is unfortunate that the xmpppy project website doesn't have any samples on this. Browsing the expert/advanced API docs,...

Usability issues with xmpppy for non TLS/SSL connections to Openfire

I built some test tools using code snippets I found on this site for xmpppy. And I'm using the tools against Openfire XMPP server (on Windows). What's interesting is that the code samples here use port 5223, which is to enable TLS/SSL where available. My tools work fine under that. But we recently made a change to Openfire to not use TL...

[python] Determine if an XMPP user is online or not

I'm using the xmpppy library to write an XMPP client that can chat with users. It has its own XMPP user account and needs to know if a given user is online. However, the documentation is a bit sparse on how to do this. What would you recommend? The only solution I've seen thus far is to start up a daemon before the XMPP server starts an...

How do I disconnect my XMPPPY client object

Connecting to an XMPP server with XMPPPY is simple. from xmpp.client import Client as XMPPClient self.xmppClient = XMPPClient("jabber.foo.com") if not self.xmppClient.connect(server="localhost"): raise IOError('Cannot connect to server.') if not self.xmppClient.auth("node", "password", "resource"): raise IOError('Can not auth w...

Jabber bot - how to get the availability of contacts?

I need to set up a jabber bot, using python, that will send messages based on the online/offline availability of several contacts. I've been looking into pyxmpp and xmpppy, but couldn't find any way (at least nothing straightforward) so check the status of a given contact. Any pointers on how to achieve this? Ideally I would like some...