
Zend Framework: How do you set your layout directory in a modular application?

the directory structure I'm trying to achieve would be this: application/default/views/layouts/layout.phtml application/default/views/scripts/index/index.phtml application/admin/views/layouts/layout.phtml application/admin/views/scripts/index/index.phtml library/Zend config/config.ini public/index.php (bootstrap) but I can't figure ou...

Zend Framework: How do I remove the decorators on a Zend Form Hidden Element?

I'm trying to remove the default decorators on a hidden form element. By default, the hidden element is displayed like this: <dt>Hidden Element Label (if I had set one)</dt> <dd><input type="hidden" name="foobar" value="1" id="foobar"></dd> I don't want my hidden element to take up space on my page. I want to remove all the default de...

A Generic, catch-all action in Zend Framework... can it be done?

This situation arises from someone wanting to create their own "pages" in their web site without having to get into creating the corresponding actions. So say they have a URL like mysite.com/index/books... they want to be able to create mysite.com/index/booksmore or mysite.com/index/pancakes but not have to create any actions in the in...

MVC with different presentation

I have a controller build for a web application with a web presentation. But now I need to create a iphone (mobile phone) version of this application. Basically this is a blog application with comments. In the regular version comments are loaded at the same time as the entry. But on the mobile application I want to comments to be load o...

Dynamic Form Content with Dojo (Zend_Dojo)

How can I load content depending on the selection of a selection box? I want to load an array from the controller in php, and use it on the javascript, I don't know if I need to put that array in javascript, I guess that Zend_Dojo takes care of that for me. My question is similar to this one that hasn't been answered: http://dojotoolkit...

How do you store your scripts for cron jobs in Zend Framework?

Because ZF depends on mod rewrite for all it's URLs, it's not immediately apparent to me where I should store local scripts for use with a cron job. Does anyone have any recommendations, or is there an "officially accepted" way? ...

Using relations for setting in Zend_Db_Table_Row

Hi there is there a way how to use Zend_Db relations for setting related objects? I am looking for something like following code: $contentModel = new Content(); $categoryModel = new Category(); $category = $categoryModel->createRow(); $category->setName('Name Category 4'); $content = $contentModel->createRow(); $content->setTitle(...

What is the best way to escape user output with the Zend Framework?

I'm a little confused by what I should use to escape user output. Firstly, there's the Zend_Filter_Input class which looks like it might do what I want but seems oriented towards batch filtering lots of items. At the moment I only want to filter one. Also I'm a little confused by the definition of escapers compared to filters. What's th...

Zend_Form_Decorator - How to add attrib to Zend_Form_Element_Hidden ?

I have 2 requirements: 1) All hidden input elements should be affected without removing standard decorators. 2) This should happen WITHOUT having to specify it on a per-element basis. All I need is for a CSS class to be attached to the DT & DD tags IF the element type is Zend_Form_Element_Hidden. I've tried creating custom HtmlTag, DtD...

Zend_Form + DHTML content

Whats the best way to dynamically add NEW dhtml content to a form that's generated via Zend_Form. Example, say the form is created like so: class formUser extends Zend_Form { public function __construct( $options = null ) { parent::__construct( $options ); $page1 = new Zend_Form_Element_Text( 'page1' ); $pag...

Zend Framework findBy magic method?

Instead of using $this->fetchAll('email = ?',$email)->current() inside the model class, is there a way to do $this->fetchByEmail($email) or $this->findByEmail($email) ? There's already a magic method like this for Zend_Log, where instead of $myLogger->log("Something went wrong",Zend_Log::CRIT) you just write $myLogger->crit("Something w...

Using FlashMessenger with PartialLoop in ZF view scripts

I have two questions related to the FlashMessenger view helper. Both questions are to do this code: My action method: private $_messages; // set to $this->_helper->FlashMessenger; in init() public function loginAction() { // > login validation < // Switch based on the result code switch ($result->getCode()) { // >...

Translating a query to use Zend_Db_Select

I'm having some problems translating this query to use ZF's Zend_Db_Select: SELECT b.id, b.title, b.description FROM memberships AS m JOIN blogs AS b ON b.id = m.blog_id WHERE m.user_id = ? ORDER BY m.created LIMIT 0, 30 (this query works and returns results) Memberships is a link table between blogs and users. It's a simple | id ...

How to create dynamic links from database in Zend Framework?

Basically I'm a bit stuck, I've been following the quick start on Zend site, and wish to make a dynamic navigation to the framework, I've got layout.phtml with $this->render('navigation.phtml); this has static links, but I wish to make them pull from a database table could someone in plain english not geekcaneeze explain the correct way...

Zend Framework: headTitle()->append() issue

Has anyone run into this problem... In my layout.phtml I have: <head> <?= $this->headTitle('Control Application - ') ?> </head> then in index.phtml I have: <? $this->headTitle()->append('Client List'); ?> I expect that, when I go to my index action, the title should be 'Control Application - Client List' but instead I have 'Cl...

Zend Framework, run query without a view?

Hello, I am currently building a small admin section for a website using Zend Framework, this is only my second time of using the framework so I am a little unsure on something things. for example are I have an archive option for news articles where the user will hopefully click a link and the article will be archived however I cannot w...

Zend Form: How do I make it bend to my will?

I've read the manual many times, I've scoured the posts offered by Google on the subject, I have even bought a couple of books that deal with ZF. Now, why am I still confused? I can, using Zend_Form, make a form that validates and functions fine. What I cannot do it make a form that looks exactly like I want it to look with the error me...

PHP 5 and Zend MVC on Windows and IIS

Are there any major issues to be aware of running a PHP 5 / Zend MVC production application on Windows? The particular application is Magento, an ecommerce system, and the client is really not interested in having a Linux box in their datacenter. Has anyone had luck getting PHP 5 and Zend MVC working correctly on IIS? ...

Zend Framework Filter Input StripTags and "<3"

I'm currently using Zend_Filter_StripTags in a commenting system, but stuff kinda breaks when '<3' is entered. StripTags doesn't seem to be smart enough to realize that it's not an HTML tag, and creating the filter as "new Zend_Filter_StripTags(array('3'))" doesn't seem to work either. Should I pass the input through a regexp first, or ...

Help with Zend ACL

hello, I am currently working on a site that requires use of ACL and seen as I am using Zend it makes sense for my make use of there ACL class but I have little to zero idea of how to do this, I have read the docs but this has confused me further...basically all I want do is set up two user groups e.g. normal and admin, normal users ca...