
Android service not starting via alarm

Is there any problem with launching a service via an Alarm's BroadcastReceiver's onReceive? My service never has it's onCreate or onStart method called. My Alarm's receiver gets a wakelock, calls context.startService(new Intent(context, FmiDaemon.class)); (context given via onRecieve parameter), waits 3 seconds, then releases the lock....

How to change orientation of Android SlidingDrawer by code ?

Hi I cant find a way to set the orientation on my SlidingDrawer when i change from landscape mode to portrait mode visa versa. Initially i set the orientation by xml to vertical. I need to change the orientation to horizontal when the phone is in landscape mode, so i get the handle on the left. Any ideas anybody? ...

IHardwareService. How to use in your code?

Hi, is there a way to use somehow IHardwareService. It is not visible, but documentation concerning it can be found. So looks like there should be some way to use it. Could you please advice how to do this? Thanks. ...

Access Hiden API

Hi, also I wanted to ask following. In class: \\android 1.5 source\frameworks\base\services\java\com\android\server\HardwareService I have found method that looks like would help me in solving my Screen Brightness problems (smooth transitions): public void pulseBreathingLight() could you please advice how to invoke this mysterio...

Set style on TableRow in Android

Using the Android SDK, there doesn't seem to be any way to set the style on a table row. I want to do the equivalent of: <TableRow style='@style/TableRow_classic' > in code. I would like something like: TableRow row = new TableRow(this); row.setStyle(; Does anyone know how to find this? ...

Eclipse is trying to build the files in my .svn directories... how can I tell it to stop?

I'm storing my Android project in a Subversion repository. After recently shuffling a bunch of stuff around I started getting tons of errors like: syntax error entries /project_name/src/.svn line 1 Android AIDL Problem syntax error don't know what to do with "" entries /project_name/src/.svn line 28 Android AIDL Problem etc. It ...

What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks?

I've got an Android app developed, and I'm at the point of a phone app development where everything seems to be working well and you want to declare victory and ship, but you know there just have to be some memory and resource leaks in there; and there's only 16mb of heap on the Android and its apparently surprisingly easy to leak in an ...

"Flip" events in non-Safari webkit mobile browsers?

A recent Ajaxian post title "Swipe away, then quickly flip with simple jQuery plugins" tells us about flip events on the iPhone Safari browser and I wanted to use them on another webkit browser, the Android Browser. $('.swipe').swipe({ swipeLeft: function() { $('#someDiv').fadeIn() }, swipeRight: function() { $('#someDiv')....

How to make validation on Edit Text

Dear Friends, I want to know how to make a validation on EditText.That is ,I am having one EditText that edit text should has to accept only numaric values,If other than numaric value is typed by user then it should show some alert message "pls type the numaric value...." Is any function is avilable to find the entere...

How do I pass the selected item's ID from a ListView to an AlertDialog in Android?

Here's the scenario: I have a ListActivity, and long-pressing on an item brings up a context menu. One item in the context menu is "delete", and that brings up a confirmation box (and AlertDialog). When the user presses OK in the confirmation dialog, I need to know the ID of the item that was originally selected, so that I can actually d...

How to implement Android l10n ?

How to implement Android system l10n ?It has been l10n in German.What is different between Android and Linux in realizing system localization? What is Operational process of implementing Android l10n ? What is needed to implement Android system localization? such as Unicode UTF8, charset,other anything else? ...

Does Android castrate the ARM's Jazelle technology?

The justification that I've seen for shall we say "Bastardizing" the Java bytecodes in Android was performance. (I suspect there is another reason.) However by changing the byte codes haven't they made hardware excelleration technologies such as Jazelle moot, and thus actually degraded the performance available for a Mobile Java platfo...

Android AppWidget maps activity problem

Right. So I have an app widget. It has 4 buttons, one one of the buttons I want it to show me the current location of the user on the map. So - I make a new activity as below: package; import java.util.List; import android.os.Bundle; import; import

Future of Mobile Development

I was reading an article based on Mobile Development in 2020 and run into such a pessimistic claim: "But the economics are a different story. The ratio of those developers who will fail is about 90%; they will simply not make a return on their investment or make a good enough living at this," said Mr Laurs. He said th...

Error in Android1.5 when using XML

Am creating a tablelayout which contains 2 textview , 2 edittext and a button. After enter input to 2 edittext,and when i scroll back to first edit text...i got ForcedClose Error creating this using xml. I add this TableLayout in a scrollview...(i did not got any error while using Android1.1) Is there any limitations while p...

Interacting with external SQLite databases from Android.

I'm trying to work with a web service (that I have no control over) that returns a SQLite database when you query it. Is there any way to do this? ...

Programmatically click views in android

Is it possible to programmatically send click events to a view? if so, how? ...

How to access original activity's views from spawned background service

I have an activity called A, and on the selection of menu item 0, it spawns service B, which starts a runnable C in a new thread. I have a TextView in activity A, which I want to access in thread C. I've tried making the TextView a public static field, but that generates the following error: 07-21 07:26:25.723: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(...

Android speech - how can you read text in Android?

How can you read data, i.e. convert simple text strings to voice (speech) in Android? Is there an API where I can do something like this: TextToVoice speaker = new TextToVoice(); speaker.Speak("Hello World"); ...

Android - accordion widget

I'm looking at best way of creating Accordion-style widget such as on this page Is there a way of achieving same effect using standard Android toolkit or do I need to build custom widget? If so - which one would you recommend extending if any? Thanks a lot for your suggestions ...