
Namespace output with XSLT 1.0 causing problems

Hi guys, i'm using XSLT 1.0 to transform some XML. I'm not quite sure the best way to explain this, so will use some examples. My input XML contains a specialization, using the xsi:type declaration. See the Payload node: <ns0:RootNode xmlns:ns0="namespace1" xmlns:ns1="namespace2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <...

Stucked with xslt

Hi, I"m new to xslt, and now I'm stucked a little with it. I have an XML: <map> <node TEXT="test" TYPE="node" > <element/> <node TYPE="normal" > <dummy> <FONT> mindmap_node1_l1 </FONT> </dummy> <node LINK="url.com" TYPE="node" > <dummy> <FONT> node no...

Alternative ways for setting variable value in XSLT?

I have a basic XSLT filter on a SharePoint 2007 DataFormWebPart: <xsl:variable name="Rows" select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDate) ,1061 ,'MM'))=$MyParameter)]"/> The $MyParameter comes from an ASP.NET control. But trying to set the variable value in any other ways results in an error: <xsl:variable n...

XSL grouping xml by element

Im working with XSLT1.0 (Processor can't handle 2.0) and have a problem trying to group the output of an xml structure: <row> <order> <text> some order text 1 </text> </order> </row> <row> <payment> <text> some payment text 1 </text> </payment> </row> <row> <order> <text> some order text 2 </text> </order> </row> <row> <conta...

XSL: Removing xml tags but keeping their contents

I recently changed a couple of my .xml files from docbook to dita. The conversion went ok, but there are some unwanted artifacts. The one I'm stumped on is that .dita does not recongnize the <para> tag from docbook, and replaces it with <p>. Which you'd think would be fine, but this causes the XML to show items in and ordered list as ...

How to create html list from flat xml file using XSLT.

Okay guys I think this is a tricky one... I am looking for a clean way to do the following using XSLT: Convert this source: <para>blah blah</para> <list>num1</list> <list>num2</list> <list>num3</list> <para>blah blah</para> <list>num1</list> <list>num2</list> <para>blah blah blah blah blah</para> To this output: <p>blah blah</p> <o...

Combining XSL documents + DITA: Xref Vs. Related Links

I have used an XSL to convert a docbook document into dita. The conversion was successful, bu there are unwanted artifacts which remain. I've gotten rid of a few of them, but I have saved these changes in another XSL which is run after the conversion. My question is: Is it possible to combine this into a single XSL? when I've tried ...

copy-of and then append elements (WSDL generation from XSD)

I am generating WSDL from XSD with XSLT 2.0, and I am copying the schema directly into the WSDL like so: .... <!-- WSDL types --> <xsl:template name="types"> <wsdl:types> <xsl:copy-of select="/xsd:schema"/> </wsdl:types> </xsl:template> .... Now I also want to append some types within...

Using a dynamic URL to add a picture with XSL:FO

Hi there, I want to add an image to my PDF output. The problem ist, that <fo:external-graphic src="url('URL here')"/> will accept nothing but an URL. The link to the image I want to add however is derived from another value inside the XML document being transformed. Is there any way to generate image URL dynamiclly? Thanks in adva...

xslt support in go

Dear fellow go enthusiasts, I would need xslt support in a go program. As far as I know there will be no xslt library in the the near future and currently there is no binding to a xslt library in go. What is the FASTEST library on linux or cross platform to do 1) xslt 1.0 transformation 2) xslt 2.0 transformation ...

Output element in comments.

I need to display HTML-element in comments (for example) <!-- <img src="path" width="100px" height="100px"/> --> I use this approach <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"&gt; <xsl:output method="html" indent="no" encoding="windows-1251"/> <xsl...

XSLT: select a node who starts with a predefined list of elements

Hi, We have in input an XML like following: <R> <MT N="folder" V="Folder1\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder2xx\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder3yyyy\Subfolder1" /> <MT N="folder" V="Folder4zzzz\Subfolder1" /> </R> In our XSLT that performs the display, the entry: <xsl:value-of select="MT[@N='folder']/@V"/> ...

XSL: Docbook to DITA, issue with reference xml:id

I just used a docbook2dita.xsl, and it worked for the most part, but one issue I ran into were: <section xml:id="555" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"&gt; turned into: <reference id="555.d12e1"> I'm thinking it doesn't matter that the namespace dissappeared, but the id got really screwy. What would be a good fix to this? Ano...

Modify attribute value in XSLT and call template again for second time

I'm working with the SharePoint content query web part. I have an HTML output which is desired to be <ul> <li> <img src="{RowAttribute-Url}" /> </li> <li> <img src="{RowAttribute-Url}" /> </li> </ul> <table> <tr> <td>{RowAttribute-Title}</td> <td>{RowAttribute-Title}</td> </tr> </table> and the input xml for the CQWP is <ds...

XSl Smart search and replace

Is it possible to do a find and replace to the attributes of a xml element? I want to change the directory that is being pointed to by a href: From: <image href="./views/screenshots/page1.png"> to <image href="screenshots/page1.png"> And from: <image href="./screenshots/page2.png"> to <image href="screenshots/page2.png">...

Cannot set a breakpoint in "main" XSLT file

This is a very irritating bug/behaviour in Visual Studio. I am hoping that someone can tell me how to fix it or what we are doing wrong. The scenario is that we have a program that runs some XSLT over some XML (see code below). There is nothing particularly strange about the code as far as I can tell. This code is run on a new Thread...

How do you do wildcard matches with XSLT?

If I have a source file like this: <animal name="fred_monkey" /> <animal name="jim_banana" /> <animal name="joe_monkey" /> Can I do an XPATH expression in my stylesheet which selects only the animals with the string '_monkey' in their name? e.g. wildcard match '*_monkey' ? ...

Transforming XML using XSLT

Hi, I have a custom XML that I need to transform to another XML format, using XSL. Input: <Feed> <repository> <item-descriptor name="product"> <property name="id">123</property> <property name="display">asdf</property> <property name="attr1">attr1</property> <property name="attr2">attr2</property> </item-descriptor> </r...

Using XSLT document() on a dynamicly generated XML in PHP

Hi, In my XSLT file. I use the document() function <xsl:variable name="Publicity" select="document('./publicity.xml')" /> and that works but if I try to link a PHP script that generate the XML dynamically, <xsl:variable name="Publicity" select="document('./publicity.php')" /> I get a Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsl...

XSLT stylesheet does not reload

Hey, I got a static page which uses an XSLT stylesheet and pulls in the overall menu from a separate menu.xml. Usually, the menu wont change, neither will the stylesheet. However, at some point they may, because the content is modified. In any case, the auxiliary styling files are not reloaded when you reload the main page. Essentially...