
php,codigniter, upload the zip file problem

function upload( &$data = array() ) { $config['upload_path'] = 'system/application/orginalimage/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|zip'; $config['allowed_type'] = 'application/zip'; $config['allowed_type'] = 'application/x-zip-compressed'; $config['allowed_type'] = 'application/x-compress'; $c...

What does ZIP stand for (the compression format, not the postal codes)

Does anybody know for what the acronym ZIP stands for which was and is used in programs like PKZIP and GZIP? There is a compression algorithm named Lempel-Ziv-Welch-Algorithm (LZW) maybe the guy named Ziv invented together with other people ZIP? I cannot find anything about it, maybe its not an abbreviation but instead it just means "to...

Problems compiling peazip on OSX

I'm having some problems with compiling Peazip on OSX (10.6). I emailed the Peazip developer and he said he probably couldn't help me too much as the error seems to be OSX specific and he doesn't have access to an OSX machine any more. The compiler I'm using is Lazarus as the source is in Pascal. The actual compile process seems to go ...

Can i store sqlite db as zip file in iphone application

My sqlite file has a size of 7MB. I want to reduce its size. How i can do that ? When am simply compressing it will come around only 1.2 MB. Can i compress my mydb.sqlite to a zip file ? If it is not possible, any other way to reduce size of my sqlite file ? ...

Need to convert a ZIP file to a random text file.

As title says need to convert a Zip file to text file , no matter the size and no matter if it will make sense or not.But i need to reconvert it to that zip file again (Lose less). The main problem i am having is how to find a alternative text/number version of a character. The Ascii wont work clearly ,So need help what can be a alterna...

Which file types are worth compressing (zipping) for remote storage? For which of them the compressed size/original size ratio is << 1?

I am storing documents in sql server in varbinary(max) fileds, I use filestream optionally when a user has: (DB_Size + Docs_Size) ~> 0.8 * ExpressEdition_Max_DB_Size I am currently zipping all the files, anyway this is done because the Document Read/Write work was developed 10 years ago where Storage was more expensive than now. Many...

C library to read from zip archives

Is there a portable C library to access .zip archives? "gzip" or "zlib" (the closest I could find) only handle compressed data, I need to be able to list the files inside the archive, and access each one individually, and if they're compressed using the 'deflate' method, I can use zlib on it. ...

I'm using the correct content type & Headers so Why is FireFox saving Zip Files without extensions

Users on my site have the option to download all the photos in an album as a zip file.The Zip file is dynamically created and saved to Response.OutPutStream to be detected as a file download on the user's browser. Here is the Header and Content-type I am outputing context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=...

Using nsIZipWriter or other to compress a string as a string?

I need to be able to take a javascript string, compress it using any fast and available means and get back a binary string/blob. Background: The extension I'm developing needs to send various large content to my server. It does this conveniently by dynamically creating a form, adding fields to the form and posting it. Some of these fi...

Open archive file content in OpenFileDiaolg C#

Hi All, I want an Open File Dialog with *.class ,*.jar filters. I want that *.jar files will be treated as folders (pressing OK or double-click should display the jar file content [ *.class] ). This capability is very similar to the TotalCommander archive plugin that let you browse inside archive files in-place (without the need to extr...

adding remote files to a zip file

Is there a way to add files to a zip file from another server with php's zip extension? ie. addFile(array('localfile.txt,'')) (that obviously does not work) I suppose I can download the files to a temporal folder and then add them to the zip file, but I was looking for a more automated solution or a f...

In Java, How can I programmatically identify a hidden file in a zip?

I would like to ignore hidden files when extracting a zip. Is there any way i can identify that a ZipEntry belongs to a 'hidden' file? ...

TrueZip Recursive Unzipping?

Does anyone have experience with the TrueZip java library? I'm trying to do what should be a simple task, unzipping an archive that contains subfolders, and I've so far been unable to get it to work. (The reason I'm using TrueZip is because of the encoding foreign character bug in the methods) Looking at the API, it seem...

php zip installation on linux

>pecl install zip got the following error: checking for the location of zlib... configure: error: zip support requires ZLIB. Use --with-zlib-dir=<DIR> to specify prefix where ZLIB include and library are located what does this mean? ...

Why compressed xps are corrupt?

compressed xps documents do not pass isxps.exe test and do not display in xpsviewer. i'm using Windows 7 and vs2010. Dim ms = New MemoryStream() Dim P As Package = Package.Open(ms, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite) Dim DocumentUri As Uri = New Uri("pack://document.xps") PackageStore.AddPackage(DocumentUri, P) Dim document As XpsDo...

Best approach to decompressing individual files by relative path inside zip archive

We're looking for a solution to keep thousands of html/image assets inside a .zip archive, and decompressing single files on-demand as a local web server needs access? More than a couple hundred files or so on the iPhone OS file system absolute kills the backup process, and is probably not advisable for the flash disk either. Solutions ...

Python: Preserve file attributes in ZipFile

Hello. I'm looking for a way to preserve the file attributes (eg. read-only) of a file that gets written to a zipfile.ZipFile instance. The files I add to the zip archive gets their file attributes reset, eg. the read-only flag is gone when inspecting the archive with zip applications and after unzip. My current environment is Windows...

FTP client to zip before upload and unzip on the server after upload

I am always working with some big websites that is annoying to upload given the number of small files. I use Filezilla but am happy to buy some commercial solution if there is one out there that can zip the files before upload and then unzip it after upload. Its a pain to have to manually do that all the time. If someone know of any ft...

vb Writefile zip issue comes as a ashx

I have a ashx page handling file/attachment requests last line of code is System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.WriteFile(filename) It ends up downloading a file called GetFile.ashx (which sounds like a page name but if I rename the .ashx to .zip it is actually the correct file... Any reasons why this might be happening and how to...

Open zip file with bad header using php

I have a zip file that is uploaded to my server daily. It seems that this zip file isn't formed properly because when I open it with my IZarc (my desktop zip application) it warns me that there is a bad zip header found. I can go ahead and open the file if I tell IZarc to go ahead and open it. When I attempt to open the file with PHP li...