
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb in Zope

I can import MySQLdb from the interactive python command line but Zope gives me an import error when I try it from within a script (python) in Zope. Could Zope be not looking in the same places as the command line for some reason? ...

Get User Information from ZODB

Hello, I am trying to get information out of my Plone site regarding Users. It is relatively easy to get info out of the portal_catalog. However, user info isn't in the portal_catalog. Can somebody tell me how to get user info out of the ZODB from my Plone site? Basically, I am looking to get back a list of user ids. Thanks! ...

How to implement Persistent List or Persistent Mapping in ZODB

One to many relationships not working in ZODB as list is mutable.They say solution is Persistent Mapping or Persistent List or BTree.Can someone please tell me how is it exactly done ...

Cascading Dropdown List

I am working on a web app and trying to code a form with two dropdown lists. The list in the second dropdown will be dependent on the selection from the first one. The task itself isn’t too complicated except that once the first selection is made, I need to make a database call to pull the data for the second dropdown. This is where I...

djaongo or zope ?

i want to create a website n i am confused which web framework to use plz recommend me which framework is better ,django or zope .i am using Python . ...

Zope Plone 3.1.2 - export all users with email addresses

I have been running zope / plone site for about a year now - it seemed to be a pretty fast way of getting a CMS up and running and it's a great job for this - it's running 3.1.2 of plone. I am in now way a zope or plone expert (in fact the more I read about it - the less I know I know!) , but I am handy at python. I have tried to export...

How do I register a marker interface so it is visible in Plones's ZMI?

I would like to register a marker interface so I can add it to objects in the ZMI. My product's configure.zcml contains: <interface interface=".interfaces.IMarkerInterface" /> and, after reinstalling, the interface shows up in the list of available interfaces. But if I try to add it to an object in the ZMI I get a ComponentLookupError...

How to suppress all Warnings

The unit tests for a product that I am taking over have not been kept up with during the products development and they are very broken. I am trying to fix them as an exercise to become familiar with the code. However, the all the deprecation warnings are a PITA as they interfere with the display of the test results. Is there a way to su...

Repoze.bfg or Grok

Hello, I am about to take the head long plunge into Zope land and am wondering which framework would fit my needs better. I have some experience toying around with django and the primary reason I am switching to a zope-based framework is ZPT and also needing to occasionally do things with Plone. Both seem to be well run projects I a...

customising plone breadcrumbs and moving out of plone top

The plone guy is on leave, I have a request to add breadcrumbs to a plone 3 site. Normally in plone the logo, navigation search personal bar and breadcrumbs are all in a view called plonetop This view has been replaced with straight html because it was too hard to modify plones default plonetop view. There is a view in portal_view_cust...

Plone External methods help

I'm having trouble getting a simple external methods in plone working correctly. In my extensions folder I have a python script named blast_query.py code below: def print_query(self, x): print(x) my external methods looks like: Id: run_blast_query Title: Module Name: blast_query Function Name: print_query My p...

conditionally including queries in an advanced query in zope

I'm building a quite thorough searching mechanism for a zope site. There are lots of different ways of searching, and because it might want to search for multiple values on the same index (and match all of them) I need to do it using AdvanceQuery. I've built my queries like this: if self.text(): text_query = And() for t in self....

Guide to install xampp with zope-plone on the same linux machine?

Is there a good step by step online guide to install xampp (apache server,mysql server) together with zope-plone on the same linux machine and make it play nicely or do I have to go through their confusing documentations? Or how can I install this configuration in the best way? I can install and use both seperately but in tandem is an is...

Python: Obtain a URL

Because I cant get this working: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3250572/python-keyerror-with-form-getfirst I have an alternative option, I have a function in DTML which needs to obtain a URL: For example if the dtml webpage is located at www.blah.com/foo/foo2?variable=55 How would i obtain the URL of this page using a python...

Python: obtain the url?

Whats the simpliest way to obtain the URL of the webpage you are currently on? For example if i have a python function and i call it from within a webpage, whats the best way to obtain the URL. What maybe an easier question how is how do you obtain the variables passed within the URL i.e. after the "?" I've tried calling: def return_q...

Plone version control, how?

Hello, I'm trying to get into Python and, more specifically, Zope and Plone. I read the book Professional Plone Development and one thing it says is that one MUST use version control. But the book did not expand on that topic any further. This leads to two questions. First: SVN or git? (My research points to git, if only to learn it. I'...

Python and Zope: Module will import in python but not in zope

I have installed the Image module http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/. I then try and import it in the python interpreter and successfully so: >>> import Image >>> But when I try to import the module in Zope via DTML page: DTML page looks like: <dtml-var import_image> Which calls this script: def import_image(self): impo...

i need to verify a zope tree with a selenium right click

I'm testing a jtree made in zope that needs to be clicked with right_click, i know that the command for left click with selenium in python is selenium.click ,but i don't know any for right_click ,can anyone help me please. i would love to know if there is a solution in python not another languages please. ...

Is Zope is dead?

Is Zope is dead? Any opinions are appreciated. If you started new python project with lot of business logic, what priority would have Zope as a development platform? ...

zpt xml-schema definition

Where can i find xml-schema definition for ZPT attribute language? ...