
Sql optimization Techniques

I want to know optimization techniques for databases that has nearly 80,000 records, list of possibilities for optimizing i am using for my mobile project in android platform i use sqlite,i takes lot of time to retreive the data Thanks ...

Using XMLBeans on Andoid

Hi Everyone. I was just wondering if anyone had any success in getting XMLBeans (or any other generator) to work on android. It would be very nice if I could use it because I have a very large schema that I would rather not write all the classes by hand. I had asked about this on the android developers mailing list, but no one responded...

What is the system effect of starting large quantities of timers in Java?

Hello, recently I have had to program some applications that require large amounts of timed tasks to occur. However, I'm afraid to create so many timers because I haven't been able to figure out how they are handled by Java. Is there a problem with starting large quantities of scheduled tasks? If so, what is the better alternative? ...

How can I query the number of unread SMS in android

Hi, Can you please tell me how can i query the number of unread SMS in android programmically? How can I implement the SMS unread count like this link: ...

Retrieving the SMS Messages from the SIM card on with android

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about programmatically getting the sms messages off of your phone's sim card on an android platform. I would like to write a program that allows you to save either individual messages or entire threads to the sd card, but after looking around for a bit, I have discovered that google d...

android button text and html

how do I use html in an android widget Button? ...

how to make a file hidden in android sd card

i am creating android application which contains DB that needs to be hidden(not able to access by the user)in the sd card.can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

How do I create a regular expression for this in android?

Suppose I have a string like this: string = "Manoj Kumar Kashyap"; Now I want to create a regular expression to match where Ka appears after space and also want to get index of matching characters. I am using java language. ...

Android emulator Output

hi when i am trying to run my android application at that time " The application has stopped unexpactadly,Please try again" and force to close application. it comes every time. can anyone try to solve this issue? thanks ...

android timer

I need to display a time duration on a few of my Activities within the application. The timer starts when one of the Activity starts. Should I use service for the timer? is this the best way? or should I start thread from one of the Activity? ...

Is there a nine-patch loader for iPhone?

Android has a nice way of defining stretchable images called a nine-patch. See these docs for a description of the concept. The idea is to surround a png image with a 1-pixel border where you can define the stretchable areas and the padding dimensions of the image. This is absolutely brilliant and I'd like to use the idea in my iPhone...

What is the native way of implementing Publish Subscribe between Android widgets ?

I have a custom EditText and a TextView in an Activity. The custom EditText traps for key presses and calculates the number of character entered and wants to publish the character count to the TextView. Do I use the java.util.Observable/Observer way ? Or is there a more native android method to achive this ? Thanks. ...

Android. Brightness Change

Hi, I am trying to resolve following task: smooth change of brightness from 100% to 0%, but can't gain effect of smoothness. Want to emphasize that I am using following approach of brightness change. The recommended one. WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = window.getAttributes(); lp.screenBrightness = floatPercent; window.setAttribut...

How to make an Android SlidingDrawer slide out from the left?

I'm using a slidingDrawer in my application that has its handler placed at the bottom when in portrait mode. When the user switches to landscape mode (widescreen) I would like to have the handler located on the left. When I change the orientation from vertical to horizontal, the handler is placed on the right. I have defined my layout ...

JNI: Long-object created with wrong value

Hi! I am writing a c-jni function in Android, and I am having problems with creating a Long-object. I have succeeded in calling the constructor, but when I read the value of the object with longValue, I get the wrong result. jmethodID longConstructor; jmethodID longGetLongValue; jclass cls; jobject obj; // Create a object of type Long...

Android: Showing indeterminate progress bar in TabHost activity

I know that the following code should show and hide a tiny circular progress bar with the following code in Android: requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(true); setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false); The problem is that I am using a TabHost and I need to be able to d...

How to overlay an icon image on top of an exisiting view

Hi, If I have a reference to a view, how can I overlay an icon image on top of an exisiting view? In the screenshot below: It overlay an icon at the top right corner of the dialer icon. How can I do that? Thank you. ...

JEXCelAPI on android

When I added the JExcelAPI to the class path and run my app, I get: trouble writing output: shouldn't happen [2009-07-16 14:32:19 - xxx] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 2 any idea? thanks ...

Data collection with Android via USB

What would be the best way to access the USB as a serial port on a android device (HTC Magic) ? I am thinking about a OBD-II interface, can I do this on a startdard phone or more likely I'll need a modified firmware ? ...

How to set a long string in a text view in a single line with horizontal scroll

Hi friends, Actually i have keep on scrollview inside that scroll view i set one textview at run time i want to set text in that textview.The string which i m going to set is some what big in length so i could not get the string in a single line and i can get my string two or three lines .My scroll view layout width size is 250px.I...