I'm building an address book application. I'd like to allow users to click on a contact in my application, and be directed to their yahoo or gmail webmail, to the compose page, with the "to" field populated with data that I supply. Is this possible?
I'm doing a pipe to retrieve RSS content from a private blogger's blog.
The pipe first send a POST request to https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin to get the Auth token. I use YQL for this (select * from htmlpost where url="https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" and postdata="Email=...).
The question is, how could I set a cu...
Hi There,
I am trying to use the OpenIdRelyingPartyWebForms, but the line AuthorizedTokenResponse accessToken = Global.YahooWebConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(authResponse); keeps returning null. I am trying to use this project as is and the only change I made was change private const string YahooOPIdentifier = "yahoo.com"; to private...
I wounder if soemone know which APIs I need to use if I want to create a importer, just like the one in facebook. importing users and their e-mails.
Hi there,
My below code returns a 401 Unauthorized error each time at the this point:
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql?q=select%20fields.value%20from%20social.contacts%20where%20guid%3Dme&diagnostics=false");
I'm interested to know how can I get the yahoo messenger status, as some sites do. I've find how to get the online/offline status, but not the invisible status as in this website: detectinvisible[dot]com
Do you have any idea?
I am trying to retrieve market data from Yahoo! finance and the script has worked fine for years, but recently, it stopped showing The Dow Jones data. Here is the URL:
The URL should return data on:
Dow Jones
10 Year Bonds
It actua...
Hello, I am trying to parse the yahoo answers feed - http://answers.yahoo.com/rss/allq
The issue is that the titles have
[ Category ] : Open Question :
in every title that I do not want... I want to write a regexp to remove this...
anything that we can make to remove all the letters in the starting [ and the first : should do it.
I am using Yahoo Rich Text Editor with yahoo API 2.4.
In text editor, there are various icons display on toolbar. I want to hide 'Insert Image' icon.
How can i achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to implement an autosuggest where users can type in a country, colloquial name, continent or super name (ie scandinavia). I've got the webservice working for exact matches at this url:
http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/places$and(.q('united states'),.type(29,12,19,24));start=0;count=5?format=json&appid=API_KEY_HERE
(29, 12,...
Hello All,
I'm trying to get the "not confirmed" warning to go away when using Yahoo! as an OpenID provider for my Rails 2.3.5 application. The Yahoo! OpenID FAQ[1] recommends "that your site links to its XRDS document using the X-XRDS-Location HTTP header". Does this mean every single response from my Rails app should include this head...
Hi all,
now I have a seemingly easy but challenging task.I need to develop a data set of questions,and I classify the questions into two categories:
Factoid questions: "who is the current president of France."
Free questions: "Can you rate the cameras below for me,please?"
now I need to know the percentage of both categories on Yaho...
Hello there.
I wonder what is the best way to sample,say, 1000 questions,completely randomly from Yahoo! Answer.
I want to achieve this complete randomness in which I will totally ignore the categories or date of posting etc.
Doing this manually may result in bias,so could anyone give some suggestions here,like using Yahoo! Answer API or...
Hey guys,
I figured out how to get real-time ("live" - EDIT: but delayed by 15 minutes) stock data from yahoo finance ...now the question is : is it legal to put the data on my website ...I want to build a stock ticker for my website ....would it be legal to do that using the real time data that yahoo provides ?
im getting signature_invalid error when trying to connect via oauth to delicious.com.
<cfset oUrl = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token"/>
<cfset oauth_nonce = "?oauth_nonce="&randrange(45678,99999)/>
<cfset oauth_timestamp = "&oauth_timestamp=122253373"/>
<cfset oauth_consumer_key = "&oauth_consumer_key="&URLEnc...
I was wondering if anyone knows of a Web Search API service that offers commercial licenses. I'm looking for something like Yahoo Search API but one that does not limit you for 5000 daily calls per IP and allows commercial use. I guess this would be a paid service. Thanks
Hey, yall.
I have an existing webapp, running in Python on App Engine, in which users can login through open-id using a Yahoo account. Now, once they're signed in, I'd like them to be able to access their Yahoo contacts, through OAuth. I'm working though the Yahoo Python SDK and am just stuck.
I have the consumer key, consumer secret...
I am trying to insert HTML into the YUI rich text editor. The code works if I use simple HTML snippets, but if I use something more complicated (e.g. try to embed an object), then it fails.
Fails - only for FF browser
For example - this works:
var html = '<div><b><u>Hello world!</u></b></div>';
Hello All,
So, I'm attempting to integrate Yahoo! into my Rails application as an OpenID provider and I'm having some trouble. I asked this question on Stack Overflow already, but it's not exactly the same question. I've already asked my current question here on RailsForum, but it hasn't gotten answered yet so I thought I'd repost it he...
Is there a way to programmatically log into Yahoo!, providing email id and password as inputs, and fetch the user's contacts?
I've achieved the same thing with Gmail, using BeautifulSoup.py
Yahoo Address book API provides BBAuth, which requires the user to be redirected to Yahoo login page. But I'm looking for a way to authenticate the...