
Are there any good TDD tools or resources for VB6?

Hi Guys, Yea i know i'm way behind times but what i've got here is a antique VB6 editor app which i believe that no one will be upgrading to .NET soon. It uses a couple of third party DLLs tools and as it's still using the good old RichEdit control i basically can raise my own Bug farm with just this tool alone. So enough is enough and...

Testrunner/framework for both .Net and Javascript?

My team develops software using multiple languages. We have a server app in .Net and much of our client code is written in JavaScript. (The client code is actually for xulrunner applications, which don't have good testing tools right now, but I hope that is overcome someday.) I like the idea, though, of having one testing tool that ca...

Should an ASP.NET masterpage get its data from the view ?

I've been playing around with ASP.NET MVC with a site containing a Master Page. I created an MVC user control called ProductThumbnailControl. The user control displays a product and a small thumbnail image. The View is a ViewProduct view which displays full product information - the usercontrol just being a UI element off to the site. ...

How Can I Find The Path To A Folder from a Controller Constructor in ASP.NET MVC?

I am trying to get the path to a folder in my website root and save it to a class property when my controller constructor is called: public TestController:Controller{ string temp; public TestController(){ temp = ""; } } I have tried the following: temp = Server.MapPath("~/TheFolder/"); // Server is null ...

Dependency Injection Startup Performance

I recently was asked to troubleshoot some performance problems in an application built with Microsoft's Composite UI Application block - specifically that it was taking too long to load. This is built around Microsoft's ObjectBuilder dependency injection framework, which uses reflection/attributes to register classes. Profiling indicate...

Constructors or Static Methods for Loading and Saving Objects?

I'm trying to decide whether it is better to use static methods for loading/saving objects, or use constructor/instance methods instead. So, say for object Project, the instance version would be public Project(path) { // Load project here } public void Save(path) { // Save project here } And the static version would be public static...

Discover Microsoft SQL Servers on an Internal Network

What is the proper way using .NET to discover the Microsoft SQL Servers on your internal network? I think the SQL Management interface back in the SQL Server 7 days gave you a list of servers in a dropdown. How could I do the same thing with .NET 3.5. ...

Is there a way to quickly resize a jpeg to 1/8 of its original size in .NET?

And hopefully with as little loss as possible, as I've heard the implementation put forward by a guy named Guido Vollbeding. Standard GDI+ doesn't seem to have this capability, and all I've found so far are either specs or fully-integrated tools. A lean, pluggable .NET component would be highly desirable. What are common pitfalls if it c...

What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET?

I've written the following routine to manually traverse through a directory and calculate its size in C#/.NET: protected static float CalculateFolderSize(string folder) { float folderSize = 0.0f; try { //Checks if the path is valid or not if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) return folderSize; ...

.NET Load assemblies at runtime Again

I posted a similar question a time ago. I need to load an assembly at runtime. This is easy if I know the absolute path of the dll at runtime. But I dont :( The assembly.Load() or LoadFromFile() fails if the file is not in the application root. The only thing I have is the dll name. The dll could be located in the root, system32 or in...

Fake Shortcuts in Windows - Is there an API? One for C#?

I'm not sure what they call the fake shortcuts you often see in Windows now. A good example would be the link to any of the Office 2007 programs. You can tell one of these from a regular shortcut because the Target is grayed out and is not a real path. Can you access these through a .NET API? Like ask for the target? or get any of the in...

Are you using VB or C# for MVC Views?

Vote up VB or C# below ! It is slightly frustrating to me (as a C# developer) that VB syntax at least LOOKS better with <% %> tag notation because you get tags like <% Next %> instead of <% } %>. You also get the benefit that the end tags must match the start tags, increasing readability somewhat. ...

<, > in xml document

Hi there, when I try to insert signs like < oder > in an InnerText-part of a xml-tag then after accessing the xml by xmlDocument.InnerXml these signs are replaced by their html-code like &lt oder &gt, can someone explain this to me and perhaps give me a solution for this problem? with kind regards Sebastian ...

In .NET what's the best way for two processes in the same machine to communicate?

What's the best (or maybe not the best -- just good) way for two processes in the same machine to communicate, using .NET? Actually the two processes in the app I'm working on aren't even two different programs; they're just two instances of the same EXE. I wanted to do something like a singleton app, but have it per user (meaning a Ter...

How Can I Overcome the Compat. Issues with VS2005/8 SOLUTION Files?

I use VS2008 at home and love it, while approaching work about upgrading 2005 to 2008, one of my obvious causes for concern are all the 2005 solutions we have lying around. While it may be simple for us to upgrade to 2008, we do work with other developers that use 2005 and will not be upgrading to 2008 in the near future. I understand ...

Any reason to use DataSets with Local Databases with SQL Server Compact?

Does it make sense to use .NET DataSets even in applications that use a local in-process database for application data persistence? If DataSets are mainly meant for in-memory caching of database results, it sounds like they're not so beneficial when using something like SQL Server Compact local database that runs in the same process as ...

Larger-scale web app... need some input

I'm currently working for a small .net shop, we mainly create web applications for mid-sized companies, sometimes desktop applications and other custom solutions. We are part of a mid-sized advertisement agency. We now have a request for a quote for a larger project, segmented into 3 sub-projects. Below I paraphrase some of the demands...

ASP.NET MVC being too clever with its routing file and I cant see how!

I have two routing rules in an ASP.NET MVC application : routes.MapRoute( "Products AJAX", "Products/Ajax/{action}", new { controller = "Products" } ); routes.MapRoute( "Product", "...

recording all the files in a large directory

Hi, I've got a number of directories with a large number of files in them (~10,000). I want to create a list of these files in my app, and have already threaded the io access so that the app doesn't freeze while they load. However if I exit the app before all files are loaded, the thread doesn't respond to the .Join() until the call t...

Is there a way to automatically sort the using directives alphabetically in Visual Studio 2005?

There is this option available in Visual Studio 2008. Is there a similar option in Visual Studio 2005? Or something else that would accomplish such a task? An add-in, maybe? ...