
Python: Zope's BTree OOSet, IISet, etc... Effective for this requirement?

I asked another question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180240/best-way-to-sort-1m-records-in-python where I was trying to determine the best approach for sorting 1 million records. In my case I need to be able to add additional items to the collection and have them resorted. It was suggested that I try using Zope's BTrees for t...

Multiple versions of Python on OS X Leopard

Hi, I currently have multiple versions of Python installed on my Mac, the one that came with it, a version I downloaded recently from python.org, an older version used to run Zope locally and another version that Appengine is using. It's kind of a mess. Any recommendations of using one version of python to rule them all? How would I go a...

An easy way to redirect certain roles in zope

I have a section of my zope 2 site which uses an interim macro between the 'content' and the site-wide macro. I don't want to apply security to the folder, but I would like the interim macro to redirect users to a login screen if they try to load a page that uses it. An example of this would be this: page_html contains the content, it ...

How to change the "Event" portlet in Plone 3

I am trying to customize the "Event" portlet in Plone 3 that shows the upcoming events. The "view" link in the footer of that portlet goes to the /events URL. But my site is multi-lingual so that URL is not always correct. For example, the correct URL for Dutch events should be /evenementen. In my setup I use one folder per language. /e...

User produced site content, potentially massive dataset - Zope/Plone or Django?

I am looking to produce a site similar to a venue "What's on" site. The plan is that the venues can register an account to the site and then through their own 'admin' section upload/post all their latest events that are on. I am hoping that very large number of venues will sign up and each have a large number of events thus producing a ...

Grant anonymous access to a specific url/action in Plone

I am running Plone 3.2.3 and I have installed HumaineMailman so that the users on the website can subscribe and unsubscribe themselves from our various mailinglists. HumaineMailman works very simple. There is a special URL/action that gives you a plain text list of all e-mail addresses that are subscribed on a list. For example: http://...

Is it possible to use Zope object database from PHP ?

as from Title. ...

Need help installing MySQL for Python

Trying to install MySQL for Python. Two problems: 1) Instructions over the net says installation is python setup.py For me, it results with can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory 2) README.txt says: The Z MySQL database adapter uses the MySQLdb package.This must be installed before you can use the Z MySQL DA. Y...

grok vs. django comparison

What are the smashing (pun intended) features of grok that makes it better than django? how do I know when my project needs grok+zope, or it can just be developed with django ? ...

Validating Google Optimizer javascript code via HTMLParser

I'm trying to include the Google Website Optimizer JavaScript code, below, in a Zope3 page template. It's used for for A/B testing. However, the template html parser, which I believe is the standard Python HTMLParser module, throws the following error: raise PTRuntimeError(str(self._v_errors)) - Warning: Compilation failed - Warning: <...

How can I make Zenoss recognize skin changes?

I'm writing a ZenPack for Zenoss which includes a new DataSource. The DataSource has a ToOne relationship with another persistent object and I'm trying to construct the user interface to allow a user to specify the value of this relationship. I've given the DataSource a factory_type_information attribute with an "immediate_view" key ma...

What are the valid conditions for zcml:condition?

ZCML can include conditional directives of the form <configure zcml:condition="installed some.python.package"> (conditional configuration directives) </configure> What is the expression syntax for condition? Is 'or' allowed? ...

FBML and HTMLParser error

The below code: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>FB Test</title> </head> <body> <a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.inviteConnectUsers();">Test</a> <fb:serverfbml style="width: 350px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> ...

Reasons to prefer zope 3 over grok

I am familiar with zope 2 and think that zope 3 is superior in many ways, as far as I've used it (i.e. primarily with Five). Now I'm considering to dive deeper into zope 3. Would you recommend going even one step further and use grok instead, and if so, why? (and if not, why not? :) ...

Understanding Zope internals, from Django eyes

Note: This is not a post regarding which is better, zope or django? Its about understanding zope internals/architecture, when compared to Django's I am a newbee to zope and I previously worked on Django for about 2.5 years. So when I first jumped into Zope(v2)(only because my new company is using it since 7 years), I faced these questio...

Moving (very old) Zope/Plone Site to Django

I am ask to move data from a (now offline) site driven by Plone to a new Django site. These are the version informations I have: Zope Version (unreleased version, python 2.1.3 ) Python Version 2.1.3 (#1, Sep 19 2002, 13:15:46) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] CMFPlone (Installed product CMFPlone (1.0.1)) 2003-04...

Custom traversal and page templates

Using Marius Gedminas's excellent blog post, I have created a custom traverser for a folder in my site. This allows me to show: http://foo.com/folder/random_id Instead of: http://foo.com/folder/object.html?id=random_id The configuration side works great, I can catch the random_ids and search through my messages for the correct one, re...

Get stacktrace from stuck python process

I have to run a legacy Zope2 website and have some grievance with it. The biggest issue is that, occasionally, it just locks up, running at 100% CPU load and not answering to requests anymore. While the problem isn't reproducible on a regular basis, one page containing 3 dynamic graphs triggers it sometimes, so I suspect some kind of rac...

Javascript + python url-en/decoding problem

Hi there im kinda stucked with the url encoding between python and javascript, i hope you can help me out :S Javascript: encodeURIComponent('lôl'); -> "l%C3%B4l" Python: import urllib test = container.REQUEST.form.get('test') print test print urllib.unquote(test) -> "lÃŽl" -> "lÃŽl" Javascript encodes "lôl" twice however python do...

Problem in plone translation

I am a plone Newbie and I needed to change a translated word in the .po file, the translation is in Arabic. When I changes the word to the right word and restarted the zope. My plone site is no more reading the Arabic translations from this file and displays question marks instead. When I searched I found that I must do some synchroniza...