
What is a good balance in an MVC model to have efficient data access?

I am working on a few PHP projects that use MVC frameworks, and while they all have different ways of retrieving objects from the database, it always seems that nothing beats writing your SQL queries by hand as far as speed and cutting down on the number of queries. For example, one of my web projects (written by a junior developer) exe...

Examples of open source high quality, well designed python software?

I am looking for a well-engineered, well-built python application that could serve as a guideline to demonstrate best practices relating to software development in general, and more specifically in python. (Note that software in other languages would also be welcome provided they are of good quality and could serve as models of good arch...

What is the best way to implement a plugin architecture for webforms application?

We have a 3-tier web application written in ASP.Net Webforms where we will not be able to port it - recession really sucks! - to MVC. Our goal is to implement a plugin architecture. One way would be to use the App_Code folder. Are there any better alternatives? ...

What are the problems associated with retrieving email using CURL?

A new feature I wish to add to our local network is the ability to retrieve email from free email services such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail using PHP. There are services we can pay for but I would rather hack it up myself! I find that Google only has an API but the rest do not. What are the problems associated then with me just retrievi...

Web app to client interaction?

I am designing a web app that has some information that needs to be transferred to a client side (non-browser) application (i.e. Outlook). Assuming the client side app has an API of some sort, I need for the web app to trigger the client side (based on a user clicking a link) to get the information and transfer it into the client app th...

Evaluating Sharepoint vs ASP.NET as a development platform

I am evaluating Sharepoint (not MOSS) vs ASP.NET as a development platform for an upcoming solution for our team. We will be developing a solution for broad (we hope) deployment across a variety of environments. I am identifying categories to evaluate pros / cons for each platform choice. I have picked categories that are applicable ...

Architecture of

Answered by the Blog entry: What Was Stack Overflow Built With? Duplicate: What was Stack Overflow built with? Does anyone know the architecture of How does they implement it? Thanks a lot. ...

Another OOP Question in

Hi, now i'm hoping the following is possible although I'm not entirely certain it is so here goes... Below is the setup of what I'm hoping is possible (in, feel free to answer in C# and I should be able to work it out): Public Class A Private _name As String Private _s As SearchA Public Property Name() As String ...

Enterprise, Systems and Application Architecture (Best Practise?)

I am currently tasked with creating a documented, consistent Architecture guide for software development. We have a lot of smart people doing the right things, but just not consistently and repeatably. We are using Microsoft’s Application Architecture Guide 2.0 as a starting point. Hence coming up with an Application Architecture is fai...

suggest me a .net architecture to implement

Hello Experts, I am about to start a new project for the catering institute where following list of modules needs to be covered. TELEPHONIC INQUIRY PROCEDURE: where user will fill up online form and will be saved in db. Follow up module will be associated with it to manage follow up and after he paid the fees for prospects, his exam ...

DDD - Dependecies between domain model, services and repositories

Just wanted to know how others have layered their architecture. Say i have my layers as follows: Domain Layer --Product --ProductService (Should the imp go into this layer?) --IProductService --IProductRepository Infrastructure Layer --ProductRepository (Imp of IProductRepository in my domain) Now when a new product is created i have...

What's an alternative to MVC?

Seems like every project I'm on uses a Model View Controller architecture, and that's how I roll my own projects. Is there an alternative? How else would one create an application that has persistent storage and a user interface? ...

DDD: Saving Changes to Model and accessing Repository

I have a Question object thats the root of the Question Aggregate. THe question has associated Answer Entities in its aggregate . When a new Answer object is created, the changes will be saved to DB via repository. Can I call a repository method SaveAnswer(Question ID) or must I call a SaveQuestion(QUestionID) and have the Repository det...

NHibernate Conceptual Aggregate Roots

I have a couple of entities that I want to treat as an aggregate. The problem is their association is conceptual rather than via foreign keys in the DB. The schema I was given: My goal is to create an InventoryWeek class that I add inventory transactions to. So the inventory week obviously wraps FACIL_INVENTORY_WEEK and the transact...

How much autonomy do you give developers in applying patterns?

I get to work with a number of companies, mostly with architects/lead developers and sometimes directly with the developers. One thing that comes up often is that when architects prescribe an application pattern, they want it to be followed consistently every time with little to no room for variation. Presentation Model/M-V-VM A good ...

Identifying the CPU architecture type using C#

I want to check which CPU architecture is the user running, is it i386 or X64 or AMD64. I want to do it in C#. I know i can try WMI or Registry. Is there any other way apart from these two? My project targets .NET 2.0! ...

MySQL architecture question regarding null columns vs. joins

Hello, I have an application where I'll have repeating events. So an event can repeat by day, "every n days", by week, "every n weeks on Mon/Tue/Wed/etc", and by month, "every n months on the 1st,2nd,3rd,etc". What is the best way to handle this from a table design perspective? I can think of two ways but I'm not sure which one is bett...

Where can I learn about proper C# project architecture design?

I'm a homegrown programmer and have been coding most of my recent applications in C#. These applications are usually small tools that help me with my day to day tasks. I do tend to use good design patterns, but since my projects are usually on a very small scale, I just dump everything into one Visual Studio project (GUI, domain code, et...

MVC for desktop app with no data layer.

Hi all. Question might be tricky (because of its nature or my way of describing it), so really read this before answering. I have this app to write: a) desktop app; b) no data layer in sense of database, files or any other repository (no need to save, store or load data); c) app will have some computation algorithms implemented (Genet...

Where to place language translations in an multitiered architecture

I build an app with following layers: WEB presentation layer Business Logic Layer - BLL - called from WEB UI through HTTP web services WindowsService - Runtime - called from BLL through net.pipe BLL can also be called from 3rd party for integration into other customer's systems. Let's say that there is an validation error that happ...