
Android App DeviceAnywhere LogCat

Is there a way to look at LogCat when the app is running on a device on DeviceAnywhere? Thanks Chris ...

iPad launch orientation when flat issues in app delegate

Like many people, I have a splash screen that animates off to reveal the first view of my app. I've been reworking this for the iPad and if you are holding the device in portrait or landscape modes, everything works as intended, the correct default image is used, the correct image that is used to animate this off is used, all orientation...

Execute another app which is not url/sms and etc.

I would like to execute another app from my app like "Angry Birds"/"Seance"/"Guitar Hero". (I know its against the rules of apple :) Is there a way I can do it? Thanks ...

XCode- is it possible to add columns and images to PickerView in Interface Builder?

Is it possible to add images and columns to Picker View in XCode Interface Builder? Image here: Im supposed to come up with something similar.. and im quite new to developing iphone app, but do have experience of C#/Java... any tips/inputs? thanks in advance!! ...

how to install python on samsung S5600 halley evo

I would know how can i install python on samsung S5600 Halley evo...i have to do something like a jailbreak? it is possible? and, if yes, how? thaks :) ...

"BadValueError: Filtering on Text properties is not supported" on a StringProperty using AppEngine

Hi, I am running AppEngine locally.I use some filters on the following attribute of my object : class Blah(db.Model): access_code = db.StringProperty() Then I run my filter in the view: cac = Blah.all().filter( 'access_code =', 'value_to_find').fetch(1) When doing so, I get the following error : BadValueError: Filtering o...

Continuous Timeline in Iphone App?

Background: Workout App is designed to have a continuous timeline that I can then input what exercise and reps I'm doing in real-time, then graph the results in real-time. Issue: When the iphone sleeps for too long, we lose the continuity of the Timeline and it restarts. We haven't figured out how to keep the timeline updating while the...

How can i use "MPMusicPlayerController" to playlist from my website in my Iphone app

hello, i'm a beginning so i hope to explain me in easy way. how can i use MPMusicPlayerController to play sound list in my iPhone app. if i have many mp3 files in my website how can play these files automatically ? i mean when open my app auto start 1.mp3 and when it finish 2.mp3 start automatically ? Thanks alot :) ...

Would it be possible to use XMPP on Google App Engine to make a realtime multiplayer game?

Theoretically speaking, is such a thing possible? I know that Google App Engine can't make socket connections, so I figured using XMPP to send messages to the clients would work. Is XMPP on Google App engine low-latency enough to work for a realtime game? I was looking into multiplayer game servers like Smartfox and the like, but I fi...

Ipad app with two UIWebViews

I have an iPad app with two UIWebviews, one on top of the other. Is there a way to have all the links that are clicked in one, open in only the other view? ...

iPhone Application - combination of UINavigationController and UITabBarController

Hi I want to make the login app with the complicated views. Requirement flows as below: Login Page --> Menu Page --> Detail Page with Tab Control. --> Navigation Page Here the 'Detail Page' is again a combination of two views. Navigation View and Tab View. i.e. 'Detail Page' will have a Navigation Control (Navigation Bar) on top ...

Facebook Open Share Window from Application

Hello! How can I open the Share with friends window from inside a Flash application please? Thank you! ...

Ipad app link open in UIWebViews

I have an iPad app with to UIWebViews. Is there a way to have some of the links clicked in the top view open in the bottom view, based on an attribute of the link's html? (Such as target="" or id="") ...

Custom UIAlertView moved up after upgrading to ipad/universal app

So after upgrading to a universal app, one of my UIAlertViews shifted up, but only for the iOS4.0. Before: . After (only on iOS4.0): . I looked into alert.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate( alert.transform, 0.0, -100.0 ); to shift it back down, but that does absolutely nothing. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks. ...

Iphone App behaves differentlt when downloaded from store vs testing on phone

Hi All, Having an issue with an app I have done that has been approved and is on the app store. The problem is I have a section that adds some float values together then uses, NSnumberformatter to convert them to currency. On the iphone simulator and if uploaded to the phone (in debug or release) it works fine and adds up the correct ...

Facebook Style Wall / Activity log - General design help

I'm building a face-book style activity stream/wall. Using python/app engine. I have build the activity classes based on the current activity standard being used by face-book, yahoo and the likes. i have a Chanel/api system built that will create the various object messages that live on the wall/activity stream. Where i can use some he...

Is there a list somewhere of all the app dev contests and promotions going on?

If not... let's start one here? Please add below! StreetApps Challenge Adobe Open Screen Nokia 1 million API-based contests ConstantContact API Daylife API (Profit Share) And more? ...

What membership software should I use for a web application?

Hi guys, I am currently the programmer for an not-for-profit organization which specializes in tree restoration / planting trees. Right now, we are developing a web app for our customers where each client can view its current purchases, the amount of trees that they have bought, and the exact areas where each tree is being planted. Wh...

Upgrading to a universal app and sdk problem

Hi, I have an iphone app. I decided to upgrade it to iPad and installed the xcode_3.2.3_and_iphone_sdk_4__final.dmg I upgraded the app to an universal app. Before installation of new sdk, I could compile my iphone app with 3.0 sdk. However, after installation, I can only see iPhone Device 3.2 adn 4.0 sdks on xcode. I wonder, if I com...

Mobile app and accessing app through mobile website in browser

I have seen few apps having exact same UI when you access the app through stand alone app or through their mobile website. What are the pros and cons of both approaches while developing the app? Edit - This is a general question. Not necessarily android. Iphone apps are also in similar categories. ...