
How to add attachment options in Android's sms/mms default app

My question is, is it at all possible to add to the sms attachments options available by any means without rebuilding the source? I currently am trying to add additional attachment options to the bundled SMS app titled 'messaging' in all current Android builds. When you select 'attach' from the menu, a custom dialog is opened with optio...

Android Content provider list

Where can i get a complete list of content providers that Android offers out of the box? I'm looking for a content provider that list received SMS. ...

Android: How to create video player?

I am creating a video recorder and would like to create video player to preview the recorded videos. Modifying the code from this page I have created a MediaPreview class the following way: public class MediaPreview extends Activity implements OnErrorListener, OnBufferingUpdateListener, OnCompletionListener, OnPreparedListener, Surfac...

Need help with Anroid TrackBall Event

I have 2 questions about android TrackBall Event. I appreciate if you can help me with them: Can I detect the speed of TrackBall event? like in Fling, I can detect a 'big' fling vs a 'small' fling. Can I fling via the track ball? Why TrackBall Event always follow by Key left/right events? To me, they seem duplicate. For example, I p...

Multiple selectable GridView

OK, so I think I've exhausted searching for this question, and it's either that I'm totally missing something or nobody else has tried to create a GridView (showing images) which allows the user to select multiple images. Basically I want to have the orange selection box appear whenever a user selects an image, or disappear if the user ...

Should BASIC continue to be recommended for non-programmers and beginners?

I just came across a new BASIC implementation for Google Android application called Simple. You can read about it here: Clearly, a lot of time and effort has been recently put into enabling this functionality for Android. Should the software industry continue t...

Android: Intent problem

Hi, Debugging the following piece of code I get "Source not found" notification which probably means some variables are not set: btnEdit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(v.getContext(), DlgTitleTags.class); intent.putExtra(Client.STORED_TITLE, m...

displaying integers in android using sqlite

I have a database that contains decimals. The column is set up as ".. decimal(5,2) not null. What I'm trying to do is to find the sum of the column and displaying it in a text field by using this code.. public int getTotal() { Cursor cursor = sqliteDatabase2.rawQuery( "SELECT SUM(thedata) FROM thetable", null); if(cursor...

C# Rest web service and Android Client

Hay, I'm taying to make a simple Rest web service in C# and client on android. I find a simple C# web service, which add two number, on this link: Can anyone help me to make Android client for this web service Thanks ...

Caching large Arrays to SQLite - Java/ Android

Im currently developing a system where the user will end up having large arrays( using android). However the JVM memory is at risk of running out, so in order to prevent this I was thinking of creating a temporary database and store the data in there. However, one of the concerns that comes to me is the SDcard limited by read and write....

Android java.util.Calendar - Time Difference

I want to make calendar view in order to support touch interaction. So I'd like to build new custom calendar view. I tried to make mapping function between view offset and real date value. Here is my idea: If I can compute the number of weeks since base date(in my case, 1989-12-31), it is easy to know offset. HEIGHT_FOR_WEEK * NUM_OF_W...

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?

Hi I can find a way to send parameters to my activity from my notification. I have a service that creates a notification. When the user clicks on the notification i want to open my main activity with some special parameters. E.g an item id, so my activity can load and present a special item detail view. More spesific, im downloading a ...

Android and IOException - strange error

Hi. I'm trying to write a basic application with http get request. Eclipse validated my code, but when I using IOException in Android console I have this strange messages: trouble writing output: null [2009-07-29 17:22:49 - myapp] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 2 And my application doesn't load into the emulator. This i...

RTSP client in android

I am writing a RTSP client in Android. I am able to receive the Responses for all the requests i.e., DESCRIBE it sends back the 200 OK SETUP with transport: RTP/AVP:unicast:client_port=4568:4569 got the 200 OK Message back Sent PLAY, and got the OK Message After that how to get the audio and video frames? I have searched on blogs, b...

How to customize focus navigation in a ViewGroup

Hi, I have a View Group and it has 2 focusable Views as its children. I would like know how I can customize how focus is being passed between these 2 Views. In other words, when I press the Down Key or the Up Key in the emulator, i want to control which of these children has focus. I read the JavaDoc of ViewGroup, I see these 2 methods...

Android equivalent to iphone indexed UITableView

I am porting an iPhone app over to the Android platform. One of the views has a very large list of data and on the iPhone app, there's a scrollbar of sorts on the right hand side that displays the letters of the alphabet and allows the user to quickly scroll through the list this way. I am having trouble finding such functionality in And...

How Do You Disable/Enable 3G Programatically on Android?

I'm trying to code an app for android that needs to enable and disable 3G (move between 2g and 3g), but can't find anything about that possible? Can I get a snippet code or some documentation? Thanks in advance ...

How do I get started with developing for Android without an Android phone?

More or less as it says on the tin. Before I even contemplate downloading the SDK, I was wondering if there was any way of testing Android apps that I'd write without an Android phone available to me? I'm unsure as to whether or not the tools that come with the SDK come with an emulator like VS does for Windows Mobile. Sorry if this is...

Is the static safe in Android?

I use a single static class in my code that defines a static field which I'm reusing between Activity onStop/onStart invocations. Here's a scenario: User clicks on "Authorize" button (static data is initialized) Activity is stopped and web browser is called Browser executes callback and Activity is restored (static data is reused) At...

Update integrated progress bar in original activity

Hi, I've been trying to get my progress bar view to work in my file scanner application, and I'm thoroughly stumped by the proper combination of Activities, Services, Threads, and Handlers. Here's the structure: My Activity contains a Horizontal-styled ProgressBar. On menu item click, I spawn a Service which, onCreate(), which is where ...