
checkbox in YUI DataTable

I'm using a column of checkboxes in a YUI DataTable, I works fine. But I haven't found a way to put a name and value attribute so I can use when the form is submitted. Thanks in advance. ...

"Endless scrolling" effect in a HTML table

I am displaying a scrolled data table in a web page. This table has several thousands of dynamic rows, so it is loaded from the server (via AJAX). The user can scroll up and down, so what I need is to detect when the user reaches the end of the scrollbar (that is, the last row at the bottom of the table) in order to request and show mo...

JavaScript: How to simulate a click to make the current input lose its focus

I have an input which at some points happens to have the focus. If the user click in the "background" of the page, the input loses its focus. I was trying to simulate the click on the background with the following code, but this doesn't work (you will notice that the input still has the focus). Any suggestion on how to write code that si...

Where can I find a free, lightweight YUI-like compressor for PHP?

Where can I find a free, lightweight YUI-like compressor for PHP? I am sure it will decrease the file size but will compressing PHP code boost its performance? Is this the same thing as an obfuscator? ...

How to automate JavaScript files compression with YUI Compressor?

YUI Compressor does not accept wildcard parameters, so I cannot run it like this: C:>java -jar yuicompressor.jar *.js But I have over 500 files and would rather not have to create a batch file like this: C:>java -jar yuicompressor.jar file1.js -o deploy\file1.js C:>java -jar yuicompressor.jar file2.js -o deploy\file2.js ... C:>java...

How can I create a YUI menu where you can click to open the submenus?

We have a multi-tiered/hierarchical YUI menu activated via a YUI menu button. Everything in this menu works pretty well. If you mouseover a menu item with a submenu, the submenu appears as expected. You can select an item from this submenu just fine. The problem, however, is that you can also click on the parent items of this menu ...

JQuery and YUI, can they live together?

Hi, Can JQuery and YUI live together w/o any conflicts? ...

Display JSON/YAML hierarchy as a tree in HTML?

I have YAML data that looks sort of like this, but ~150k of it: --- all: foo: 1025 bar: baz: 37628 quux: a: 179 b: 7 ...or the same thing in JSON: {"all":{"bar":{"baz":"37628","quux":{"a":"179","b":"7"}},"foo":"1025"}} I want to present this content in an expandable JavaScripty HTML tree view (examples: 1, 2...

does YUI have selectors like in jQuery?

Does YUI have selector methods like jQuery? e.g. get me all div's that are children of that have links in them? ...

Javascript library for building desktop-like web application: ExtJS, jQuery, YahooUI, Mocha, SproutCore, Cappuccino, others?

I am evaluating several Javascript UI toolkits for building web applications that have a desktop-like feel, mainly because of dialogs and window management. I looked at several options - here are my evaluations so far: ExtJS - Great widget library, great docs! Not so great license. jQuery UI - Lack of ready-made window and dialog cont...

Embedding a YUI Treeview inside a menu

Hi, I want to have a website navigation menu, where whenever someone clicks on it, a treeview with checkboxes appears, where they can select nodes in the tree. Is this possible with YUI Treeview (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/treeview/ ) or will I have to make it myself? ...

YUI: RTE: focus and blur events

Is it possible to get the equivalent of the focus and blur events that we have on other form controls for the RTE? That is, I would like to know when a given RTE gets the focus and when it loses it. I see that the RTE supports lots of events (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/editor/#events), but I don't see anything about focus/blur. Am I...

How do I look over a javascript array without using indexes in YUI?

I know that jQuery and prototype have a $.each() function for iterating over each element in an array. Does YUI offer any help with this? ...

YUI in IE6 & IE7

I'm using Bugzilla 3.2 RC2 (released 11/06/2008) There is some conditional logic deep in there that shows a 2nd dropdown when the 1st has a value of "Resolved". Works great in IE8, Firefox, and Chrome. It doesn't work at all in IE6 or IE7. No Javascript error and nothing happens. I'm wondering if anybody else has run into this iss...

To YUI or not to YUI?

I'm currently using the Yahoo YUI javascript library in a couple of my projects. However, I'm a little concerned about three things. First, they laid off 10% of their employees. Second, their stock price keeps falling: especially after ignoring the MS takeover earlier this year. Third, what if someone does buy them? The only reaso...

Can you render arbitrary HTML in each cell of a YUI datatable?

I want to add paginated table to a page. It should be 2 rows by 4 columns. Each cell contains a thumbnail image and some small links. We're using YUI elsewhere on the project, so I'd like to use the Datatable. All the examples I see are geared around tabular data (understandable), but my hunch is that I can rewrite the HTML of each...

How do I detect clicks when using YUI drag drop?

I'm using YUI to add drag drop support to a div. It also responds to clicks. Unfortunately, the click behavior takes effect even after a drag drop operation. Here's a code snippet: // Create a DOM object for the group tag. div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'group'; div.onclick = function() { beginEditName(); } contain...

Optimizing deletion of multiple rows in a YUI datatable

Deletion operations seems to be the slowest in a YUI datatable. I have a datatable with > 300 rows. I need to delete selected rows. I tried removing the selected records from the recordset and then calling table.render() .. While this is okay, can it be made better? ...

yahoo autocomplete

I'm kind of like stuck trying to implement YUI autocomplete textbox. here's the code: <div id="myAutoComplete"> <input id="myInput" type="text" /> <div id="myContainer"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.example.BasicRemote = function() { oDS = new YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource("../User/Home2.aspx"); // Set the responseTy...

How do I make YUI-tabs right aligned?

For the following example: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/tabview/frommarkup_clean.html I would like to make the tabs right aligned and still retain the current order. I'm certain its something simple - just too close to it to see the solution. ...