
Android Framework?

Are there any frameworks out there which make it even more easy than it is to build Android applications and would you be interested in one? ...

Creating Custom ImageView

I create a custom image view by extending ImageView that just draws some text on the screen, however I don't see anything painted in the Emulator Screen, but the log messages and the printlns get printed in the log console. Am I not doing something? This is my activity public class HelloAndroidActivity extends Activity { /** Called...

How to split file into chunks while still writing into it?

Hi, I tried to create byte array blocks from file whil the process was still using the file for writing. Actually I am storing video into file and I would like to create chunks from the same file while recording. The following method was supposed to read blocks of bytes from file: private byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOEx...

On studying Android

What is the best way to learn Android? I'm reading Rogers's at al.'s book Android Application Development. However, as I tried the following code, nothing outputs except a mobile phone: package; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; public class HelloWorld extends Activit...

How to delete a calendar entry?

Hi all! I'm trying to implement my first android Program. It should write calendar entries (I know, not the best task to begin programming Andorid). I've tried: Uri CALENDAR_URI = Uri.parse("content://calendar/events"); ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); cr.delete(CALENDAR_URI, null, null); // Delete all cr.delete(CALENDAR_UR...

How do I save data structures in android?

Hi. I want to store some data from structures like this: class Project { ChildA a; ChildB b; } class ChildA { ChildC c; ... } ... I have created data like: Projet x = new Project(); x.a = new ChildA(); x.a.c = new ChildC(); ... and I want to save it to an external file on the sdcard of my device so that other apps...

Android. Save Instance State for Dialogs?

Hi, I wonder what is the right way to implement this? Could anybody advice whether my solution is correct? So: Activity is created User clicks on button and dialog is launched (Dialog, not dialog styled activity) User opens keyboard we have onSaveInstanceState called where we save that our dialog was opened and all respective dialog ...

Android Emulator not loading on netbeans

I just downloaded the android sdk from the adnroid site and followed this tutorial to set it up on netbeans. Everything to seem to have installed fine but whenever i try to run the application this window pops up: What I am assuming it asking me to choose the emulator, but it is not showing up on the list. Is there a reason why? ...

Autogrow ListView in Android

I did search around various questions related to the one I'm about to ask. I just want to ask it in clear and simple manner and hopefully get a clear and simple answer :) I have a List of several hundred items that I want to present to the user in ListView widget. Initially I want to start with say 50 items and as user scrolls near the ...

Android: Mangled PreferenceActivity view

I have pretty unassuming preferences screen based on PreferenceActivity. (You can see it in DroidIn app) I'm having some problems with it that I think have to do with redrawing the screen after updates. Here are the symptoms: OnPreferenceChangeListener#onPreferenceChange if I change summary of the preference by doing Preference#setSumm...

Android Settings.ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS not found

I want to adjust display settings in my activity. Intent intent=new Intent(Settings.ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS); startActivity(intent); got exception: 09-24 21:24:35.901: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5892): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { action=android.settings.DISPLAY_SETTING...

Check data when Scroll with the OnScrollListener in ListView (android)

Hi, My ListView (two TextView, one Icon) have more than 4000 rows and It sroll very slowly. The problem is "For{} statement" with "Cursor" make my program worse. I want to get the "First Character"(from one of two TextView) to display when User Scroll. So, any solutions to archive this and make my program better. My function like this: ...

Android - Writing a custom (compound) component

The Android app I'm currently developing has a main activity that has grown quite large. This is mainly because it contains a TabWidget with 3 tabs. Each tab has quite a few components. The activity has to control of all those components at once. So I think you can imagine that this Activity has like 20 fields (a field for almost every c...

I want to plug ADT plugins with eclipse 3.5 using archive.

I am facing a problem of installing ADT from and It shows some transfer error. I have downloaded the ADT plugin archive Can i use this archive? If yes please let me know. If no, then please tell me some alternatives. ...

How to run GPS based application (WikiTude) in Android SDK Emulator?

Hi All, Currently I am writing an Android application which uses WikiTude API. I installed the WikiTude browser application in the Android SDK emulator from Android Market (To get Android Market in emulator I followed this link When I run the WikiTude browser application...

Android: Why doesn't the activity appear immediately after calling startActivityForResult()?

Hi, The application I'm currently working on consists of several dialogs and there is an issue with one dialog I still haven't found the cause. Running the debugger the execution reaches the following two lines: Intent intent = new Intent(this, DlgLogin.class); startActivityForResult(intent, SHOW_SUBACTIVITY_LOGIN); and then the onC...

J2ME like Sprite on Android

For my useless project of the month I'm working on a 'emulator' to run J2ME programs on Android. But now I'm stuck with the J2ME Sprite implementation. Specifically the transformations used in it. In my Sprite I have a bitmap with three character images. I would like to paint the second frame mirrored or rotated 90 degrees. What would b...

Java regexp: How common is it? And how much resource does it use?

Hi I have a quite general question about java and regular expression. If we lock at embedded use, say mobile phones with J2ME or Android, how common is it that regexp is included and how resource hungry is it? I mean regular expression is a powerful beast, and a lot of magic is done in the background to make it happen. And my questi...

creating Android Virtual Device (AVD) in eclipse 3.5 on windows xp

I have stacked here, because i am totally new in android world. Can show the way please? ...

Android - offline, non-vector based, custom maps

For an application I am working on, I need to display custom raster image tiles (not vector based, probably from satellite imagery), and I need to do so offline. I would like to use the MapView, but I cannot see a way to tell it to use custom, offline map tiles instead of pulling down data from google's servers. I've seen a few alterna...