
Is it possible (reasonable) to expose a SOAP WS as JMS?

If so, what would be the message like? An XML document with the SOAP request or response? Does this makes sense? ...

Have you ever derived a programming solution from nature?

When you step back and look at ... the nature of animals, insects, plants and the problems they have organically solved perhaps even the nature and balance of the universe Have you ever been able to solve a problem by deriving an approach from nature? I've heard of Ant Colony Algorithms being able to optimize supply chain amongst o...

Is it possible to get sub-1-second latency with transactional replication?

Our database architecture consists of two Sql Server 2005 servers each with an instance of the same database structure: one for all reads, and one for all writes. We use transactional replication to keep the read database up-to-date. The two servers are very high-spec indeed (the write server has 32GB of RAM), and are connected via a f...

Do you use pre-release software to develop commercial products?

So the question is.. have you used a pre-release product or technology (a Community Technology Preview, Beta or Release Candidate, etc) to develop your own product with? For example, you might have developed a website using Microsoft's ASP.Net MVC (which just went RTM yesterday) or built software against SQL Server 2008 RC 1..etc If so...

Application Architecture using WCF and System.AddIn

A little background -- we're designing an application that uses a client/server architecture consisting of: A server which loads server-side modules, potentially developed by other teams. A client which loads corresponding client-side modules (also potentially developed by those other teams; each client module corresponds with a server...

Best way to offload heavy processing (like image resizing) out of PHP request

I'm working on a PHP web interface that will receive huge traffic. Some insert/update requests will contain images that will have to be resized to some common sizes to speed up their further retrieval. One way to do it is probably to set up some asynchronous queue on the server. Eg. set up a table in a db with a tasks queue that would ...

Silverlight Form Generation

I am working on a typical data entry system in Silverlight. Most of my screens are basically view/edit screens. I am using a DDD approach and have domain objects for everything. A typical scenario is something like a User object with a user edit and entry page. After working on this for a few types of objects, I am seeing a pattern...

What to return from the DAL to BLL

Hello Everyone, I currently have an application which consists of: User Interface (web page) BLL (Manager & Domain Objects) DAL (DataAccess class for each of my Domain Objects). I use the following in the UI to search for a domain object. protect sub Button1_Click() { IBook book = BookManager.GetBook(txtID.Text); } Here is my BL...

Implementing a Message Bus architecture

I'm currently doing analysis and design for a new message bus architecture in my company. I have tried MSMQ to do something like this in the past and it works well and was thinking of doing the same thing again for this project but using WCF as the API instead of using the System.Messaging API. Has anyone had experience with MSMQ in WC...

New .NET architecture concepts

I posted this community wiki in the hopes of creating a thread of expertise. My question is thus ... "Where do the experts go to learn about the newest .NET coding techniques?". I'm basically looking for the leading/bleeding edge of .NET architecture, design, development and theory. I know conferences and trade shows are probably the b...

Communication patterns for senior developers

I've been running a weekly "tech lead" meeting at our company for several months. It's become quite mundane, and more of a status update than anything else. I'm looking for ideas to make this more dynamic: These are the guys who I think can generate great ideas and vision They also have depth no one else has in a particular domain and ...

Which class structure is more desirable?

I'm not sure which of these two "patterns" is the best. Currently I use option A (in conjunction with a provider for implementing persistence), but I'm now erring towards B, especially in light of unit tests being able to use the "dependency injection" model. Option A: class ClassA { ClassA() { } Save(); static List<ClassA> G...

How to architect this ASP.NET n-tier solution?

I have a problem trying to layout my VS solution and I would like some suggestions, please. Currently, my solution layout looks like the following project:- Foo.Models Foo.Repositories Foo.Services Foo.Web (an ASP.NET MVC application) my website (Foo.Web) calls various methods on the Foo.Services namespace. The idea here is that the ...

Can someone explain what message brokers are used for?

In my line of work it's hard to go five minutes without someone extolling the virtues of MQ Series or MSMQ or the like, and I always wonder, after the sparkle of buzzwords has passed, what are some actual examples of these wonderful devices out in the real world. What I'm looking for is something that might inspire me to find a use for ...

Application Architecture Feedback

Hi all, I was looking for some feedback on the current design. Here is how it currently looks Web App (UI) References BLL Layer and BusinessEntities Layer BusinessEntites Layer - Contains Interfaces and Classes (with internal validations on the properties) BLL (references the BusinessEntities and DAL Layer) - Has mostly Managers for ...

Best design practices for .NET architecture with LINQ to SQL (DAL necessary? Can we truly use POCOs? Design pattern to adopt?)

I was avoiding writing what may seem like another thread on .net arch/n-tier architecture, but bear with me. I, hopefully like others still am not 100% satisfied or clear on the best approach to take given today's trends and new emerging technologies when it comes to selecting an architecture to use for enterprise applications. I suppo...

Why use Events?

I'm understanding how events work in C# (am a fair newbie in this field). What I'm trying to understand is why we use events. Do you know a well coded / architected app which uses events? ** rest of message snipped and put in as an answer** ...

Implenting a New Message Notification Feature in a Server Farm Scenario

I'm working on a forum based website, the site also supports onsite messaging (ie. the users can send private messages to other users), what I'm trying to do is notify a member if they have new messages, for example by displaying the inbox link in bold and also the number of messgages, e.g. Inbox(3) I'm a little confused how this can be...

ASP.NET UserControl For Generic Editor

I want to make a more generic editor control for ASP.NET whereby I can use the same events / common code across any editor on my site. Has anyone got any experience / insight into this? ...

Namespace for Reverse Phone, Reverse Zip, and Reverse IP Lookup services

I'm looking for ideas/suggestions on a namespace. I have 3 objects that do the following: Object 1: Reverse Phone Lookups Object 2: Reverse Zip Code Lookups Object 3: Reverse IP Address Lookups Currently, they are in the following namespaces: (CompanyName).Utilities.PhoneTools (CompanyName).Utilities.AddressTools (CompanyName).Uti...