
Cannot run the Map Example

Hi! I'm trying to run the google maps example but it keep giving me in the console: "WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement!" "Device API version is 7 (Android 2.1)" The application never starts, instead, it shows that frame with: "The application (...) has stopped unexpectedly..." Can Anyone point...

Getting a variable out of a Public Void (Android)

I have this code: hubSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { final MediaPlayer mp2 = MediaPlayer.create(Textbox.this, R.raw.hero); mp2.start(); } public void onNothingSelecte...

Adding item to ListAdapter causes exception

I'm trying to use a list view, and when I add an item to the ArrayList of its ListAdapter and call notifyDataSetChanged, it throws an exception. Calling the addItem routine below will throw an exception. The message says Source not Found, and then this: // Compiled from (version 1.5 : 49.0, super bit) // Signatur...

services \ remote service

Hi, sorry for a newbie question.. but "Service" by it's defenision meaning the same as "Remote service" in Android? and if not, what is the diffrence between them? thanks, moshik. ...

Package Installer misbehavoir

Hi, I am unable to understand and fix the following behavior displayed by the Package Installer : in my application when I press on a "update application" button I download from a web server un update apk (in case there is) and start the Package Installer afterwards to install the package. Everything goes well and after the installation...

System requirements for Cometd/Bayeux Usage on Android

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a Cometd/Bayeux server on Android using iJetty. The Jetty implementation itself works just fine serving static pages along with servlets. I am trying to up the ante a bit and create a Bayeux application on the phone but I'm having some trouble. I can hit the page that has the dojo cometd scripts on it,...

Beginning Programmer Interested in Android - Should I Start with Java?

I'm a beginner in programming. My experience so far is only in Actionscript 2 and 3. So I have a basic understanding of declaring variables, loops, arrays, if/then, do/while... I'm wanting to move to developing for Android phones so I'm wondering what suggestions people have for where to go next. Should I jump right to Android? Start wit...

Moving to a certain position in a ListView upon creation. (Android)

Hey Everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to start a ListActivity and in real time decide how far down the list it should be focused on. (Example: When the activity is started it checks for certain conditions and then it may scroll down to a row partially through the list.) Thanks, Rob ...

Try to use Window.FEATURU_CUSTOM_TITLE but got Exception:You cannot combine custom titles with other title feature..

I am trying to use a custom title to include an image button to the title bar. I got a lot of help form this post:, but could not get it work for my ListActivity. In a nutshell, following is what I have: I hide the titlebar in the AndroidManifes...

How to align Buttons in a TableLayout to different directions?

Hello, probably I don't understand the layout properties of TableLayout yet. It doesn't seem to be possible to achieve such a flexible table like in HTML, because there are no cells. My target is it to achieve such a layout: Link to draft How can I do that? I thought about using a GridView but this doesn't seem to be useful in XML. My...

simple modification results in error

When I tried to do a simple modification of the "hello android" program that eclipse adt plugin generates I get error and can't get the program to run again even if I restore the file to its original contents. The modification was that I changed a string in strings.xml. the line was: <string name="app_name">Todo List</string> and the...

Android WebView can render HTML going forward, but not backward

I'm using a WebViewClient that overrides shouldOverrideUrlLoading so the browsing stays inside the WebView. I initially call loadDataWithBaseURL with some HTML I have in memory, which has links in it. When I click the links, they load correctly in the webView. Everything is good up till now, but when I press back, effectively callin...

Extended SurfaceView's onDraw() method never called

Hi, I'm trying to modify the SurfaceView I use for doing a camera preview in order to display an overlaying square. However, the onDraw method of the extended SurfaceView is never called. Here is the source : public class CameraPreviewView extends SurfaceView { protected final Paint rectanglePaint = new Paint(); public Camera...

Standard android menu icons, for example refresh

The android sdk offers the standard menu icons via android.R.drawable.X, however some standard icons, such as ic_menu_refresh (the refresh icon), are missing from android.R. Is there any way to get the original icons, maybe by extracting them from the applications? I already checked the Android source, but it's a bit too huge to look ev...

how to create more realistic explosions

hi, right now, for an explosion, i am just showing 3 images in a for loop, is there any better way to create a more realistic explostion? thanks. ...

Can someone please help, I cant get this simple scolling feature

I want to be able to have many button and objects in my project but they all wont fit on the screen at once so i would like the user to be able to scroll down and have more appear but i cant get it to work. I tried using ScrollView but it always throws me errors. Here is what I have so far. Please, any help would be great. <?xml version...

Activity should be transparent, but has black background

My use case is writing an overlay controller activity for a landscape camera preview. I followed the instructions from a couple of tutorials for writing a transparent theme. So my res/values/style.xml looks like this: <resources> <style name="Theme" parent="android:Theme" /> <style name="Theme.Transparent"> <item name="andr...

Android: Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null

I'm trying to use the SmugFig SmugMug API on Android. It was designed for J2SE I would imagine, so I'm not sure it will even work on Android, but I figured it was worth trying as opposed to trying to create my own API. When I load the project though, I get the following error: Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute de...

How to import music into Android library

Hello, I would like to know how can I import songs from a web service into Android library without having to download the file into sdcard. I have all the data from the web service but I do not know how to integrate the tracks into Android database. My idea is not to have to download the files, but playing them on streaming using the mus...

Can Android OS be programmed to interface with a external device via the mini-USB port?

Basic example, if I bought a chipset with a light socket and bulb soldered to the chipset; then put a USB cable with the mini-USB plug on the end to get plugged into the android phone. Can I write a Java application to turn on/off the light, get the status of the light(on/off) and maybe power a super-small led/bulb with power from the ph...