
Rails yield - content_for problem

Hi All, I have the following requirement. Ex: There is a transaction table where it has columns say, transaction_name and amount. I want to loop through the transactions and display their details (transaction_name and amount) and finally I want to display the total amount (sum of all the amounts) in the head (before the loop) section...

Generate lazy "spiral" in Scala

Task: For a given position in 2D array generate list of surrounding positions located in radius. For example: input: (1, 1) radius: 1 output: ( (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (2, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2) ). I wrote something like def getPositions(x:Int, y:Int, r:Int) = { for(radius <- 1 to r) yield ...

HAML block returning `0` on yield?

I just upgraded to Rails3, Ruby 1.9.2 and the latest HAML gem. This code used to work: = allowed? do = link_to('New', new_video_path) Now allowed? yields 0. It works if I do: = allowed?{ link_to('New', new_video_path) } What gives? ...

WebMethod and IEnumerable

I need to create WebMethod that will get some data from db and return that to the client. Now, assume that the amount of data is huge, so I'd like to take and return data in parts. is there any way to use yield return in Webmethod? as I know there is no way to return generic types in WebMethods but I couldn't use non-generic IEnumer...

What does this python syntax mean?

I am not a python guy and I am trying to understand some python code. I wonder what the last line of below code does? Is that kind of multiple objects returned? or list of 3 objects returned? req = SomeRequestBean() req.setXXX(xxx) req.YYY = int(yyy) device,resp,fault = yield req #<----- What does this mean ? ...

generator/block to iterator/stream conversion

Basically I want to convert this: def data(block: T => Unit) to a Stream (dataToStream is a hypothetical function that do this conversion): val dataStream: Stream[T] = dataToStream(data) I suppose this problem could be resolved by continuations: // let's assume that we don't know how data is implemented // we just know that it gen...

Translation of yield into VB.NET

Hello, first i must assume that i'm not very familiar with the C# yield keyword and its function. What is the best/easiest way to "translate" it into VB.NET? Especially i tried to convert this code into VB.NET, but i failed with: yield return new MatchNode(++index, current.Value); What i have is: Imports System.Collections Imports ...

Why wasn't yield added to C++0x?

I have been using yield in many of my Python programs, and it really clears up the code in many cases. I blogged about it and it is one of my site's popular pages. C# also offers yield – it is implemented via state-keeping in the caller side, via an automatically generated class keeps the state, local variables of the function, etc. No...

Is there way to turn list of answers from script as yielded values?

I have long running program that I want to keep responsive. The algorithm is recursive, so sometimes even the sub-tasks in longer running calls can be longer than shorter whole runs. I have tried to make it to use yield but only ended up with list full of generators in various levels of recursive list structure (list also multilevel hier...

When NOT to use yield (return)

Possible Duplicate: Is there ever a reason to not use 'yield return' when returning an IEnumerable? There are several useful questions here on SO about the benefits of yield return. For example, Can someone demystify the yield keyword Interesting use of the c# yield keyword What is the yield keyword There is also a ques...

how to pass a Ruby iterator as a parameter?

I'd like to write a method that yields values in one place and pass it as a parameter to another method that will invoke it with a block. I'm convinced it can be done but somehow I'm not able to find the right syntax. Here's some sample (non-working) code to illustrate what I'm trying to achieve: def yielder yield 1 yield 2 yiel...

Yield and freeing Memory

I have WCF web service that I use to send images from my Windows Mobile client app to my server. When I try to send the images I can't load all of them from my database at the same time or I will get an out of memory exception. So I am thinking I will call my web service with batches of 10 or so. What I want to know is, if I set up an...

Howto get source line from python generator object?

Here is an example: def g(): yield str('123') yield int(123) yield str('123') o = g() while True: v = o.next() if isinstance( v, str ): print 'Many thanks to our generator...' else: # Or GOD! I don't know what to do with this type # raise TypeError( '%s:%d Unknown yield value type %s.' % \ ...

Find how many yields and their names

Is there a way in Rails to find out how many yields have been defined in a layout along with their corresponding names? ...