
Session security: Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent

There is a nice article on denzone about avoiding identity theft. However it was written before Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent came in. How do I use Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent? Zend_Sesion::registerValidator(new Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent()); Zend_Session::rememberMe(); Is that all? ...

Threads in PHP.

Hello.. I am creating a web application using zend, here i create an interface from where user-A can send email to more than one user(s) & it works excellent but it slow the execution time because of which user-A wait too much for the "acknowledged response" ( which will show after the emails have sent. ) In Java there are "Threads" by...

Zend Namespace - Check if Session Exists

All, I am using Zend Framework and Zend_Session to do global session management for my application. I plan to clear all sessions on logout and hence am using the following code: if($this->sessionExists()) { $this->destroy(); } But it seems like it's not doing a good job.. I am getting an error: PHP Warning: session_destroy(...

Insert hundreds of rows into Google spreadsheet with Zend Gdata?

Inserting rows one by one from a 600 record data-set is taking almost an hour, using the following method: foreach($people as $person){ $insert['name'] = $associate -> name; $insertedListEntry = $spreadsheetService->insertRow($insert, $spreadsheetKey, $worksheetId); } Is it possible to insert multiple rows at once? ...

PHP SOAP client accessing server on non-standard port

The service I'm trying to send requests to is accessible via a non-standard port - so not port 80. It is accessible locally via port 80. So I've tested the app locally and it works fine. But when I deploy it on the production server (not on the LAN), it fails. Once again for clarity: -dev server is on the LAN -SOAP server is on the LA...

Set Action Controller name for Zend_Tool create controller

Hi All, All my controllers use a custom Action Controller class, is there anyway to set the action controller class it uses when generating the the controller code? Or would be even better if I could set it up to map the action controller class to use based on the module the class is being created under. Cheers. ...

Why does my server hang when I call a page over files_get_content?

I am trying to get content from a wordpress installation on a subdomain of my server. I tried that with file_get_content and also with Zend_Http_Client. $client = new Zend_Http_Client(Zend_Registry::get('CONFIG')->static->$name->$lang); $content = $client->request()->getBody(); As long as I run in on my localhost, it works fine. As so...

How to automagically assign weight to a Zend Tag Cloud?

In the Zend Framework is a very nice and easy way to create a Tag cloud, but the documentation gives no clue about a way to automagically give every tag a weight. Is there a way to do this? If no, how could it best be done? ...

Check if a Mail folder exists using Zend Mail

How can I check if an email folder exists using Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap, theres a createFOlder, renameFOlder and removeFolder and also a getFOlders but not exactly any fixed method to query if a certain mail folder exists? The GetFOlders returns a humonogous tree of folders to start with. ...

Zend_Paginator - Increase querys

Hello, I started using Zend_Paginator, it works everything fine but I noticed that there is one more query which slows the load time down. The additional query: SELECT COUNT(1) AS `zend_paginator_row_count` FROM `content` The normal query: SELECT `content`.`id`, `content`.`name` FROM `content` LIMIT 2 PHP: $adapter = new Zend_Pag...

how to add special class for labels and errors on zend form elements?

hello how we could add a special class for labels and errors for a zend-form-element for example html output code before add classes <dt id="username-label"><label for="username" class="required">user name:</label></dt> <dd id="username-element"> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="" class="input" /> <ul class="err...

Zend Database Adapter - Complex MySQL Query

I have defined a function in my Navigation model that executes a query, and I was wondering if there's a more "Zendy" way of generating/executing the query. The query I'm using was proposed by Bill Karwin on another thread here for setting arbitrary record order. I tried using a prepared statement, but the values in the SIGN() function...

Cannot get new product attribute in grid display

I added a new attribute to my products(a boolean "yes/no" field). It is a variable to enable/disable the price from displaying on the product detail page, and grid view. I managed to get it work on the product info page. But on product grid page I cant seem to access that variable. Specifically, the template i am working with is cata...

Getting WSDL with local certificate authority

I need to connect my SOAP to service that requires to use local CA, but i don't seem to be able to find the WSDL, witch also needs the local CA. Can't PHP5's SOAP use local CA for WSDL calls? I'm using Zend Framework. Here is the code that I'm using. $soapClient = new Zend_Soap_Client("https://webservice/wsdl", array( 'local...

Zend Form - setting title property of option elements

In Zend Framework how can I set the title properties of option elements within a select? Desired output: <option value="foo" title="bar">option</option> ...

how to use multiple $_name using extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract in zend frame work.

we tried to do like this,but it is showing some errors.Our table names are users and messages. <?php class Application_Model_childconnect1 extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'users'; public function loginvalidation($username,$pwd) { $row = $this->fetchRow('UserName = \'' . $username . '\'and User...

Zend Framework - POP3 - retrieving message source

Is it possible to retrieve the complete message source (similar tu Unix Mbox format) using Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3 from the Zend Framework? I'm using the following code to retrieve messages: $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3(array('host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'test', ...

Filter sub-categories like in layered navigation

I created a new template file catalog/category/list.phtml. This is to display all sub categories of the current category. I have layered navigation which is displaying sub-categories as one of the filters, but I want this new template to work with these filters as well. Right now when i click the subcategory filter, it filters all prod...

Zend Framework Handle One to Many

I have 2 tables "user", "contact", the relation between two tables is one user has many contact Table member m_id name ------------ Table Contact c_id c_m_id value in zend model class, i do it in this way /* Member.php */ class Default_Model_DbTable_Member extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'me...

Zend_Search_Lucene and range search

I have a bunch of int key fields in my index and trying to do a simple range search like this: `gender:1 AND height:[120 TO 180]` This should give me male in the height range 120 to 180. But for some reason i get this exception: `At least one range query boundary term must be non-empty term` How would i debug this? Is it just Zend_...