
How can I use the paid version of my app as a "key" to the free version?

Let's say for example that I have some Android app that does X. The free version has ads or basic features. I want to have a paid version that removes the ads and adds extra features. How can I use the paid app as a "license key" to unlock the features in the free app? So the user would install the free app, then install the paid app...

Create top ten list

I'm trying to build an iPhone app where I have a list of names, and can search by year to find the top ten names for that year. How would I need to set that up in xcode? ...

Can I use the google chat image on google app engine?

I am writing an app using python on GAE. I figure since I'm using google logins as the authentication for my users, why can't I use each users google chat picture as their user portrait? However I haven't found a way to access that info. Maybe I've been using facebook api's for too long, but is there any way to access that information? ...

how do i start (and bind) a remote service in android that is implemented in another app (different package)?

hi there! i'm a bit stuck with remote services in android. thing is i implemented a remote service in package "a.b.c" and i want other applications to be able to access this service. i got rid of the whole crappy aidl-stuff and designed the "interface" of the service to work via broadcasted intents. works fine so far... problem is: how...

Displaying a non-static string on an Android app?

I'm making a calculator-type application and it will have a resulting string that is generated by user-given inputs. This is my first android app, so I am not too familiar with the SDK. In main.xml I can make the static, non-changing strings, but how can I similarly display a string that can change and has no set value? ...

Search file system with Xcode Mac application.

Hello, my uncle challenged me to make an application in which you can search the file system of a Mac. I've never actually had to do this yet in my programming experience, but I think it would be good to know as well. I have a search field, and a button that says search. Does anybody know how I can make that search the file system, and d...

rails 3 - app design question - models and controllers

Hello, I am building small app that will only display products in various categories. And will never display categories without products. So far I have two models - product and category and wondering if I really need controller dedicated to category model? I can only see one advantage so far - rendering collection (partial) of category. ...

App store testing an Application with inapp purchase feature.

I have a few questions regarding inApp Purchase as follows: i) Do we need to make a product (in App purchase) live before submission or we can make it after app approval. Suppose I have a product in inApp Purchase that is to be in sale by Next week, and if my app with inApp purchase version gets approved this week, then how do the App...

How to create an exe file in java

Hi I want to create an exe file for my java app. I tried with some third party softwares JEXECreator, successfully created the exe file and its working fine in my system, when I tried with another machine, it’s not working. I got the following error * The error occurred while running the application. The exit code is 0x10000223. ...

Strategies to let a separate app talk to javascript in the browser

Here's the scenario: we have a separate app running on a computer (outside of the browser). It creates a folder with 10,000 downloaded thumbnail images. In the browser, we have a traditional browser app. It lets you browse through these images. In order to speed up the browsing dramatically, I want to let the app get the images from the...

Is it possible to create references in Google App Engine?

Let's say I have a datastore that contains mother, father, and child objects. Inside the Mother and Father objects I have a field called child which stores a reference to their child. Is it possible to reference this child from both mother and father without creating duplicate child instances for each (in the style of OOP). Is this how d...

How can I fix this bug? BadKeyError: Name must be string type.

Hey everyone. I am using Appengine/Python and I haven't been able to fix a BadKeyError bug for the last 5 hours. I'm wondering if someone can help me figure it out. The part of the app that is causing the bug is a controller that processes votes done by users. Actor_id is the key of the user and object_id is the key of the object that is...

Building a .NET kiosk application

Hi, I'm building a touch screen kiosk application in .NET (C#, WPF). the app itself is pretty trivial, it just collects user information. But here's where i am getting out of my comfort zone. The kiosk will be set up at remote locations, so with what I know of web development (that's what pays my bills) I can't find the kiosk but if I...

[iPhone Web App] Ignoring Orientation

Hi, I am building a web application for iPhone. Since the application shows different content while in different orientations, the built-in animation between the two orientations animates the original content as well. For better result, I would like to disable the animation between the portrait and landscape. Is there a way to do it fo...

Time taken in upload received stage

Hello everyone, I submitted my app via xcode 2 days ago and my app is basically stuck in the upload received stage and has been there for 50hrs + now. I contacted itnuesconnect but no response yet. Anyone encountered that before. I cannot even reject binary at this stage. The itunes connect stuff is really bad.... ...

What should the transactionReceipt verification json look like?

I'm trying to verify a sandbox transactionReceipt at using php and cURL. The original receipt when it arrives at my server looks like: { "signature" = "AksOP5dmXwg 9WjlcE7PwBEFZgcqBnIb0Uv2lSKebWJJpcOZQRL6ejYyv20MzPFDSgAj3GRGoJXWZpyJLAU8qZSQFYQeGljWKZd3XTJN4j1E7fqOQRBdIXSDRJr1phB/11xp smk6m...

add connection string without using app.config

i created a data access layer dll using subsonic. however it uses the connectionstring from the app.config. i am using it in ninjatrader and dont want to mess around with the ninjatrader app.config for the connecitonstring. how do i avoid this issue. ...

[iPhone] how to link to iBook?

Hey guys I am making an app for an author (patrick rothfuss) and i would like to be able to link to his book in the itunes store by clicking a ui button. while I think i can set up the button and everything myself, I can't seem to find out what the link is. anyone have any idea how to do this? Thanks ...

iPhone app update using a different developer account

Hi, I have an app which is available in app store and was signed with a certificate made from an account A. Now can I submit an update of the same app this time signing it with a different certificate created using another developer account say B? Thanks in advance, Tony ...

Best Way to get User Feedback for Web app

Hi, I am launching a iphone web app that is related to mobile searching. Currently, I am looking for users to test on this app. What is the best way to get feedback for this app? And get users to my web app? Thanks. ...