
Searching numbers with Zend_Search_Lucene

So why does the first search example below return no results? And any ideas on how to modify the below code to make number searches possible would be much appreciated. Create the index $index = new Zend_Search_Lucene('/myindex', true); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('ssn', '123-12-1234')); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Luce...

Widgets on a webapplication

I am writing a webapplication which will have widgets like iGoogle does (but with different information ;)). Since there will be different colomns I would love to hear your ideas on how to call the modules in the code. I want to define in the database what widgets are enabled and in what column they are and in what order they should appe...

How to make Zend Framework error page to look more clearly and beautifully?

By default error page in ZF looks like this: *Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Form_Exception' with message 'Method setDeault does not exist' in /usr/home/.../library/Zend/Form.php:2838 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Zend_Form->__call('setDeault', Array) #1 /usr/home/.../application/admin/controllers/TagsController.php(40): ...

Is there a function in Zend Framework to handle file uploads?

Zend Framework makes development a lot easier; for instance there is a getPost function from the Zend_Http that handles POST parameters. Is there anything similar to handle file uploads? I can access $_FILES directly, but I would rather use a built in function to keep things consistent. ...

Using PHP to create a PDF from a mix of plain text and HTML text

I have a form with 5 fields, two of which are textboxes extended with tinyMCE, the rest are simple inputs of type text. I need to generate a PDF from this input. I understand that I can use Zend_Pdf to generate the PDF and include the plain text data. But how, for example, can I include a bulleted list from the tinyMCE fields? Would ...

Is it possible to get all comments of a Youtube video?

I am building a web site in PHP that integrates with Youtube. I want to have access to all comments that have been posted on a particular video. When I use the Zend library, I can get the video comments feed, using the getVideoCommentFeed() method, but that returns only the latest comments. Is there a way to get every comment that has ...

How can I implement jquery in my Zend Framework application in a custom manner?

How can I implement jquery in my Zend Framework application in a custom manner. appending jquery.js ok appending script ok send POST data to controller ok process POSTed data ok send 'AjaxContext' respond to client now ok (thanks) I'm using jquery for the first time, what am I doing wrong? ...

Use of mysql_unbuffered_query in Zend Frame Work, is it supported?

I need to run a query which will retrieve a huge amount of records. This means I can't use the ZF wrappers for mysqli, which deep below the hood uses mysqli-store-result. So, is there a wrapper in ZF for using the mysqli mysqli-use-result link text, which will return an Iterator/record-set/resource and not the array with all the results ...

Zend Framework 'AjaxContent' & ResponseSegmentation problem

I'm using jquery in Zend Framework, it's my first trial. I've already found out through another question, that I can change the response by changing the context like so: $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext'); $ajaxContext->addActionContext('myaction', 'html'); $ajaxContext->initContext(); Now this has helped a lot bu...

Zend_From_File upload, but file element is stored inside a js modal window! Not working

I'm developing an application ased on zend framework, and the problem that it is giving to me is this, when i echo zend file element like this: <div id="add_video" title="Add Video"> <?php echo $this->form->video_title;?> <?php echo $this->form->video_thumb;?> <?php echo $this->form->video_video;?> </div> And i have this i...

Changing Parent for a Resource - Zend ACL - 1.7.3

Hello, We have a the following structure for our application require_once "Zend/Loader.php"; Zend_Loader::registerAutoload(); $acl = new Zend_Acl(); // application $acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('application1')); // groups $acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('group1'), 'application1'); $acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('group2'), 'applicat...

How does Magento code work?

Can someone show me how to accomplish the following in Magento: Display a hello world message using a controller/view/model approach, so if i went to http://mysite.com/myController It would show the string 'hello world'. Being able to show this string within the template of my website (e.g the header, footer, etc) will be a bonus. ...

Zend_Form_Element_Text Raising Error Prematurely

This is my code $firstname = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('firstname', array('id' => 'firstname')); $firstname->setLabel('Firstname') ->addError('Your firstname.') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(1)) ->setRequired(true); $form->addElement($firstname); ...

Modular web site with zend framework, stack of actions

How to build modular web site with Zend framework. I have pages in db, every page is represented as url. Every page has 1toN contents. Every content has controller, action and position (+other now not important columns). So, one request is one page and multiple contents (multiple actions). How can I build all actions before the output? I...

Zend Framework's Action helper doesn't use a ViewRenderer

Hello. I'm trying to execute an action from the view using the Action helper like but although the action is been executed the output isn't displayed. Here's part of my .phtml file: <div id="active-users"> <?php echo $this->action('active', 'Users') ?> </div> The action works like this: class UsersController extends Zend_Controller_...

How to make PDO run SET NAMES utf8 each time I connect, In ZendFramework.

How to make PDO adapter run SET NAMES utf8 each time I connect, In ZendFramework. I am using an INI file to save the adapter config data. what entries should I add there? If it wasn't clear, I am looking for the correct syntax to do it in the config.ini file of my project and not in php code, as I regard this part of the configuration c...

Qcodo vs. CakePHP vs. Zend

I have some exposure to CakePHP and think it is a great framework. Then, I run into this thing called Qcodo. It is another PHP Framework. I've been hearing Zend alot. They all seem very neat, but I'm wondering what are differences between all these frameworks. Before I waste too much time learning another framework, does anyone know p...

Zend framework (1.7.5): how to change controller directory

Using Zend Framework I want to use controllers stored in a directory which is not default. What I'm trying to achieve is that if the requested path begins with admin/ controllers/admin is used, with layout/admin and views/admin etc. How would I go about achieving this in a reasonably graceful manner? ...

jQuery ajax form and Zend_Form file upload

If i submit my ajax form from jQuery, and do print_r($_FILES); i get a list of files uploaded, but if i do something like this $add_form->sound_file->isUploaded(); or $params = $this->_getAllParams(); print_r($params); i don't get my file in zend parametars, and i don't get it uploaded!? Mayb the problem is with he context b...

Zend Framework: Getting started with Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin

I know this is simple, but I haven't used Zend_Gdata before, so I need some guidance. Please correct me if any of my assumptions are incorrect. I am using Google Apps on my domain, so to get started, I would like to do something simple like listing all the users on the domain. From what I understand, you need to use Zend_Gdata_ClientLo...