
How can I display a Progress at start up application in android

I want to display a progress when the application start, then close progress when all data load completely. How can I do that? ...

i am trying to run xmppclient app in android but it is showing "XMPPClient is not responding " error at run time.

It's already implemented code & I am trying run the same code which is available on this link. when I fill the parameters in dialog box like host name,port,service,username & password as, 5222,, mygmailid without(,& password r...

Android: The concept for detecting changes of an opened file

I wrote an application for video recording which stores the recording to a file. Currently I am looking for a way to implement some kind of "listener" to listen for file changes. The concept I would like to implement is the following: Check the file on a set period of time (for example one second), extract changes (get the data that was ...

Android video intent: Control back button?

Hi! I'm working on an android application that plays video, by using an intent: tostart = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); tostart.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(movieurl), "video/*"); startActivity(tostart); This works great. However, when you press the back button (on the device), the movieplayer goes back to the beginning of the movie. On...

Evaluate a ruby or javascript script string from within an android program

Is it possible to evaluate a string expression script from within an android app? Using either ruby, javascript or perl? ...

Which mobile platform to use creation of a musicians support application - recording and playback?

I'm a programmer looking to play in the mobile world. The application I'd like to play with would support my musical hobbies. I suspect a mobile phone with a music player could easily be programmed to support a classical musicians practice sessions. Should be Easy: Play an A at 440 Hz (or 438,442) for tuning. Should be easy: Metronom...

How to return a list of MyObject in android aidl file?

I have this method in my .aidl file: void getObjects(out List<MyObject> objList); But I get this error src/com/mycompany/mypackage/ITestService.aidl:26 parameter objList (1) unknown type List objList How to create a List of MyObject in .aidl? Thank you. ...

EditText not returning content on getText()

The code snippet below displays a Dialog with a simple login-form. The problem is that when the user hits the login-button, the text that was entered into the EditTexts are not returned on the getText()-call. However, if I set android:setText="foo" on the EditTexts in the xml-layout "foo" is returned on getText(). Any idea why the text e...

android data passing and database access

I am experiencing a problem where when the android device wake up from sleep, the Activity would take forever to get redrawn(and have to terminate it most of the time). I am not sure why, but when I comment out the code below where it retrieves an object from the database based on id stored in the bundle, the problem goes away. Not sure...

How to update expandable list view when adapter's data changes

I have an activity that extends ExpandableListActivity. I use SimpleCursorTreeAdapter to fill ExpandableListView. My layout contains list view and empty view. On app start ExpandableListActivity automatically chooses the right view to display. My steps: App starts, there is no data. (empty view on the screen) Insert some data into db...

Issue while access contacts of android

I am new for android development. I am trying read and write contacts to android addressbook. I tried following line of code for write name into android public class SecondApp extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceStat...

How to add title in the is the ListView in android

How to add title in the is the ListView in android. Means Subject From <--------Title hiiiii | Raj <--------List Content hello | srss Here I have used EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter . ...

Sending data from service to activity

Hi, I am having issue for sending data from service to Activity through notification , I click a notification a activity get invoked but when i try to add some parameters through bundle i am not able to get the parameters in that called intent , I have gone through the link

Android. How to protect your database?

Hi, do you know any ways how to protect your database in Android? I consider following ways, but don't know whether it is possible to do: access to database has only application owner (which created and serves it) restrict or deny access to database to all applications during the usage session of DB owner application are there any wa...

in android sdk1.5 where do i find my Sqlite Db in my system

am creating the Android application in that application i created one DB and querying the db values , its working fine. but i need to know where the SQLITE Db is stored in my system can you give me the path please thank you ...

android TextView: setting the background color dynamically doesn't work

Setting the background color programatically of an android TextView doesn't seem to work. I'm I missing something! TextView et = new TextView(activity); et.setText("350"); et.setBackgroundColor(R.color.white); I also have this file (colors.xml) in my res/values folder <resources> <color name="white">#ffffffff</color> ...

Android. How to do some visible actions during telephone call?

Hi, is it possible to do some visible actions during telephone call? It could be something like: play custom animation inject some custom layout with controls Thanks ...

Android device not found

I'm trying to build "Hello, Android" with the Android SDK, but Android won't say "hello" to me. I build with the 2.6 version of the SDK and run in Eclipse on Win XP. (I've installed the plug-in.) Here's what I get: [2009-09-23 16:35:19 - HelloAndroid]Android Launch! [2009-09-23 16:35:19 - HelloAndroid]adb is running normally. [2009...

What is thread (java, android) ?

Can someone give me a "simple" definition about Thread in android. I read the definition on the Android Site but It's really hard for me to imagine! ...

How to listen for gesture detector events from a seperate thread in android game

Hi, I am trying to make an android game. Originally I did not have a separate thread to draw my game on the screen everything worked fine including listening for gestures. But I found that I could not do animation so I have implemented a separate thread that handles drawing my game on the screen. It is based on the Luna Lander exampl...