
XSLT vs ASP.NET MVC framework

Hello, I am in the process of building a very scalable website. I am to the point where I must choose between XSLT and using the asp.net MVC framework and the helper functions. My data is already in XMl format and it will stayy that way. The reason my data is in XML format is because it will be much easier to make changes and I will only...

[xslt] grouping following-siblings with same name and same attributes causes exception in saxon

Hello, I have some xml documents (similar to docbook) that have to be transformed to xsl-fo. Some of the documents contains poems, and the lines of the poems are written in separate p tags. The verses are separated by br tags. There are "page" tags that are irrelevant and should be ignored. Typical code example: <h4>Headline</h4> <p>1...

Alphanumeric sort on mixed string value

Given XML snippet of: <forms> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="AI OM 10"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="CL BP 03 01"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="AI OM 107"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="CL BP 00 02"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="123 DDE"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="CL BP 00 02"/> <FORM lob="BO" form_name="AI OM 98"/> </forms> I need to sort the FOR...

Restrict output by range in XSLT

I am creating an XSLT and i want to select a particular node, only if one of its child element's value is between a range. The range is to be specified using parameters in the xsl file. The XML file is like <root> <org> <name>foo</name> <chief>100</chief> </org> <org parent="foo"> <name>foo2</name> <chief>106</chief> </org>...

Grouping of similer nodes

I have follwing problem in grouping the similer nodes with xsl: input: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <concept id="ads"> <p>para1 content goes here</p> <Bullet>1</Bullet> <Bullet>2</Bullet> <Bullet>3</Bullet> <p>para2 content goes here</p> <Bullet>4</Bullet> <Bullet>5</Bullet> <p>para2 content go...

Saxon XSLT 2.0 and RFC 822 date format

Hi, What is the right way to format xs:dateTime to RFC 822? ...

Saxon XSLT 2.0 ignore whitespace

Hi, I'm using text output method. And I need to ignore all whitespaces in template. <xsl:template ...> text </xsl:template> I'm receiving in output "     text", but I need only "text". Thanks. ...

XSLT Number test

I am having a problem where the value of the $current variable came in as '6E144270003'. My original goal was to just test for a number, but '6E144270003' passed the number() test because it is a valid 'scientific notation' (as was pointed out to me here). I need a valid test to allow data containing only integers (can include the deci...

How to create html list from flat xml file using XSLT.

Okay guys I think this is a tricky one... I am looking for a clean way to do the following using XSLT: Convert this source: <para>blah blah</para> <list>num1</list> <list>num2</list> <list>num3</list> <para>blah blah</para> <list>num1</list> <list>num2</list> <para>blah blah blah blah blah</para> To this output: <p>blah blah</p> <o...

xslt support in go

Dear fellow go enthusiasts, I would need xslt support in a go program. As far as I know there will be no xslt library in the the near future and currently there is no binding to a xslt library in go. What is the FASTEST library on linux or cross platform to do 1) xslt 1.0 transformation 2) xslt 2.0 transformation ...

XSLT: select a node who starts with a predefined list of elements

Hi, We have in input an XML like following: <R> <MT N="folder" V="Folder1\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder2xx\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder3yyyy\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder4zzzz\Subfolder1" /> </R> In our XSLT that performs the display, the entry: <xsl:value-of select="MT[@N='folder']/@V"/> ...

Alphanumeric sort on mixed string value revisited

Note that I posed a very similar question earlier but the requirements have since changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3842719/alphanumeric-sort-on-mixed-string-value The primary difference in the requirements now is that the source XML can include forms with all alpha chars in the form_name or all integers. The form_name can be...

Navigating and sorting XML within xsl:variable using XSLT 2.0

The XML within the 'formslist' variable is created using apply-templates. This snippet is from a 2.0 stylesheet. <xsl:variable name="formlist"> <forms> <FORM form_name="form1" print_seq="1200"/> <FORM form_name="form2" print_seq="1500"/> <FORM form_name="form3" print_seq="9000"/> <FORM form_name="form4" print_se...

Transform &amp; in XSLT?

Hello Stackoverflow! I'm relatively new to XSLT. I've come across an issue that I don't know how to get around. I have an pretty large XML document that I am trying to transform to into another smaller, refined XML document. The large XML document has this style: <Property> <name>Document name</name> <value>SomeValue</value> ...

string length to find length of the repeating node

My xml looks like <details> <addr> <streetAddressLine>90822 abc lane</streetAddressLine> <streetAddressLine>apt b</streetAddressLine> <!-- streetAddressLine element is repeatable --> <state>xyz</state> </addr> </details> I am looking for xpath expression which can give me the length of string-length(streetA...

XSL to find all nodes between nodes

I have a large poorly formed XML file where information related to a single line item is broken into multiple lines of information that I'm trying to group with the parent line item (ITEM_ID). The information is sequential so the key is the ITEM_ID node, but I can't seem to create the proper XSL needed to group the information related to...

Alphanumeric sort on mixed string values: alpha numeric alpha

Given XML where FORMNUMBER can be numeric only; begin with numeric and then include alpha; or follow a numeric alpha numeric pattern: <FORMSLIST> <FORMS> <FORMNUMBER>3 ABC</FORMNUMBER> <FORMSEQ>99900</FORMSEQ> </FORMS> <FORMS> <FORMNUMBER>12 ABC 45</FORMNUMBER> <FORMSEQ>99900</FORMSEQ> </F...

Pass XSL template output to XSL function

I am using XSLTJSON to convert my XML to JSON. My raw XML is not in the format that I want, so I first pass it through an XSL stylesheet to clean it up and then pass the output of that stylesheet into XSLTJSON. Right now I'm doing this by calling transformers serially. I'd like to streamline it and have only one call to the transfor...