
Best way to send information from one web db/app to multiple desktop/mobile apps?

I am planning to build multiple desktop addons ( for Chrome & Firefox ) and mobile apps ( for iPhone and Droid ). The application would have its own database, and it would be filled by downloading information from a web database (possibly MySQL in Drupal). My plan is to have specific information in the web database transferred to an SQ...

Access Database Integration with website

I'd like to have my website be automatically and continuously updated with information from an access database, but I'm not sure how to do so? Any suggestions? ...

In App Purchase no valid Product IDs

I'm trying to get In App Purchase with my existing iPad App working. I'm stuck retrieving the Product Information from App Store: - (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response The SKProductsResponse only contains invalid Product IDs. I tried every potential solution I found here...

Paid digital content in App

Hey guys we plan to create an app that contains digital content that our customer now sales over the internet and delivers the content online. because the content is more than the 99 $ maximum price an app may cost, we d like to forward the user from in the app to the payment system of our customer so that he can buy the content "online...

iPhone: different icon for homescreen and App Store

I would like to know if the app icon on the iPhone can be slightly different than the one shown in a large version in Apple's App Store. It was discussed in short here: But I wanted to make sure if anyone has more experience with that. To ...

Why no iphone app linking contacts to calendar?

I am not a programmer. I would pay for an application that allowed me to create a link between a calendar appointment and one or more of my contacts. This seems like an obvious applications with a huge market> Why is it not possible to do this? ...

Need to create Facebook 'back button'

I'm finishing up creating a Facebook contest app. On all pages of the app is a link to our Rules and Regs. At the bottom of this page, I want to have a 'Back' button that will do just that...send the user back to whatever page they came from. However, I cannot use the simple traditional javscript:history.go(-1) method b/c FBJS doesn't...

In google app engine, how to iterate through form fields (python, wsgiref.handlers)

Using python and wsgiref.handlers, I can get a single variable from a form with self.handler.request.get(var_name), but how do I iterate through all form variables, be they from GET and POST? Is it something like this? for field in self.handler.request.fields: value = self.handler.request.get(field) Again, it should include both fi...

Can you receive SMS messages in your app on iPhones?

I am wondering if you can officially receive SMS messages in your app (and remove the default SMS app). I believe it can be done on Android, I just wonder if this is possible on iPhone OS. ...

Iphone app: Resize a png by getting Height and Width from user

Ive an image with particular resolution appearing on Iphone screen. I need to resize that image by getting info. as an alert from user(Width and height). Cud anyone help me with block of code for this???? ...

IPhone Configuration utility not allowing a certain app to be installed with it

I'm building an app and using the iPhone config utility to add it to different devices. Dragging the app file from 'product' in xCode worked fine previously, but for some reason when I drag the app it never appears in the applications list of the utility. I downloaded some Apple source code, built it, and dragged across and it works fine...

Publishing a post on users' wall by facebook app

Hello, I need to generate a picture from facebook user profile picture and post it to some users' walls. For instance, $attch = array( 'media' => array((array('type' => 'image', 'src' => ''.$uid.'/picture', 'href' => ''.$uid.'/picture/'))); 'src' => 'h...

in app purchases question

I am looking into the iPhone in app purchased models and need to implement a subscription. Ex content will be available for 24 hours. Now the most important thing is that it needs to be available on all the other devices, so bought on the iPhone, viewable on the iPad. I'm not sure how this works ? I need to store some information on the ...

iphone sms application

How to develop a sms app for iphone? Are there any api available to develop this kind of app? Is there any other way to develop this type of app for iphone apart from using api Please suggest me some ideas.. Thanks ...

Really new to XCode. Why won't the thing run?

Hi, I'm trying to follow the April 2009 and Winter 2010 Stanford iPhone app development videos and I'm running up against the same problems with both. First, they don't appear to be using the latest version of XCode - the Outlets and Actions panels are in a different window and there is little info on the net about this (other than one...

How to get any entitiy's Facebook id?

For example, is there a way to query "Stanford University" and get its facebook id "6192688417"? ...

Blackberry (Java) - Drawing graphics on top of rendered text/buttons etc

Based off the one of the demos I have the following code. Currently what displays in the simulator is just hte contents of the paint function, however the ObjectChoiceField is still selectable if one happens to click in the right location. I would like both the text contents and the paint function contents to appear. Is this possible? ...

flickr photosets for facebook pages

For a facebook fan page, I'm trying to find a facebook app to pull my flickr photos into either the facebook photos app or an app on facebook. I've tried myflickr but it seems to do only searches, not photosets in an album sort of way. Flickr Tab seems like a good fit but there is a fee to it, I don't think I can try it out before purch...

iphone friends location app

What kind of api does SDK provide if we are to develop an app which keeps tracks of friends location? Update: CoreLocation gets the device location with the app running. But how to get the friends location data if you have their phone number. Does anyone have idea to get the location data of friends using iphone sdk ...

how to make a NEWS -Reader app

hey, I'm a beginner and I'm trying to make a NEWS reader app. My idea is to make an app just like N.Y Times. The question is : how do I access the news database and display on my native app ? If I make an RSS reader kinda thing, will I be able to display the contents of the news feed on my native app itself ? Please, I'v been reading a...