
How do I access BookCrossing data when they don't have an API?

BookCrossing doesn't have an API right now (it seems in the roadmap that it's planned, but with no expected date of arrival). Any ideas on how to quickly get the current location of a specific book? ...

Is there anyway I can see when I became friends with someone on Facebook?

I want to create a visualization where I see friends being added as time passes but I don't think the Facebook API tells me since how long I am friends with someone. ...

How can I access a user role in Drupal from a separate application?

Is there a plugin/standard HTTP API for accessing user roles/permissions in a Drupal 6 instance from other applications, e.g., on different hosts? Our organization uses Shibboleth to allow easy authentication across all our hosts, but I'd like to use our central Drupal 6 installation to manage user roles rather than storing roles data i...

Free/cheap Whois Api

Is there a free API where I can pull whois data and server location data? (similar to who.is) ...

Objective-C iPhone third party API list?

Is there a list of third party APIs that can make my iPhone app have amazing features (ex. Yelp API, Facebook API)? ...

Need Help in Creating PHP/MySql API for my Application

Hi Friends, I have developed an Application in PHP/MySql Technology Now I want to develop an API for that Application I have Created the first step Request XML and i send that XML via cURL but now what i have to do after that the server Setup and response XML both of them i wont able to create. So kindly help me to build my API. Th...

Advice on writing a rich Web UI to front a RESTful HTTP API

Hi all, I've been working on a set of RESTful HTTP services implemented using Restlet in Java. Those services are currently used by a proprietary desktop application running on Windows, and by other back-end services. My goal now is to design an Ajaxy user interface to these services that will run within the Web browser. I am aware of ...

REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters?

A REST API can have parameters in at least two ways: As part of the URL-path (i.e. /api/resource/parametervalue ) As a query argument (i.e. /api/resource?parameter=value ) What is the best practice here? Are there any general guidelines when to use 1 and when to use 2? Real world example: Twitter uses query parameters for specifyi...

How to highlight pinned tab in Chromium via javascript

There is a feature in Chrome - you can right-click on a tab and select "Pin Tab", then tab is moved to the left corner and looks like an icon with text. So there is the question: how can I highlight this tab? Maybe there is some API? For example, gmail can highlight this tab when new mail message is come. Thank you. ...

Yahoo Site Explorer API

http://search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/inlinkData?appid=1337&start=1&results=100&query=http://www.doors-more.co.uk Information : http://developer.yahoo.com/search/siteexplorer/V1/inlinkData.html i would like to be able to just get all pages except from this domain i know it is possible as many sites do it here ...

Why does fopen produce varying files from calls to Twitter, when the file should be static?

Hi, I am trying to get a list of Twitter users using their API. When I query the API in my browser (http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/followers.xml?screen_name=atomictom), it returns an XML doc with 100 users, as it should. However, when performing the query from my php file: $file=fopen("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/followers.xm...

Facebook.com error with getLoginUrl()

I generate a login url using: $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('canvas' => 1, 'fbconnect' => 0, "display"=>"page", 'next' => APP_URL, 'req_perms' => 'email,publish_stream,offline_access')) However, when user clicks the link he is redirected to the page with a Facebook logo and a message 'Go to Facebook.com' underneath it. Why is this happ...

Microtransactions & Payments (in C++)

Hi, are there any good solution for microtransactions/payments available to C++? Either a library or an JSON/HTTP api. I want to be able to allow payments with credit card, paypal and if possible, SMS and phone calls. Do you know of anything that fit's my needs? ...

Facebook Application building. How do I do a simple API call?

Hi There, I have 4.5 years experience as a professional PHP developer, I have loads of experience with session handling, etc. I am wanting to learn how to build Facebook applications. I have gone through the process of downloading the Facebook Developer application, I have used to it Create an App, I have set the canvas URL to where th...

Tweepy twitter oauth authentication not returning oauth_verifier

I am using a python library called "tweepy" for twitter. When I try to authorize the user, twitter is supposed to redirect to a callback url with auth_token and oauth_verifier. I am getting only auth_token in the url. Anyone else had the same problem? ...

How to inject external APIs beans with Weld - JSR-299

It's clear to me how to inject an object which is in my domain (I have access to the source) using Weld. You just annotate the implementation with e.g. @Named and @ApplicationScoped, and then annotate the target attribute with @Inject to get the implementation injected. However, not sure how can I inject implementations of classes which...

How to check if an address is a business or residential address

Hi all, I have a dataset that contains many addresses (60,000-ish entries). I want to classify these addresses into either residential or business addresses. Does anyone know a good API/Service to get started doing this? -I don't think the google maps geocoder can do this at this time. -Fedex and UPS both seem to have API's but the...

Extracting template used in a blog

Hi, Windows Live Writer somehow extracts template from (at the very least) Blogger-based blogs. Google's Blogger API documentation does not mention a way to do this "cleanly". Is there an API or an easy way to extract the template used by a blog, for use in writing a WYSIWYG blog editor? I'm looking for a way to do this on Blogger, but...

JQuery Batchbook Rest API Consumption

Given the following API call in Curl, how would I do this in JQuery? curl -u #{api_key}:x -X GET https://#{your_account}.batchbook.com/service/people.xml ...

What are the advantages of the Facebook library's available for c# 3.5 and visual studio 2008

I currently am developing in VS 2008 with no access to vs 2010. I would like to use http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ but there is no way to use dynamic in vs 2008 so I don't think this is an option. Options are http://github.com/facebook/csharp-sdk http://facebooktoolkit.codeplex.com/ http://facebooknet.codeplex.com/ I'm looking to...