
An app needs iphone4 to run, do I need to set some key in the plist file to exclude iphone3 and others?

My app needs iphone4 to run, do I need to set some key in the plist file to exclude iphone3 and other devices when I publish it in the itunes store. ...

Developing an Android smartphone app - on which devices would YOU suggest to check the app?!

Dear stackies, before publishing a new app on the market, on which devices would you suggest to check whether it runs fine or not? What are your experiences? How do you handle this? Are there some empirical values, for example, do applications that run smoothly on a HTC Desire behave similar on all HTC devices? Are there some devices o...

An app with a translator

I have an idea for an app that requires a voice recognition translator. I want to be able to speak in a few select languages and have the app translate it in to English text on screen. I know apps like this already exist but mine has a special edge to it that makes it profitable. Basically my question is... how do I get the coding for a...

Google app engine python problem

I'm having a problem with the datastore trying to replicate a left join to find items from model a that don't have a matching relation in model b: class Page(db.Model): url = db.StringProperty(required=True) class Item(db.Model): page = db.ReferenceProperty(Page, required=True) name = db.StringProperty(required=True) I wa...

Java web app interacts with a COM component in users local machine

Hi All, We are planning to use Java Applet which will be downloaded to users browser and communicate with the com component using JNI. And also the applet will interact with the web page using Java Script. Web page -> Javascript -> Applet -> JNI - > COM The web page would display the data returned by the COM and also It can send the...

How to setup a main menu layout in Android?

For the app that I'm making, I plan on having a main menu composed of 6 different icons, with 2 per line. This is very similar to the Twitter main menu layout seen here: So basically... how should I go about setting up the XML? LinearLayout, TableLayout? And then, what do I actually do to get the icons and text to be evenly spaced and ...

upgrade to universal app - size of mainWindow-iPad is 320x480

Hi, I have the following problem. I have an iPhone app and want to upgrade to universal When I do this, I get the expected MainWindow-iPad.xib. But the size of the window is hardcoded to 320x480. Also, there is no view in the window. I red, this should be automatically iPad-sized, so I am assuming I am doing something wrong. What exactl...

Delay during launch of iPad app

I'm developing an iPad app that uses a lot of hard drive space. The space is mainly occupied by resource files inside the app's main bundle directory. There is quite a large number of them as well. After I tap the app's icon on the device, there is an awkward pause (of probably 2 seconds) before the screen is replaced with the launch ap...

Link to iTunes Ratings Page

What's the link to the ratings page on iTunes for my app? [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"???"]]; ...

iAds are leaking memory

I recently implemented iads by following the WWDC video. However, while testing with leaks I found that my ads were leaking. I heard that this is a known problem with iads. Someone mentioned that releasing the banner in viewDidUnload might help but that didn't work for me... Does anyone know any way around these leaks? Even though the...

How to enable Windows Live Writer "Pages" with Atom Publishing Protocol ?

I am implementing Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) on a web-site to allow users to post news articles and content pages using Windows Live Writer (WLW). This is working very nicely with news posts ("entry" in APP speak). However the option to write "Pages" is disabled in WLW. Is there some way to indicate to WLW in the service document (a...

Android, Iphone app with JS and HTML

Hi, I have read some post about apps programming for Iphone and Android, but I have one question. Is it posible when there is a mobile website optimized for mobile phones, that I can create apps for Iphone, Android, Win 7 and Blackberry, that only statrts the browser as instance and display the mobile website? What do you think, is this ...

Storing BlobKey in DataStore with app engine

So I decided to rewrite my image gallery because of the new high performance image serving thing. That meant using Blobstore which I have never used before. It seemed simple enough until I tried to store the BlobKey in my model. How on earth do I store reference to a blobstorekey in a Model? Should I use string or should I use some spec...

Does anyone know how to link from Safari on iPad to the "Top Charts" tab of the App Store application?

I have tried using the iTunes Link Maker, and also copying the links out from iTunes on OSX (which works in Safari on the desktop but not on the iPad). ...

Developing Geo-location apps for the iPhone

How does one build a directory of 'Spots' for users to check-in to in a native iPhone app? Or, does the developer borrow data from, let's say, Google Maps? ...

Have I organised my django app correctly?

I'm in a situation where I need to merge two Django apps into a single, re-usable app. Neither are particularly large, but they are certainly not trivial apps and to preserve readability / sanity I'm trying to keep the two apps separated to some extent. I could set up each app as a sub-package (which would be a pythonic way to achieve ...

PayPal transaction in mobile app

I want to develop a mobile app that allow user to finish PayPal transaction without redirecting to web browser, all stuff (login, paying, etc) are done in app itself. I don't know how to perform PayPal login in the app, almost all examples on internet are redirecting to paypal site to finish login. Is there a way to perform login witho...

No result when sending POST request to Google App Engine through JQuery

I'm trying to send a POST request to my GAE app through JQuery AJAX but I get no response data back. I have a very simple servlet that simply echo the "msg" I pass in. Also overriding doOptions. @Override protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resp.setH...

An IDE in my pocket?

Hey all, Does anyone know of an IDE for editing files such as PHP, HTML, and CSS through a SFTP connection? I have both an android device and an iOS (version 3, that is) device, and the only result I get for an application like this in both marketplaces is in the App Store. It didn't seem particularly appealing (also, it required a...

invalid Product Id's in In App Purchases iPhone application??

i just created In App Purchases for my new application and checked Cleared for Sale option. But when i test my application after 2 days its still giving me invalid product id's.. I didnt Approve them earlier. Do i need to approve the App Purchases too before testing them...Will that affect my application when i upload my final binary and...