Python: Abstract Base Class and ZopeInterface
What's the point of both? When do you think it's appropriate to use either? ...
What's the point of both? When do you think it's appropriate to use either? ...
Zope Interfaces are a great way to get some Java-style "design by contract" into a python program. It provides some great features such as implement-able interfaces and a really neat pattern for writing adaptors for objects. Unfortunately, since it's part of a very mature platform which runs just fine on Python 2.x the developers of Zo...
I am a plone Newbie and I needed to change a translated word in the .po file, the translation is in Arabic. When I changes the word to the right word and restarted the zope. My plone site is no more reading the Arabic translations from this file and displays question marks instead. When I searched I found that I must do some synchroniza...
I have started using Zope interfaces in my code, and as of now, they are really only documentation. I use them to specify what attributes the class should possess, explicitly implement them in the appropriate classes and explicitly check for them where I expect one. This is fine, but I would like them to do more if possible, such as actu...
During setup, I'm like missing vcvarsall.bat running build running build_py running build_ext building '_zope_interface_coptimizations' extension error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat ...