
COTS vs. Custom / Build vs. Buy: Decision Tree and Best Practices

Background: I work at a company with a large SAP investment, and we also have dozens of large .NET systems (mostly internally for engineering systems), and Java platforms (mostly for external web applications). As such, we have large development shops on ABAP, C#, and JEE. Question: In short, We need a better way to determine when Com...

Local vs. Centralized Processing

Hi Everyone, I work at a company with a large SAP investment, and we also have dozens of large .Net systems (mostly internally for engineering systems), and Java platforms (mostly for external web applications). As such, we have large development shops on ABAP, C#, and JEE. We have over 20 major facilities distributed over very large d...

Program Manager vs. Software Architect

What are the differences between a program manager and a software architect? ...

Reporting a WCF application's status to F5's Big IP products

In a Windows Server 2003 environment with a self hosted .Net 3.5/WCF application, how can an application report its status to a BigIP Local Traffic Manager? Example: One of my services errors. My custom WCF application hosting software (written because Windows Server 2008 is not yet available and I'm using WCF TCP bindings) detects thi...

ASP.NET: Everything on a page, or break into controls?

When you're making a page that is visually broken down into specific regions, do you break those regions down into controls, or do you put everything on the page and in one code-behind? If regions are separated into controls, how do you facilitate communication among the controls? By communication I mean simply exchanging data on the s...

How do web services and databases relate to each other?

The idea that web services are small bits of functionality or data that are bundled together and encapsulated as small, stand-alone entities is pretty clear, and makes good sense. But how do services relate to databases that they use or provide an interface for? For example, when moving from a monolithic, 2-tier architecture with a mass...

What knowledge should a software architect have about SharePoint?

At our company we are currenty trying to define the basic things our software architects have to know about SharePoint for them to architect and/or lead a SharePoint implementation project. Many architects in our company have a .NET developer background and know a lot about .NET development and the various framework components and toolin...

Managing connection to database in an application

I would like to know, what would be the best way to manage a connection to a database in My application is built using an N-Tier architecture. The DAL consists of static classes with methods such as Public Shared Sub Delete( _ ByVal connection As MyConnectionClass, _ ByVal contact_id As Integer, _ ByVal contact_tim...

DDD: Modeling M:N relation between two roots where the relation itself carries semantic meaning

Update Edited to reflect clarifications requested by Chris Holmes below. Originally I was referring to a Terminal as a Site but changed it to better reflect my actual domain. At heart, I think this is a question about modeling a many to many relationship between two root entities where the relationship itself carries some semantic mean...

Doing a run-around of existing application to make database changes, good idea?

We have an existing "legacy" app written in C++/powerbuilder running on Unix with it's own Sybase databases. For complex organizational(existing apps have to go through lot of red-tape to be modified) and code reasons(no re-factoring has been done in yrs so the code is spaghetti), so it's difficult to get modifications done to this appl...

What questions should I ask when trying to determine if a system should be redeveloped?

I've been involved in the assessing whether a number of our systems need to be rewritten from the ground up or if they should be partially rewritten, or if they should just continue as is with patches on top. In order to better assess the situation I was wondering what questions I should be asking myself and others to help determine the...

How best to handle and expose Converted Value inside my class

In my code behind, I grab a value from the selected index from a radiobuttonlist. Question is, in some cases I need to use it as a string but other cases I need to convert it to Int32 for use in some methods. Is it better to: Convert to int using a property (possible reuse later on) Convert to int inside just one method that needs it ...

How do you decide what assemblies to split your project into?

What's the most important consideration when deciding how to partition your application into assemblies? Do some people just create one assembly per unique namespace (or perhaps per root namespace) for convenience? Or one per app-layer (like Presentation, Business/Services, Data)? Or more subtle perhaps, put the entire Model in one assem...

How do I organize my java packages in our web mvc project?

Do you have any good tips on how should i organize class packages for my java project? We are usually building web MVC projects and our structure is something like this* - all model classes* - all service classes* - service classes related to pa...

Relationship between URL and Filepath in a URL-rewriting scenario..

Experience tells me I shouldn't be storing a url in my database of media items. However that is what my architect is telling me. Surely it is the job of a front end server to map the filepath to a url? Any hints? What should I be considering with regard to URL rewriting? ...

Where to specify flag for Base class use

I've got a base class called Request.cs In this class I have the following private fields: protected string _requestURI = xxpConfig.xxEndpoint; protected string _requestURIAuthBased = xxConfig.xxEndpoint + "?SessionID="; endpoint is just a string such as "http://SomeThridPartyAPIURIEndPoint" In this class I have a method called Send...

Layering a WCF Service the right way ...

My question is more of an architectural nature, less involved with the actual implementation. I have build an API based on WCF, but can't really decide on how to separate the PL from the BL. I have made my service thin, so that it holds only a minimum of implementation, something like: public TagItemResponse TagItem(TagItemRequest requ...

Would you use the S#arp Architecture in a new commercial project?

The S#arp Architecture seems really cool, but do you think it's still too new to make the commitment to it in an important new project? (Let's assume the project appears to be a good fit for it at first glance.) It all seems very good, I'm just concerned that the new project I'm working on is using all the newer technologies - WCF, ASP....

Websites like

Sometimes I'm solving problems on Almost all problems are solvable with programs, but these tasks are more mathematical than programmatical. Maybe someone knows similar sites with: design tasks, architecture tasks, something like "find most elegant C++ solution"? ...

Architectural Patterns Pub/Sub Scaling and Disaster Recovery

We will have a source system broadcasting messages over a JMS compliant pub/sub infrastructure. For the majority of messages published the subscribers will be GUI applications updating a screen with the data in the message. One of the subscribers, however, will be a translation service. For certain messages published the translation s...