
Using YUI and Prototype Together

I want to add a calendar control to a page that already includes Prototype and Scriptaculous. Not happy with any of the Prototype ones I could find, I'm considring using the YUI Calendar widget. I this likely to cause any problems? ...

YUI Button misalignment

Im using YUI and am having alignment problems with YUI buttons inline with text input fields. The rendering problem is occuring in FF3 and is even present on YUI's own site. http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/button/btn_example09.html As you can see the button sits higher than the text fields. Any ideas on how to get it all at t...

implement listener

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>YUI Calendar Control Example</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="yui/build/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css"> <script type=...

Hosted Yui, Google maps, JQuery - an easy way of monitoring website usage?

The Yahoo Javascript library (YUI), JQuery and less so Google maps all allow you to reference their files using the following format: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.6.0/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; This does a request for the script from their servers, which will also pas...

Compression issues with JQuery file in YUI Compressor

I am trying to minify a few files with YUI compressor. However, I seem to be getting an error on 2 lines of code, which prevents compression. The .js file for jcarouselLite contains 1 error, and my own code contains the other. I have narrowed it down and in both occasions it looks like the the float property used in jQuery is causing t...

How to get the currently focused node in a yui TreeView

I need to store which node currently has focus in a yui TreeView component. I thought that there would be a method to find which node has focus at any one time but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know if such a method exists or otherwise suggest a way to do this? thanks in advance, ...

Is there any good way to convert existing YUI based scripts into JQuery code?

My site was based in YUI, but since I plan to upgrade my site to .NET MVC and JQuery is MVC friendly, so I plan to convert my existing YUI scripts to JQuery. ...

YUI Button apply by class name

Is it possible to apply / create a YUI Button by using an element's class name and not by id. I have to generate a list of buttons then transform it to a YUI button. [Update] By the way, I'm trying to apply the button in an anchor tag. So it will be a link button. [Update:Code] Ok so here's the code. I have a loop that generates thi...

YUI Checkbox Button - retrieving the checked value

(I've tried posting this on YUI message group but without any luck) Can anyone tell me how to retrieve the checked state of a yui Button? I've tried by creating the Button in code, which is then outputted as a HTML button but this only changes the title attribute. When I use checkboxes instead, none of the checkboxes are checked (when ...

Altering the YUI menu's mousing behavior

I'm using Yui to build a "popup" menu that works a bit differently with the mouse than usual. This is not a ContextMenu, because I want it to respond to left clicks, and the ContextMenu seems bent on responding to right clicks. Following the examples, if I do this, the menu comes up and everything is close to how I want it: YAHOO.util....

Has anyone build form validation using YUI?

DUPE: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/93664/any-yahoo-yui-validation-framework-that-i-can-implement-in-asp-net-mvc Has anyone built form validation functions using YUI that could mimick how asp.net handles form validation? I know jquery has a nice validation addon, was hoping YUI would also. ...

Why is YUI Menu waiting for my page images to load!?

Edit: This is a confirmed bug in jQuery 1.3.1. It is fixed in jQuery 1.3.2. I have a YUI menu control exactly like this sample with sub menus along the top. I tried using Yahoo's code to initialize the menu : YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("mnuTopNav", function() { var oMenuBar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("mnuTopNav", { ...

Is YUI grids.css really that flexible?

Yahoo's YUI project has some really great, well tested components that I'm just beginining to integrate to my (fixed width) site. I'm actually very excited - I've been away from consumer oriented site creation for a while and I'm having a lot of fun seeing what has developed in the last few years. Liking YUI component and reset.css so m...

ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelper extensions for YUI controls (Yahoo User Interfaces)?

Has anyone written any HTMLHelper classes for MVC that help with Yahoo's User Interface Library? For instance I have written a helper method to convert a 'menu model' into the HTML markup needed to support the Yahoo Menu Control. The MVC pattern works well here because obviously if I chose to switch to a different menu implementation I ...

Will choosing between YUI or jQuery effect the overal design of .js files?

Hi, Will choosing between jquery or YUI change the overall/high level design of your .js files or would it realistically only going to be the inner workings of your js functions due to the differences in framework API's? (i.e. how you access/traverse the DOM, selectors, built-in functions, firing events, etc.) ...

Rails Routing

Hi All, I have built a new portal on Rails which can be accessed as say: https://xyz.com The problem with this is: 1.) It has 2 tabs – “ShipmentInfo” , “Aging Shipments Dashboard” both implemented using <li> tags and YUI library’s tabview. <ul class="yui-nav"> <li id="tab1" class="selected"><a href="#tab1">Shipment ...

How to display a popup from an external file in YUI ?

I am starting using YUI's Container control in my application to display messagebox popups and other dialogs. I am not clear what the recommended/cleanest way to create a popup sourced from an external HTML file would be. I'm talking about a popup showing 'further information' about a product - which would contain text and images. The ...

Javascript YUICompressor error

Using YUICompressor I get the following error from my javascript code: [ERROR] 270:201:missing name after . operator [ERROR] 292:6:missing ; before statement Here's the javascript code at the following lines: Line 270: new _ow.getScript(_ow.wwwurl+'/widget/save?title='+encodeURIComponent(this.obj.title.value)+'&url='+encode...

How can I avoid EXTjs with YUI-based alternatives to EditorGridPanel and ColumnTree?

There's some discussion at my work about using Jack Slocum's EXTjs library as an extension to YUI (already in use) for a project in development. I'd like to help avoid a dependence on EXTjs's commercial licensing model if possible. The primary two features desired from EXTjs are EditorGridPanel and ColumnTree. As far as I can see, it ...

How to parse NULL value returned using YUI datasource

I am using YUI datatable and datasource to render data in one of my projects. The data returned happens to be NULL and YUI datasource is unable to parse it. Below is the declaration code of datasource and datatable. For readability sake, I am seperating each of the declarations. Column Descriptions declaration var columnDe...