
Android HttpHost problem

Hi, why if i create a HtppHost object with: HttpHost host = new HttpHost("myservice/frontend_dev.php/api/, -1, HttpHost.DEFAULT_SCHEME_NAME); i obtain the following exception: Host is unresolved: myservice/frontend_dev.php/api/:80 I don't want the object include the :80 port in the request url Thanks...

Android: construct a File from an

I have an object (of the kind returned by onActivityResult after MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE): it looks like content://media/video/media/33. I want to convert this into a File object, and only a File object - I need to pass it to another constructor that requires a File. How can I convert a URI like this to a File ...

Passing GPS LonLat from Android GPS to WebPage (javascript)

I have the following code but the lon/lat seems to be returning null; package com.domain.www; import; import android.content.Context; import; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.location.C...

Android -- Simple path, use of arcTo causes "UnsupportedOperationException?"

Hello everyone, I'm trying to create a simple path in the onDraw method of a SurfaceView object I've created and the layout editor keeps giving me "UnsupportedOperationException: null" whenever I add an arcTo command to the path. How do I fix this? Thanks, Ryan public class myView extends SurfaceView { private Path myPath; ...

Issue using Contact Group delete on Android

I have this code to delete a Contact Group public void delete(Activity act,String[] args) { try { int b=act.getContentResolver().delete(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI,"_ID=?", args); Toast.makeText(act, "Deleted",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); //notify registered observers that a row was ...

Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView?

ExpandableListView has a setOnChildClickListener method, but lacks of setOnChild*Long*ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener() on child view in getChildView(), whole sublist became completely unclickable (despite of parentView.setOnChildClickListener() present and working before). How can I enable long clicks on chil...

how to set default zoom level in android google map?

dear friends, i want to set default zoom level in google map to 11 miles can any one guide me how to achieve this? any help would be appriciated. ...

Changing text color of list view in android

Hi , is it possible to change list view's text color in android? ...

android pressing back button should exit the app

on intent when user press back button should exit from the application, how can i track back button and exit from the app ? ...

OProfile on android...

Guys, Has anybody used OProfile tool on android...If you are able to profile please provide the basic steps and any other configuration or setup in order to do that... Regards, Bharat Pawar ...

CheckedTextView set to checked oncreate in listview?

I am trying to make a shoppinglist, where the CheckedTextView is checked if you have already picked your item previously ie the item has a boolean set to true if picked. I have overriden the getview method to change the CheckedTextView text with setText() and that works but setting the setChecked(true) method in CheckedTextView doesnt ...

android communicate with webpage, get 502 error

I have a friend who's written a servlet which just serves XML (just XML, no SOAP or etc., Content-Type: text/xml). Now I'm trying to access it using android. I can access the page fine if I surf to the page with firefox, but if I access it using my android application I get an HTTP 502 error. The code I'm using is: AlertDialog alertDi...

how to set width of buttons in android to cover screen width?

friends, i have following three button in linear layout with width fill_parent now how can i set width of these buttons to cover whole screen area equally? any help would be appriciated. <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/btnReplyMes...

Android Alert Dialog Force Close

Is there any way to build an Alert Dialog with a Button "Force Close" that close the app? Thanks ...

Finding the right intent filter

I want to have a background service running which gets started when an Image is opened in the gallery and then does something fancy with the image... As far as I know the opening of the image in the gallery would trigger a new intent to display this image. (Correct me if I'm wrong). My idea was to catch that Intent in the intent filter o...

How check if sms/inbox is empty?

Hi! I'd like to know if we can write a short boolean test wich return true if sms/inbox is empty or not. something like Databse("content://sms/inbox")==null? Thank's for your answer! ...

android resize image

Hi, i have added image in android, but its fitting to middle of the screen, what can i do to set it for full screen? what is wrap_content and fill parent i'm not getting how to do plz help. this is my code android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="...

progress related problem in android using Threading!

friends, i am using following code to display progress on andorid activity when i call web service method to getposts it show progress. but when call of serivce is complete my application gets crashed. please guide what mistake am i doing or any other alternative way to achieve this goal? mProgressStatus = 0; Thread th=new Thread(ne...

Android - Intents somehow incrementing?

Hi all, I have started using custom intents in my application and I have come across a bit of a problem. When I send a custom intent I register a Broadcast Receiver and I catch the intent no problem. However problems seem to appear when I send the intent again, the Broadcast Reciever seems to register two events of the intent and so o...

How to simulate killing activity to conserve memory ?

Android doc say:"When the system, rather than the user, shuts down an activity to conserve memory, ... " But how to simulate this situation?I want to debug the onRestoreInstanceState method,but don't know how to. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks! L.J.W ...