
Logic for stacking behaviour in javascript

I'm trying to write some javascript that will stack objects by setting z-index. Test Case: http://christophermeyers.name/stacker/ I've hacked that together, but I'd like to extrapolate that behavior to something a little more logical. That is: Given x number of elements, when element C is moved to the top, all elements above that elem...

Positioning Layers and text gradients with css

I'm a CSS newbie trying to get some text gradients going on. I tried this code here but it didn't work for me, most likely because the h1 object is nested within a #header div. I imagine there's something to do with layers that I don't know about. Either I get a gradent block that is in front of everything or it's not appearing at all. ...

jquery mouse events masked by img in IE8 - all other platforms/browsers work fine

Using the jQuery mouse events for mouseenter, mouseleave or hover all work swimmingly on all Mac or Windows browsers except for IE8/Windows. I am using mouseenter and mouseleave to test for hot rectangles (absolutely positioned and dimensioned divs that have no content) over an image used as hotspots to make visible the navigation butto...

All About.... Z-Index?

This property make me confuse. well.. i searched in google: What is the z-index? The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order. Note: z-index only works on positioned elements (position:absolute, position:relative, or position...

css z-index problem with ie6

i know an ancient browser but still i want to get it to work bldd.nl/prototypes/megamenu/test27.php just a simple dropdown menu over text. It doesn't work in ie text is over de dropdown. How can i fix this??? ...

reversing z-index based from page render order

Example Markup: <div class="wrapper"> <h2>Trigger</h2> <div>This is some content</div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <h2>Trigger</h2> <div>This is some content</div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <h2>Trigger</h2> <div>This is some content</div> </div> Example CSS: .wrapper {z-index: 1} .wrapper div {display: no...

IE is ignoring Z-Index on positioned elements

IE yet again is proving to be the bane of my existence. The top of a site I'm working on has a horizontal menu, an item of which triggers a pure-CSS menu that is positioned absolute within the parent menu DIV (positioned relative). This places the menu perfectly in both IE and the W3C compliant browsers. The problem arises when I have m...

CSS issue: jqGrid and ASP.Net CSS Friendly Adapters Menu - IE7

I'm having an issue in IE 6 and 7 when using jqGrid (v3.6.4) and the ASP.Net CSS Friendly Adapters for the ASP.Net menu control. The problem I'm running into is that my menu tiers render beneath my grid no matter how high I go with the z-index, but only my vertical menu (using .AspNet-Menu-Vertical). When using a horizontal grid, the su...

Mootools: Formcheck tips over lightbox

I have a form on a lightbox, that form is server side validated with PHP (no issues there) and client side validated with formCheck for Mootools, Is it possible to show the error messages on top of a lightbox? By default it shows them under the lightbox, and therefore useless to the user filling the form, since they cannot be seen. Any...

Trouble with z-index in ie6 and 7

On this page http://equals.lsri.nottingham.ac.uk/puzzle/create, if you type something into an input and then click save a custom dialog will pop up. But even though the dialog's z-index, and that of its container, are higher than that of the equation editor, the editor still overlaps the dialog in ie6 and 7. Anyone got any idea why? ...

Safari and the z-index flash problem

Hi everybody, I don't know if it's a classic safari 4 bug, but apparently many people cannot display correctly a non-flash content (div, image, etc.) over a flash animation. I tried everything: The wmode (switching from "opaque" to "transparent"), the z-index and many other div "cheats". Did anyone know if there is a safari 4 patch/tr...

IE dropdown z-index bug

I'm having a problem with a dropdown menu under IE (6 and 7). http://www.amaconsulting.pl/promocje.html As you can see, the dropdown hides behind the main content area in IE. It's a known bug and general advice is to set a z-index for header and content areas, so IE knows their "place", explained in the article here: http://bit.ly/c...

How to override "inherited" z-indexes?

I am needing to override the notion of inherited z-indexes. For instance in this code <style> div{ background-color:white; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; } </style> <div style="position: fixed; z-index: 2;"> div 1 <div style="position: fixed; z-index: 3;"> div 2 </div> </div> <div style="positio...

Help with z-index issue with menu in IE7

Has anyone got any idea why the menu is rendering below the rotating images on this site in IE7: http://new.coffeelatino.co.uk/. The z-index is much higher for the menu that it is for the rotating images. Just another reason why IE is so dreadful. ...

Why isn't my jquery slideshow code working?

I have three images, displayed and styled as follows: <img id="img1" src="images/category_slideshow/yellow-viper-on-car-ramps.jpg" alt="Yellow Viper on Race Ramps Car Ramps" width="557" height="415" /> <img class="onBottom" src="" width="557" height="415" /> <img class="onTop" src="" width="557" height="415" /> .onB...

Biggest z-index but still "transparent"?

Hello Is there a way to click through element, even if it's on top of the others. I have a link under one div, and the div must be where it is, but link should of course be clickable. Solutions? Even jQuery is okay, if impossible with CSS. Martti Laine EDIT: I cannot add link higher, because the div here is a kind of overlay/glare. ...

DIV overlap on top of submit order INPUT button not working right in IE7

I created a test account at www.avaline.com that you can use to see what's going on with the submit button without going through the registration process (filling in fake address info, etc): username: [email protected] pass:test02 In FF, my #hidSubm DIV covers the "Pay with Paypal" Input button, as it should. Why isn't it working in IE7?...

WPF - Overlapping Custom Tabs in a TabControl and ZIndex

Problem I have a custom tab control using Chrome-shaped tabs that binds to a ViewModel. Because of the shape, the edges overlap a bit. I have a function that sets the tabItem's ZIndex on TabControl_SelectionChanged which works fine for selecting tabs, and dragging/dropping tabs, however when I Add or Close a tab via a Relay Command I am ...

Div on top of Div using z-index.

I have the following divs in my HTML: <div class="main"> <div class="bgimage"></div> <div class="content">Text</div> which is directly inside my body. With the following CSS: body{margin:0;padding:20px 0;} .content{filter:alpha(opacity=50);-moz-opacity: 0.5;opacity: 0.5;} .content{position:relative;z-index:1;border:#000 thin soli...

Why does my CSS tooltip push my other content down?

I have a CSS tooltip, with CSS3 fade in, with z-indexes set to 999. When I hover over the link, the tooltip itself pushes my other content down, it's meant to be above, not inline, although I've used a span and converted it to block.. Here is an example of what I'm going for, how can I stop it from pushing the content down? Thanks. ...