
Android Tutorials or book recommendations?

Hi I want to an Android application(a port from a windows mobile phone) but I need to learn a couple things How to program for different screen sizes and resolutions (so my controls get bigger smaller or whatever) How to dynamically create controls such labels and checkboxes ( and checkbox listeners) How to create a menu How to create...

How to load an ImageView from a png file?

I take a picture with the camera using Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE ); startActivityForResult( intent, 22 ); When the activity completes, I write the bitmap picture out to a PNG file. out = openFileOutput("myfile.png", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); bmp.compress(...

Is there a super simple List / ListAdapter example out there for android

I have a web service that returns a super simple list of objects MyObject[] data = webServiceCall(); MyObject has 1 field i want to display, "Name" (i.e. data[0].Name ) How can i turn this into an activity that lists just the name of these objects in a scrollable listActivity in android. I am getting really confused with Cursors an...

xpath evaluting error in andorid

I'm running one application in android browser which contain the following code.. if (typeof XPathResult != "undefined") { //use build in xpath support for Safari 3.0 var xmlDocument = doc; if (doc.nodeType != 9) { xmlDocument = doc.ownerDocument; } results = xmlDocument.evaluate( xpathExpr, ...

set focus in unfilled edittext how can implemented android application

hi I am implementing one application gust i am adding validations in login page implemented then two fields required username and password button login i am applying validations then focus are not getting then set focus in unfilled edittext > if(Username.contentEquals("")) { > Toast.makeText(LBS.this, "Please enter > user...

Adding multiple images to AnimateDrawables sample code in Android

Hello, I was trying to add more than one images in the AnimateDrawables under, but for some reason I couldn't. Can anyone post a sample code on how to accomplish it or at least explain it to me? This beginner programmer would really appreciate it. Thanks ...

Android contacts observer to track changes.

I want to monitor contacts and want to apply observer to track changes either any contact is added, updated or removed. is it possible to have contact id and type, 'type' will be is it added or updated or deleted ? please help me out thanks in adnvace ...

Passing bundle to activity set as singletask

So I have a MapActivity that runs an asynchtask that occasionally updates what exactly it's displaying on the map (via a string). I originally pass this string in from the intent when the activity is first created. And then if you click on one of the drawables on the map, it opens a new activity, which can then create a new mapview (same...

progress indicator

Hi, Is there any way to make the progress bar into a circle shape? I have a play button in my apps and would like to show the progress of loading the song around the button. ...

Sharing of library files between apks

Can I share a library between two applications/apks where it is packed with any one of it? ...

Porting Symbian C++ to Android NDK

I've been given some Symbian C++ code to port over for use with the Android NDK. The code has lots of Symbian specific code in it and I have very little experience of C++ so its not going very well. The main thing that is slowing me down is trying to figure out the alternatives to use in normal C++ for the Symbian specific code. At th...

Problem while accessing website in web view in Android Application

I want to access " website through Web View. I am using following APIs webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true) ; webView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true); webView.loadUrl(""); On this website there are some images,but I am not able to see that images. Can any...

Layout not displayed properly while dynamically loading a listview in Android?

Hi, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/listViewShow" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight" android:background="@drawable/brown_bg" android:padding = "3dip"> ...

Progress bar in notification bar

Hello everybody, I would like to put a progress bar in the notification bar. The idea is showing the progress bar while the program uploads a file to a server. Everything else is ok, but I can not figure out how to refresh the progress bar inside the notification. Does anybody knows any pattern to play with? I mean, where I should refre...

Android files manipulation

Hi, Through the housekeeping stuff my android application has to do is to read and write some files and sometimes to delete others and create new ones. The files in cause have all "sdcard/" as root. Is it safe if I perform all this task using Java style functions ? To me it is very handy to do it this way but I've read that not always...

How to retrieve actual Locale/Language

Hi, can anyone tell me how I programmatically retrieve the actual Locale and/or Language in Android ? ...

problem accessing run() in android

Hi i have a problem accessing run() method in my program. The rum method is not getting focus at all. The Log message that is present outside the loop is getting displayed and i am getting a blank screen with preset background.Here's the code... public class MusicListActivity extends Activity { List<HashMap<String, String>> songNodeDet ...

Android: Recovery Activity When I press Home

Hi, i have the following question. I have an activity which is showing a progress bar while a service is downloading data from an API. I want that when i press Home and relaunch my program the activity and which is not the first activity called but it is in the stack was recovered in order to continue showing the progress. I have read...

How to set style(small and large) to Button programmable way ?

Hi guys. How to set style(small and large) to Button programmable way ? Is it possible ? I can set the style to the Button from xml resource (like styte= ?android:attr/buttonStyleSmall). But I don't know how set it programmable way. Thanks in advance. ...

How do I write a combined CheckboxPreference / PreferenceScreen?

I would like to have a checkbox preference that takes the user to a new (sub)preference screen if the user presses on the actual text (and not on the checkbox to the right). Just as the control under Settings -> Wireless -> Mobile Network Settings -> Access Point Names. ...