
Zip file using C program

Is there any option to zip the file using C programme without using any external application (like Zip..)? ...

Self Extract ZIP?

I need help creating a self extracting zip file that does not display anything. I just need it to extract the files to a given place in the background. Everything I have found displays a dialog, but I need it to just run in the background. ...

Reading zip files without full download

Is it possible to read the contents of a .ZIP file without fully downloading it? I'm building a crawler and I'd rather not have to download every zip file just to index their contents. Thanks; ...

How do I programmatically check the date of a file in a Zip archive?

Given that I have a zip file called that contains a file called customerData, how can I programmatically check the date of the file inside I'm using the command-line Winzip utility wzunzip, but I wouldn't object to possibly using something else. I'm writing a .net application that will periodically read data fr...

Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework v2.1 on CF2

I have been using Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework v2.1 for years with VS 2003. On Windows Mobile 6.1 devices gives a System.TypeLoadException. Trying the same component with VS2008 again results in the below exception. It seems as if it is trying to work with CF1 on a CF2 device. System.TypeLoadException: File or assembl...

Unpack zip in zip with Maven

I can unpack zip file via the maven-dependency plugin, but currently i have the problem that inside that zip file other zip files are include and i need to unpack them as well. How can i do this? ...

linux command line, password protect file using script

Hi Everyone, really new to linux scripting so i figured i would ask rather than waste time pulling my hair out. i have a simple script that backs up the contents of a folder on my linux box and moves it to S3 storage, i would like this script to create a zip file and password protect it without any intervention from me. i got it down t...

Access zip files

How can I access to the contents of a zip file? I'm trying write a program in C and I want use the libraries used by zip. ... : unknown compression method

I am working with a third party API While using the API, I always get an exception : unknown compression method There are no zip files involved, I tried not using the .jar file of the API, instead using the class files directly, but it still gives me the same error. What poss...

MsBuild ZIP Folder named by date and time actual

I'm pretty new to MSBuild so please be gentle with me, I need sample for do this: I have a msbuild file, mydeploy.targets, to deploy WebSite in remote machine. I want to do backup (of files of remote machine) for each deployment. I need ZIP a folder in remote machine, for generate ZIP file of all folder (all contents files, folders), ...

Using cURL to download images to ZipArchive

Hi, I'm trying to download images to a ZipArchive, from a social networking site via their API, I'm using the following code: ... public function downloadAlbumZip($album_name, $photos) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $album_name = $this->_cleanAlbumName($album_name); $filename = ''; $file = tempnam(PHOTOS, "{$album_n...

The fastest GZIP decompress library in .NET

Which .NET library has the fastest decompress performance (in terms of throughput)? There are quite a few libraries out there... GZipStream DotNetZip Xceed Zip for .NET SevenZipLib SharpZipLib | community sponsor of Xceed Zip for .NET ...and I expect there are more I haven't listed. Has anyone seen a benchmark of the throughput pe...

Simple way to zip an existing file in Java?

Is there a simple way, either through the Java libraries or a third party library to zip an existing file in Java? I am already familiar with the approach of creating a ZipOutputStream, adding ZipEntry objects to that, and then reading the data from a stream into the ZipOutputStream, I'm looking for a simpler way to zip up one File. Mos...

Can zip files and Images be stored in AppFabric cache

I would like to know, if i can store the zip files of Plist and Images in the AppFabric cache? If yes, how? Do we need to covert the zip files to binary format or some other format, so that it can be stored in the App Fabric. I am looking at storing the entire zip content in the AppFabric cache , so that the performance and the scalibil...

Java/zip: Why are .jar files non-deterministically created?

I never really looked into it but now I realized that I can't easily build two identical .jar files. I mean, if I build twice, without changing anything, I get the exact same size but different checksums for the .jar. So I quickly ran some test (basically unzipping, sort -n -k 5'ing and then diff'ing) to see that all the files inside t...

RubyZip turning JPGs into "not JPGs, starts with 0x89"

Hi, I'm using RubyZip to compress a set of images (uploaded using Paperclip) and allow the user to download them in one file, and all works fine until I come to open an image. It wont display, and trying on Ubuntu I get the error message: "Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89..." So the user is downlo...

Alternative to ZIP as a project file format. SQLite or Other?

My Java application is currently using ZIP as a project file format. The project files contain a few XML files and many image and sound files. The project files are getting pretty big, and since I can't find a way with the classes to write to a ZIP file without recreating it, my file saves are becoming very slow. So for e...

how to zip an entire folder using the Windows Zip Shell in c# 3.5?

System.IO.Compression only compresses a single file at a time. I saw an example by Jeffrey Bazinet and tried to zip an entire folder and its subdirectories & files but it seems to be not working as well. Anyone here knows how to zip an entire folder using the Windows Zip Shell in c# 3.5? I appreciate it. Thanks! ...

Reading a GZIP file from a FileChannel (Java NIO)

I need to read/unpack a .gz file given a FileChannel. I've played around with extracting GZIP archives using GZIPInputStream, but this won't take a FileChannel. I don't have access to the original FileInputStream that the FileChannel was taken from. If someone could tell me a good way (or at least any way) of reading GZIP from a FileC...

Is there a way to allow users of my site to download large volumes of image files from Amazon S3 via Flash / PHP / other service?

Hi all, My website allows users to upload photographs which I store on Amazon's S3. I store the original upload as well as an optimized image and a thumbnail. I want to allow users to be able to export all of their original versions when their subscription expires. So I am thinking the following problems arise Could be a large volume ...