




Is there a way to retrieve text coordinates from PDF file on iPhone?



More details: I'm trying to get words from pdf file and highlight them. While it's a pretty simple task in Mac OS X, which has a PDFKit, it's not that trivial on iPhone, which has Quartz set of functions to present and get information from pdf file. So far I tried and succeed in following - get words list from pdf file scanning its content and using Tj and TJ operators (see how to search text in pdf). While Tj gives a string and I can get words from it, TJ is an array of glyphs probably, since most of its members come as a single characters, but connecting them together still gives a string and I can get words from there.

My problem now is to highlight found words, which may be can be done by finding a TD/Td operators and trying to calculate character boxes by myself, but for this I need probably to get a font/style and other characteristics of glyphs to be able to calculate glyph boxes properly. And probably somehow to build a transformation matrix or something like this... Anybody can shed some light?


solved with open source poppler library

Nava Carmon