
Using Android on a PND(portable navigation device)?

Hi, i'm looking for a PND on which i can install android. For example:

Spinner with checkbox items, is it possible?

The title says it all. ...

problem accessing array objects in android

I am trying to display a list of containing images and text that i retrieved from a website. I have used the adapter. But the problem is that i couldnt access the array objects that i have declared. I am rather confused what the error is. I couldnt get the list but i am getting a blank screen...Here's the code...Plz help me.... public c...

wsimport and Android or any other ProxyGenerator for android?

I am currently developing an Android app i previously developed for IPhone. My Backend is built using WCF service with basichttpEndpoint, i also enabled RESTful methods for better support with other Mobile platforms as well. Now i want to access my existing WCF service(SOAP/REST endpoint) on Android but i need some good ProxyGenerator ...

Delete service from the phone

How could you delete a service permanently, I couldn't remove it. ...

Drop Pin on Default Google Maps from My App in Android?

hi all, i have an address for a location. when i click some button in my app. it should redirect to default google map in android and drop the pin to that particular location. how to do that? Any Idea? ...

Is Android reference at good enough

Hi, I am a C++ developer, but have a fair idea of Java as I learnt it in college 5years ago. I have been trying to learn programming for android. But instead of rushing to buy books, I have tried to read through the Android Dev Guide and learn from there making use of the sample applications. Thats besides SO ofcourse. I am trying to ma...

Gears or HTML5 Location API on Android 1.5

Hi there, I am trying to use gwt-mobile-webkit, particularly its location api. It works well with iPhone (both device and simulator) and Firefox and on G1 with 1.6 Android, however, it does not work on G2 with Android 1.5 on it. In result I am getting onFailure callback with Permission Denied error. So it seems, that there is some geol...

TextToSpeech setOnUtteranceCompletedListener always returns -1 error?

I've been working with Android's TTS functions with general success however, one piece of it refuses to work for me; I can not successfully assign an OnUtteranceCompletedListener to my TextToSpeech object. I've tried implementing OnUtteranceCompletedListener in one of my classes and I've tried creating a new, stand-alone OnUtteranceComp...

View like android's contact screen

I am developing an application with a large number of elements that must be ordered alphabetically, and I'd like it to have the same look and feel as android's contact list, That is [Letter] <contact> <contact> [Letter] <contact> <contact> <contact> etc. Which is the best way to achieve this same layout? I've seen several tutorials c...

How to represent formatted text for display on IPhone/Android/WP7/PC

I am working on a multi-platform app (Mono) that will store text in a centralized location on the web and synchronize this text across clients that could potentially be IPhone/Android/WP7/OSX/Windows(WPF)/Linux/Web. I need to support some degree of rich text (at minimum bold/italic/etc./basic lists/alignment), and I am trying to find a ...

Android 1.5/1.6 issue with style and autogenerated file

I'm having strange issue with file and styles defined in my resources. Here's some code: In res/values/strings.xml: <style parent="android:Theme.Dialog" name="PopupWindowStyle"> <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/bg1</item> <item name="android:textColor">@android:color/black</item> </style> In AndroidManifest.xml...

How to setup Android sdk from command-line on headless server ?

So far Ive managed to download and install the SDK and its in my PATH. Problem now is that I can't run "android update sdk" since it expects to be connected to a display and Im connected to a remote headless server through ssh (its a build server so there's no desktop env). Is there a command-line option for the android tool that tells i...

Parsing a JSON Response from a .Net webservice

Just to get this out in the open I am new to JAVA, KSOAP, and JSON. So I'll try to explain this the best I can. A while ago I created a webservice to be consumed by Blackberry Apps that we're built using the plug in for Visual Studio. Now the project I am working on, I want to consume the same webservice for Android devices. For the mos...

How to upload XML file data in android emulator of more than 1.2Mb.

Hi, I want to load a single XML file of 1.2Mb in android through assets folder as raw file. I heard that there is a limitation in android of 1Mb for a single xml file. How can i get rid of it? Is there any option to overcome this issue? please provide me some help UrGently!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thanks in advance. Praween ...

android: two issues using Tablerow+TextView in Tablelayout

I am using Tablerow+TextView to make a simple view for blog posts and their replies. In each TableRow I put a TextView in. Now I have two issues: The text which is longer than the screen won't automatically wrap up to be multi-line. Is it by design of TableRow? I've already set tr_content.setSingleLine(false); [update] This has been ad...

Create manual versions

Hi, Iam planning to create an app, and not to publish it at the google market. i want the users to update thire app once in a while when an updates will be rlsd via server(let's not get into the idea how i gonna do this)... so for this i need to give to each app some ID, so i know that that user gotta update his app, and not new installa...

Doing a loop on android (Audio)

I have a track I want to play 'megadeth', i'm calling it by... final MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.megadeth); And playing it by using 'mp.start' And I just want to know, how can I get this audio mp3 to loop? -Can you give me the code? Thanks alot, ...

How to create a link in a Textview in XML?

I'd like to define a TextView in XML which contains text which is a link to a URL. Essentially the semantics of the anchor HTML tag. <a> I have been able to do most of what I want with, the android:autoLink="web" attribute to TextView. However, the text has to contain the URL and it is displayed to the user. I'd like to display differen...

Android crashes when calling ImageButton

I have a crash (Application Stopped Unexpectedly) problem with this main.xml is a "HelloWorld" type project (while testing and learning features I need for my app) : I isolated the ImageButton as an issue, but I can't isolate any of the parameters... <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:...