
android Preference

hi, In my android app, I have a preferenceScreen with some checkboxes , defined in a xml file , and a class that implements "SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener" . What I want to do is to select a checkbox and all the others to be selected as well. In the above listener I am able to modify the other checkboxes's state to ...

Android EditText onClickListener

Hi, i want an EditText which creates a DatePicker when is pressed. So i write the next code: mEditInit = (EditText) findViewById(; mEditInit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showDialog(DATEINIT_DIALOG); } }); But when...

Know how to use Restlet to Consume Data Service from Android?

Does anyone know how to use Restlet with Android to consume an data service? If so, does anyone have sample code/tutorial to do all 4 CRUD operations using JSON and HttpClient? ...

How may I store geographical data in an android database and query for it?

I want to store locations in my Android phone and be able for the application to tell me if I am inside these points&radius. What is the best way to store many point&radius locations and efficiently query for them? ...

How to detect whether the phone is in sleep mode in the code?

Is there any way to detect whether an android phone is in sleep mode (screen is black) in the code? I wrote a home screen widget. I don't want the widget gets updated when the screen is black to save the battery consumption. Thanks. ...

LayoutInflator issue

Hi I've a list view with custom list adapter(list_item.xml). I have multiple layout folder to support multiple screen size. I found out when I inflate using LayoutInflater, its always taking the view from main "layout" folder. I've a phone with screen size "427x320". This is my code private LayoutInflater mInflater; public ListAdapte...

Android emulator screen too tall

I'm writing my first Android app for a small business that has some Droid phones. I set up an AVD for the phone with the right resolution: 854 pixels high. I'm working on a MacBook Pro with a max screen resolution 900 pixels high. So when the emulator starts up, the bottom is cut off. Is there a way to scale the emulator display down ...

Help Saving an bitmap using OutputStream on Android, following the Activities onPause.

In my activite's onCreate i have public void onCreate() { try { FIStream = super.openFileInput("4.png"); MyImagePort.load(FIStream); FIStream.close(); FIStream = null; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.w("spriter","File not found"); } catch (IOException e) { e....

What is more expensive to load in a Gallery, a Bitmap or Drawable???

What is more expensive to load in a Gallery, a Bitmap or Drawable??? ...

Reading Java serialized object that has been split across two files?

I'm writing an Android application. One problem is your app cannot contain a file whose uncompressed size is bigger than about 1Mb. I have a serialized object that I want to load that totals about 2Mb. My plan was to split this file into two smaller files, then load the object by combining both files at runtime. However, I cannot work o...

How to create a Bitmap from an image file in Android

How to load an image file (on SD card) into a Bitmap on Android? ...

How to utilize network for p2p file sharing on Android Platform?

I'm working on some apps for the android platform and I have two problems that I'm not quite sure how to approach, and both are closely related. How can I send a relatively small data file from one android device to another (preferably over the internet or directly through wireless network)? Is it possible to create a temporary p2p liv...

How to show the "add to home screen" popup window and notifications like the buildin home?

The Home sample in the android sdk doesn't implement the Add item, which bring up the "Add to home screen" popup window, and Notifivcations item in onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected. How to do that like the default home? Thanks! ...

Is there an android application (or method) which can increase the display size for all other apps?

Looking to see if there's an existing method or application to increase display size for all applications for people with bad vision. Thanks! ...

map motion event handling

How can I detect map motion or any event handling available for map motion, ie. when the user is moving the map? Regards, Aswan ...

Question about bluetooth on Android

Hi I just read your post and I think you probably can help me figure out my little problem. I have this BT module connected to a MCU via serial port UART. Im trying to connect to the bluetooth via my android phone. I managed to use my app and scan...

Android Weather Widget not working in version 1.5

Hi all, I am a newbie into android platform. Presently I am trying to code a weather widget. I tried to take the Jeff Sharkey's weather widget as a sample. But it is not working. Once the widget is seleted, a Configure forecast widget activity appears, which contains 2 radio buttons: My Current Location, ...

android:state_enabled missing/not working??

I do not have the property android:state_enabled for any of the controls. Typing it manually doesn't work either. I can only use the deprecated android:enabled. I have the latest everything. ...

How to add a radio group to radio buttons inside of a table?

I have multiple radio buttons which I want to layout using a table but also include them in a single radio group. I have the following xml layout: <RadioGroup android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/Group1"> <TableLayout android:id="...

Android native music player search intent

In the stock music player in Android 2.1 (at least), the artist, album, and track name of the currently playing track are long clickable, which brings up a context menu "Search for NN with:", with links to different apps. UPDATE I've managed to extract the logs from my own device, doing a search for an artist, and selecting Google List...