
How do you 'clone' WebControls in C# .NET ?

My basic question is, in .NET, how do I clone WebControls? I would like to build a custom tag, which can produce multiple copies of its children. Ultimately I intend to build a tag similar to in JSP/Struts. But the first hurdle I have is the ability to duplicate/clone the contents of a control. Consider this rather contrived example;...

Some good resources for learning F# please

I am a .Net programmer(both C# and VB.net) , and I want to go into F# area also, but can't find some good online article/pdf to start with. Please guide me through this. ...

Convert IDictionary<string, string> keys to lowercase (C#)

Hi, I've got a Method that gets a IDictionary as a parameter. Now I want to provide a method that retrieves the value from this dictionary, but it should be case-invariant. So my solution to this right now was to have a static function that loops through the keys and converts them toLower() like this: private static IDictionary<ILangua...

Putting configuration information in a DLL

In my project I have functionality that is being used as a web application and as a console application (to be started from the task scheduler). To do that I put the common code in a DLL that is being used by both the web application and the console application. This works fine. However, the console and web applications now have an App....

Word 97-2003 document to HTML conversion - programatically

I need to convert Word binary documents (version 97 up to 2003) into HTML documents programatically. I have googled for 3rd party libraries but most results are junk built on top of System.IO.Package which, ofcourse, are useless for other word documents except Word 2007 - Office Open XML. Do you know a good tool / library for .NET to pr...

How slow are .NET exceptions?

I don't want a discussion about when to and not to throw exceptions. I wish to resolve a simple issue. 99% of the time the argument for not throwing exceptions revolves around them being slow while the other side claims (with benchmark test) that the speed is not the issue. I've read numerous blogs, articles, and posts pertaining one sid...

Making every pixel of an image having a specific color transparent

I have an object of the type System.Drawing.Image and want to make every pixel which has some specific color, for example black, transparent (that is, set alpha to 0 for this pixel). What is the best way to do this? ...

Fire Async method on page load with AJAX

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX Extensions (1.0?) and am wondering if it is possible to call a method asynchronously and have the results populate on the page after it has been loaded. I have a gridview that is populated by a fairly long-running SQL query. I would prefer to have the page come up and the results trickle back in as they ...

Unknown Outlook MailItem EntryID

My Outlook add-in handles NewInspector event of the Inspector object, in order to display a custom form for the mail item. I can get EntryID of the CurrentItem of the Inspector object which is passed as a parameter of the event. But, the problem is that the EntryID of the current mail item is shorter than it should be, and is unknown. I...

Adjusting the auto-complete dropdown width on a textbox

I am using a textbox in a .NET 2 winforms app that is setup with a custom AutoCompleteSource. Is there anyway through code that I can increase the width of the list that appears containing the auto complete suggestions? Ideally I would like to do this without increasing the width of the textbox as I am short for space in the UI. ...

Component for creating PDF files (.net)

What .net component for creating PDF files can you recommend ? One condition is that it has to be able to create PDF files from HTML EDIT: Preferably it would be free. ...

Events in C#

Just how much slower are events? I have written a streaming XML parser (that can handle open-ended and incomplete documents) and by tearing out the events and using an interface instead I got a significant speed boost. Does any one else have any war stories? (Let's not open the GC can of worms here, we all know it's broken :)) ...

XMLTextReader in .NET 1.1

I have a process that reads an XML file. It uses the XMLTextReader class to do this as it is supposed to be a fast, forward only XML parser/reader. Works just great with a 1 megabyte test file but comes to a complete halt when working on a 12 meg file in the live system. Are there any solutions to this other than writing my own XML rea...

Finding the default application for opening a particular file type on Windows

Hi there, I'm developing an application targeting .NET Framework 2.0 using C# for which I need to be able to find the default application that is used for opening a particular file type. I know that, for example, if you just want to open a file using that application you can use something like: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( "C:\.....

Is there any way to create a patch for an ASP.Net web application installer?

Is it possible to create patch installers for web deployment installers generated in VS2005? I have a situation in which it is undesirable to perform a complete uninstall/reinstall of a web site, but in which periodic bug fixes and minor upgrades are made. I've tried following the instructions in various online posts about using msimsp...

What is the difference between "global::System" and "System" in .NET?

I just upgraded a VS 2005 project to VS 2008 and was examining the changes. I noticed one of the .Designer.cs files had changed significantly. The majority of the changes were simply replacements of System with global::System. For example, protected override System.Data.DataTable CreateInstance() became protected override global::S...

Update Month value on datefield in MS sql 2005

I need a way to update the month value on a dateTime field in my db. I'm being past an int value for the month and need to use that for the update. Is it possible to do this in the sql statement or would I be best doing it in c# in the webservice? ...

Different team members on Visual Studio 2005 and 2008

I am currently working on an asp.net application in Visual Studio 2005. I would like to upgrade to 2008 to take advantage of some of the new features, but my remote team won't be able to upgrade to it for a while. Is it possible for only a few people on my team to upgrade to Visual Studio 2008, while the rest of the team continues to us...

.NET : How do you remove a specific node from an XMLDocument using XPATH?

Using C# How do you remove a specific node from an XMLDocument using XPATH? ...

How to change ToolTip's position on a TreeView?

When using tooltips to show a detailed description of a TreeNode, the tooltip is drawn on top of the node, as if it was completing the node's text. Also, if the text is long, the tooltip is positioned in a way that the text exceeds the screen. But what I need is the tooltip to show right below the mouse pointer and not on top of the Tr...