
how to create EditText accepts Alphabets only in android?

friends, can any one guide me how can i enter only alphabets in EditText in android? any help would be appriciated. ...

android textview settext show nullpointer exception

<TextView android:id="@+id/first_name" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@color/black" android:textColor="@color/light_grey" android:text="FirstName" ></TextView> TextView first_text_view; first_text_view = (TextView)this.findViewById(; try { first_text_view.setT...

Transparent texture in OpenGL ES for Android

I'm trying to set the transparency of a texture on a quad in opengl, playing with the blend functions didn't help neither did anything on google. Any suggestions? ...

Can't load Android Virtual Device

when I run my android application using eclipse 3.5 I receive an error called "Android AVD Error. No compatible target were found.Do you wish to add a new Android Virtual Device. " How can I load Android Virtual Device ? ...

Streaming video playback performance issues with background tasks on Android

I have developed a little application that can play video from a rstp streaming sever (darwin in this case, but this is not relevant) by means of the VideoView widget (I have tried Mplayer+SurfaceView approach too). I use Wifi connection for this. The video plays just smooth when video is the only task. The small application should carr...

Is this how I design REST, and is REST what I want to be using?

In short, I am writing an Android application that I want to have pull data from a remote database. I was looking into .NET web services, but this question pointed me away from that direction. Is REST as simple as writing some short PHP to handle something li...

How to scale a website for mobile devices?

Hi, I've a very simple static web page (only css and links, no scripts). It looks good on android and iphone, but too small. I'm guessing they put it smaller since it work for most of the sites. How can i override this and make him look the size i want it to be? Thanks in advanced, Koby ...

what is the initial value of a pointer in c file

In following code, is it possible cause some memory leaks? reference-ril.c static void requestRadioPower(void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t) { .... ATResponse *p_response = NULL; .... err = at_send_command(cmd, &p_response); // it's a memory leakage or not ? .... at_response_free(p_response); .... } ...

HorizontalScrollView shrinks GridView to small line.

When I put a HorizontalScrollView around a GridView, the GridView gets compressed into a small column on the left. The Gridview's vertical scrollbar even appears on the left. The HorizontalScrollView's width is set to fill_parent and the GridView is also fill_parent. I don't know why this is happening. I tried setting the GridView's vis...

The method getBaseContext() is undefined for the type MyMapOverlay in android? why?

i am creating a Geocoder object like. Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(getBaseContext(), Locale.getDefault()); here i got this error in eclipse. i.e. The method getBaseContext() is undefined for the type MyMapOverlay getBaseContext() is a default method in android.content.ContextWrapper class. what is the problem here.. any idea??...

how can we make table layout to scroll both ways ( horizontally, vertically)

I am having a table defined in XML file, which currently set to Scroll vertically. But i also want it scroll horizontally as required. Here is the code of XML in use <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ScrollView xmlns:android="" android:scrollbars="vertical" android:layout_h...

How to update a single (edited) App in a compiled Android image

I have compiled Android source code already (which I downloaded using GIT) and I am being editing the source code of an Application for testing on Emulator each time I wanna see results I have to re-Compile the source code again using 'make' I am pretty sure that there is a way to partly-compile the image Notes: I use Ubuntu ,and Andro...

Delete the call/sms log history for specific numbers?

in my app i want to delete the sms's/calls of specific numbers i am new to android can any body help me ...

Android, Serializable/Parcelable problem in client-server app

I want to send complex data from my android to a remote server via TCP-sockets. I know that I need to serialize the Objects. In Android this is done via parcelable. But this is an android specific interface and the server only knows the serializable interface. Also vice-versa android doesn't know a serializable interface. Both the andro...

how to get lattitude and langitude in network location provider in device android java application

i am implementing gps provider getting langitude and longitude from device i am already get the information in device i can implemented network provider that is the problem how can implemented using network provider ...

How can we set content of a column to wrap in Table layout

I am trying out this table layout in which there are three columns, each column utilizing the maximum space as they could (using strechColumn tag). Now when a column gets content which is too long, then table layout jumps of the screen. How can i set the content of a column to wrap, so that table layout dont jump off the screen. here i...

google map not showing after publishing android application?

friends, while testing application on eclipse using emulator google map is being displayed properly. but when i exported application to publish it. google map is gone. can any one guide me what mistake am i doing?? any help would be appriciated. ...

How can Block receive Email in Android?

I made Connection setting in my Emulator for Gmail Ac...It's work It shown me all the Inbox Messge. Now I want to delete coming Message from my Emulator(or Device),It remain as it is at Gmail Ac. Can any one help me. Thanx ...

get place name by providing lat and long

In my application i want to get the weather report I'm using"" for that by providing a city. But for me only lat and longitude is available How can I get the place name by lat and longitudes. ...

How to easily parse large xml data with a DOM parser?

I am using DOM parser to parse xml data, but its taking lots of time to parse it on line 3 where "is" is the InputStrem object. Here is my code. DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(is); how can i do it in a sma...