
Documenting and Architectural Modeling of Interface Dependencies

I have a large software system with millions of SLOC, hundreds of modules, and thousands of interface dependencies. Based upon an earlier question in StackOverflow I have been able to start discovering what these interface dependencies actually are. The challenge now is to have all this information available in a useful format. The da...

Fowler's "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" still relevant?

Hi, I'm thinking of buying Martin Fowler's "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture". From what I can see it seems like a great book, it an architectural book with bias towards enterprise Java -- just what I need. However, in computer years, it is quite old. 2003 was a long time ago, and things have moved on quite a bit since t...

What is the difference b/w Design and Architecture ?

What is the difference b/w Design and Architecture ? hi , i have asked this question from many teachers but no one gave me satisfactory answer . these two terms are very diffused .. i am not getting them correctly .. waiting for an accurate answer... any real time example or scenario that can elaborate this difference ?? ...

what is the difference b/w Layer and Tier ?

Duplicate: What’s the difference between “Layers” and “Tiers”? HI , i am having confusion about these two terms what does these two terms mean ? what is the difference b/w Layer and Tier ? ...

What is a good architecture for a server service and gui?

I am building an app that allows users to execute some commands on a computer by sending them through email. The server will monitor (pull) one or more email accounts and start a communication session. Some authentication is also involved. I am using the latest and greatest .net technologies. I am thinking to expose the server as a serv...

How should I estimate hardware requirements for SQL Server 2005 database?

We're being asked to spec out production database hardware for an ASP.NET web application that hasn't been built yet. The specs we need to determine are: Database CPU Database I/O Database RAM Here are the metrics I'm currently looking at: Estimated number of future hits to website - based on current IIS logs. Estimated worst-case...

Are you doing MDA (Model Driven Architecture) right now? If so, what tools do you use, and how is it working out?

Model Driven Architecture is the idea that you create models which express the problem you need to solve in a way that is free of any (or at least most) implementation technologies, and then you generate implementation for one or more specific platforms. The claim is that working at a higher level of abstraction is far more powerful and ...

Avoiding casting when passing objects through library code (In Delphi)

When designing libraries, I often end up resorting to the following pattern, which I don't like as it results in lots of type-casting. The basic pattern is: The code using the library hands an object to the library, the library then hands the object back to the calling code. The calling code is forced to cast the object, as the library ...

How to consolidate multiple rails application and share ressources

Hi all. I have thi intranet I developped back then with PHP. I handles multiple apps and tools (blog, link sharing, file sharing, events, clendar...), and a big user autenthication system for logging in and authorisation management. I'd like to start re-building it with Rails. I don't want to build one big app. I'd like to build the si...

Splitting application layers into different assemblies

There is a debate going on at my company. Some are advocating moving business, data and business entities in one assembly for Discoverability purposes. make it easy to find what you're looking for. Reduce the number of dll's we need to add to a project for development Others citing the application architecture guide want each layer...

[Architecture] Roles for white-label service access.

Okay, I know I'm doing something wrong - but can't figure out a better way. I am developing a website which is going to allow users to setup their own mini-websites. Something like Ning. Also, I have only 1 basic login and access to each mini website is provided (right now) via roles. So the way I am doing this right now is: Everytim...

Caching strategies with Memcached?

I'm new to using distributed caching solutions like Memcached on a large web site, I have a couple questions and could someone who has experience on these comment please. Obviously the amount of data I can put into cache depends on server RAM. Supposed I have big enough server farm and RAM, is there a max number of objects I can put i...

Help designing a c# 'spreadsheet-style app'

I need to create an application that displays data from a number of different sources (real-time data feeds and static data from a database). Primarily the app needs to cover these requirements: Display the data in a grid, with realtime updates (to the existing data and to add new rows) Format data accoringly (if x is less than y then ...

Configure 3-tier in coldfusion 8

we are in the process of migrating our coldfusion 8 application from 2-tier application to a 3-tier architecture. can anyone provide an instruction on how to configure the web server and the application server so the applications can communicate. Can using cfcomponent be enough to place all db communication in the application server? ...

When to use Data Transfer Objects and DataSets

I'm trying to come up with a methodology for when to use Data Transfer Objects and when to use DataTables. As an example of the problem I'm facing in our system... We have 6 different business entity assemblies representing the same things but with different properties. They have been created by several developers concerned with diffe...

When are you truly forced to use UUID as part of the design?

I don't really see the point of UUID. I know the probability of a collision is effectively nil, but effectively nil is not even close to impossible. Can somebody give an example where you have no choice but to use UUID? From all the uses I've seen, I can see an alternative design without UUID. Sure the design might be slightly more c...

How to share CSS StyleSheet amongst projects?

I am seeking some web architecture advice: I would like to know how to share common files, e.g. stylesheets, amongst web applicaitons that span virtual directories and many developers as opposed to having redundant files within each project? What are some recommendations? ...

Software design vs. software architecture

Could someone explain the difference between software design and software architecture? More specifically; if you tell someone to present you the 'design' - what would you expect them to present? Same goes for 'architecture'. My current understanding is: design: UML diagram/flow chart/simple wireframes (for UI) for a specific module...

Is Windows Activation Service + WCF a replacement for COM+

WAS Features Application Pooling Recycling Idle time management Identity Management Isolation Sounds a lot like COM+ but hosted in IIS 7. Anybody out there using this technology and am I correct comparing the two? ...

Mixed signed assemblies in 1 VS solution?

Hey, currently I am trying to run a project (Noizwaves.Client) which has a dependency (as a project reference) to a signed class library (Noizwaves.Core). Noizwaves.Core has it's assembly version set to 2.0.*. I have both of these projects within the same VS2008 solution file. Noizwaves.Client is set as the default startup project. All ...