
SharpZip escape filename

I'm using SharpZipLib to create a zip file with an html page and images. If the html file has a / in the name, it creates a folder (which messes up the image paths). Example: If the html file should be named Web/Design.html the zip file will contain a Web folder with a Design.html file in it. I've tried escaping / by replacing / with ...

zipping with c#

hi all, i am trying to use GZipStream to create a gz file using c#. my problem is that i have a list that contains strings. and i need to create a password protected zip file, and put in it a text file containing the strings. i don't want to create the textfile, then zip it, and then delete the textfile. i want to directly create a passw...

What is the best way to create PDF reports with iText and zip them together?

I have to create a pdf report using apache itext api and report should be zipped .For example there is a report to be generated for people staying in a location of a state. for each state there are many locations, for each location , details of eachh people under the location should be saved as pdf (for each people) finally all the pdf ...

Why does x,y = zip(*zip(a,b)) work in Python?

OK I love Python's zip() function. Use it all the time, it's brilliant. Every now and again I want to do the opposite of zip(), think "I used to know how to do that", then google python unzip, then remember that one uses this magical * to unzip a zipped list of tuples. Like this: x = [1,2,3] y = [4,5,6] zipped = zip(x,y) unzipped_x, unz...

Creating a zip archive of the maven "target" directory

Hi all, I am wish to create a zip archive of my "target" directory (${ using the maven-assembly-plugin seems to me like overkill for such a simple task (and a bit complicated - why must I use another file, the assembly descriptor, for such a task) I can't locate the seemingly more simple maven-zip-plugin in the ...

Is there a Python package similar to Perl's Archive::Extract?

I'm looking for a package that will automatically detect the type of and extract an archive (zip, tar.gz, etc). In Perl, this is easy - in Python, I can't find any simple package/class to do it... ...

Wrong EOF when unzipping binary file

Hello there, I tried to unzip a binary file to a membuf from a zip archive using Lucian Wischik's Zip Utils: FindZipItem(hz, filename.c_str(), true, &j, &ze); char *content = new char[ze.unc_size]; UnzipItem(hz, j, content, ze.unc_s...

Add all the zip files to a new file

Guys is there a way to add all the zip files to a new zip file. ...

Rubyzip - possible to set extraction folder?

Hi. My problem is that I need to set the root extraction folder for a zip-file I`m generating by using Rubyzip. The zip-file will be opened in MS windows as an zelf-extractable. Is this option available in Rubyzip? Or is this a value that is stored in the windows registry and used by the integrated zip-functionality in windows? ~ Tord ...

Using ant, rename a directory without knowing the full path?

Howdy friends, Given a zipfile with an unknown directory, how can I rename or move that directory to a normalized path? <!-- Going to fetch some stuff --> <target name="get.remote"> <!-- Get the zipfile --> <get src="" dest=""/> <!-- Unzip the file --> <unzip src="packa...

Encrypt the file for security

Actually I have a file . I am working in linux environment. I need to encrypt that file for secure purpose with giving the some password. The operation could be like zip , tar any compression. When I extract the file It should ask me password , only then it should get extracted Thanks in Advance ... putNextEntry

Hello I'm trying to modify a file in a zip-file using As direct modification of a file is not possible and I want to modify only one single file, I just create a new zip file containing basically the content of the template and replace the specific file, at least that's the plan. Here are the most important lines of my at...

How can I create a Zip archive file in Objective-C?

I have attempted to find a way to create a zip archive (or GZip archive) in Objective-C, but my knowledge of the language is still lacking. I see a way to compress an existing data structure in this question, but it does not seem to answer the question of how to make an archive. To be explicitly clear: by archive I mean the equivalent...

zipping a folder/file using qt

Hello every one,i would like to know if we have any class in qt which can zip a folder or file.i used qprocess to compress,it got compressed but i am unable to uncompress it using normal zip tool.can anyone let me know how can we compress a folder/file using qt api classes ...

Need PHP script to decompress and loop through zipped file.

I am using a fairly straight-forward script to open and parse several xml files that are gzipped. I also need to do the same basic operation with a ZIP file. It seems like it should be simple, but I haven't been able to find what looked like equivalent code anywhere. Here is the simple version of what I am already doing: $import_file...

Ant build classpath jar generates "error in opening zip file"

Hey folks, I have a project built in eclipse with a dependencies on 3rd party jars. I'm trying to generate a suitable build file for ant - using eclipses built-in export->ant buildfile feature as a starting block. When I run the build target I get the following error: [javac] error: error reading /base/repo/FabTrace/lib/apache/geronim...

JBoss deployment throws ' error in opening zip file' on Linux?

I deployed a large EAR (contained more than ~1024 jars/wars) on JBoss running with Java 6 on Linux, and the deployment process cried throwing the following exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: error in opening zip file) at org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException.rethrowAsDeploymentException(DeploymentE...

How do you pass a file list to the linux zip command

I'm using Git for version control and unlike SVN I have not come across an inherent means of performing an export of changed files between 2 revisions, branches or tags. As an alternative I want to use the linux zip command and pass it a set of file names, however the file names are the result of another command git diff. Below is an ex...

Compiling zip component for PHP 5.2.11 in MAMP PRO

Helo I installed MAMP PRO on my Macbook Pro (10.6) some time ago. Now I would like to use zip functions in php. I found that I must add to my extension folder and edited php.ini. On my computer I have two different versions of PHP one in MAMP folder and other in user/lib which was pre-installed on my system. Now I wish to compi...

How can I unzip a file in MacOS X Obj-C?

How can I unzip a file in MacOS X Obj-C? What frameworks do I need and what is the call? ...