
How do you simulate low memory in the Android emulator ?

Is there an easy way to simulate low memory inside the emulator ? I'm interested to perform resource cleanups similar to this post ...

How can I "set View" in right place where I remove an item in ListView (Android)

I choose an item to remove from my ListView. And after the Item was removed, my ListView was scrolled back and display at the first Item. I want my ListView display in right place where the Item I had removed (It like remove a contact in Android Contact list). How can I do that? ...

Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable

I posted this back in May on the [android-developers] Google Group. I never heard back and was not able to reproduce the problem until one of my students did last week. I figured I'd post it here and see if it rang any bells for anyone. In one of my code samples, I have the following method: static Cursor getAll(SQLiteDatabase db, Stri...

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

Hello everyone! I have some web services that uses WSDL/SOAP for communication. Specifically, I am using PHP and Nusoap to make them. How can I use these web services on Android? I am going to get a new Android phone soon, so I need to know. It is easy to do it with Windows Mobile and Visual Studio. Thanks ...

Android: setSelection having no effect on Spinner

I'm having some problem with setSelection on a Spinner. I set the value to be pre-selected when the spinner is shown in code, but it has no effect and the first alternative in the list is always selected. The code looks like this: LayoutInflater li = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View...

Wondering about the correct use of taskAffinity & launchModes ?

My android app contains a suite of mini apps. In short, the main screen contains several icons, one each for the mini apps. When an icon is clicked, the mini app is launched. In total I have 4 mini apps. So you could imagine that my main screen is like the Home Screen Launcher. Although these mini apps could run standalone by their own,...

Android: How to close foreground activity from active activity?

Hi, I created an application which is asynchronously communicating with the server. When the application makes a server request a new dialog (activity) with "loading" notification is created. The main activity implements methods for handling server responses and I would like to close the foreground activity when the main activity receiv...

Painting over analog clock in Android application and setting it.

I'm working on an Android Application for AutiPlan, which is a web-based planner tool for people with an Autism-related disorder. I want to create an application which shows the current activity (planned item), together with a clock. (AnalogClock) On this clock, I want to paint a red background from the current-minute to the minute at w...

android italic typeface

I try to display italic text in a textview. I use the method TypeFace.defaultFromstyle(TypeFace.ITALIC) but it doesn't work, the style of the text is not set to italic. If i call the getStyle() method on the return of defaultFromstyle() it returns 0. Any idea ? ...

Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

I am wondering if there is a way to handle the user pressing "Enter" while typing in an EditText, something like the onSubmit HTML event. Also wondering if there is a way to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the "Done" button is labeled something else (for example "Go") and performs a certain action when clicked (again,...

android custom application icon

is it possible to make large/custom size icon on the desktop for android? ...

Given a GIT URI, how can I check it out ?

In this Google IO 2009 presentation, a GIT url is provided in the slides. The URL looks like this;a=commit; h=a42091afb7b122c753f9050ff5dbcb792eb36a78 I want to check out the code, so I ran git clone But git is aborting wi...

Android OpenGL ES + Frame Buffer Objects

Hello, We've been using Frame Buffer Objects in our application, and trying to port it to android. However it seems that the FBO extension isn't implemented in Android 1.4 (which we are using). We essentially need to render a scene to a texture, we don't need z-buffer, just general poly and texturing primatives. Any suggestions on how...

Changing the user interface of an Android

In Android, how can I replace the user interface of an emulator by my own interface? I would like to start my own interface immediately as the emulator gets started and that the user can't use the original interface but the original interface is on the background. Update: Now my code looks like this: public class NewHomeScreen extends...

"Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package" while installing Android application

I got this error while installing the android application (Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package.). I did the following steps. First time I installed the application and it works fine. I made changes to the existing application and change the version no in Manifest file. <manifest xmlns:android="

How to display list of images in ListView in android?

Hi All, I am new to android. I want to display the list of images using the ListView. The images which are displayed are decided at runtime according to server response. and also i want to embedd some text on this image(like match scoring chip). the number of images are not fix. Can anybody help me here? ...

set transparent background of an imageview in android

hello... i am using a web view in which i am adding a image i want to set the background of this image view transparent.i hv tried setting mImageview.setBackgroundResource(R.color.trans); [where trans => < color name="trans">#00000000 < / color >] plz help.... thanks in advance... ...

3D Engines for development on any mobile platform

I am planning to develop a game for all of the mobile platform and have pretty much zeroed down on the concepts of the game. but the only issue I'm facing as of now is that I have no idea what would be the best libraries + 3d Engine to us to achieve the best results on the hardware on some of the upcoming mobiles. I'm talking about the i...

Android asynchronous service calls strategy

Here's scenario: Client makes remote call to the service (returns void) and provides a callback object Service executes some long running logic on the background thread and then uses callback object to trigger ether success or failure which (since these manipulate visual elements) execute in Activity#runOnUiThread block The scenario ...

android apk file installation

Hi, I am trying to install apk file in G1 device and get following error: Failure[INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] I have already change the name of main file using Manifest too. change the icon too. though the same problem is come over. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in Advanced.. Sunil Mishra ...