
Best architecture for a social media app

Hey guys, Im working on promising project that develops a new social media app for web and mobile. We are at begin defining functionalities. Nevertheless, I'm thinking ahead on architecture. So I'm asking: 1 - Whats the best plataform to develop the core of this aplication that will have a Rest API interface. 2 - Whats the best databa...

How to map different UI views in a RESTful web application?

Hello, I'm designing a web application, which will support both standard UIs (accessed via browsers) and a RESTful API (an XML/JSON-based web service). User agents will be able to differentiate between these by using different values in the Accept HTTP header. The RESTful API will use the following URI structure (example for an "articl...

How to structure Javascript programs in complex web applications?

I have a problem, which is not easily described. I'm writing a web application that makes strong usage of jQuery and AJAX calls. Now I don't have a lot of experience in Javascript archicture, but I realize that my program has not a good structure. I think I have too many identifiers referring to the same (at least more or less) thing. L...

Most popular architecture used with dotnet

Hello All What are the most popular architecture with dotnet? Right now i am using ASP.NET MVC, but i want to increase my work area with more architecture.Please provide me detail and links. ...

Developing a short-term web-based data entry UI

Say you had to quickly build a data-entry UI that works in a web browser, which must interface with a business layer, which must interface with a data layer. You want to connect only to business objects, not directly to the database. Most of the views of the UI will be simple CRUD operations, with edit/update happening within a grid. ...

How do I draw Microsoft style architecture images?

What software can I use to create architecture drawings like those in the Microsoft Patterns and Practices Application Architecture Guide? ...

Where can I find a good software implementation plan template?

This is not "programming" related as much as it is "software engineering" related. I am required to produce an implementation for additional functionality to a complete system. All I am armed with is knowledge of the existing architecture and a functional spec with visual requirements, user stories and use cases. Is there a standardised...

What technology to choose for creating reusable component for Eclipse RCP and Java web application?

We have two applications which solve different business tasks. One is based on Eclipse RCP. Another is web application based on Java server technologies. Currently we need to develop one common component. It is for scheduling events. One group of users use Eclipse RCP application and will create and plan some events. Another group of us...

Should core application configuration be stored in the database, and if so what should be done to secure them?

I'm writing an application around a lot of hierarchical data. Currently the hierarchy is fixed, but it's likely that new items will be added to the hierarchy in the future. (please let them be leaves) My current application and database design is fairly generic and nothing dealing with specific nodes in the hierarchy is hardcoded, with...

Looking for a wsdl-based scaffolding framework.

I am looking for a wsdl scaffolding framework, or even better if it was a POCO scaffolding framework. I need something like Dynamic Data, but running on wsdl metadata instead of db. I am currently using office infopath which generates decent forms based on wsdl, but I would like to have it in my app, and generated at runtime. Any ideas w...

Is there a "max" number of assemblies for a .net app

Quite a few apps support plugins Are there any downsides to having a large # of plugins ? Is there a sweet spot beyond which there's a performance degradation perhaps ? What's the largest # of assemblies you've seen loaded in an app ? ...

How to organize and manage multiple database credentials in application?

Okay, so I'm designing a stand-alone web service (using RestLET as my framework). My application is divided in to 3 layers: Data Layer (just above the database, provides APIs for connecting to/querying database, and a database object) Object layer (responsible for serialization from the data layer... provides objects which the client ...

Deciding Development life cycle.

How to decide software development process for developing a software, what are the key factors to be considered while deciding which development process to follow(e.g Agile,WaterFall,Spiral...). ...

Subscription website architecture questions + SQL Server & .NET

Hey Guys, I have a few questions about the architecture of a subscription service I am about to embark on and I am looking for some feedback on how best to set it up. I won’t have a large amount of customers as Basecamp, maybe a few hundred and was wondering what would be a solid architecture for setting up the customer sites. I’m runn...

Considerations when architecting an extensible application using MEF

I've begun experimenting with dependency injection (in particular, MEF) for one of my projects, which has a number of different extensibility points. I'm starting to get a feel for what I can do with MEF, but I'd like to hear from others who have more experience with the technology. A few specific cases: My main use case at the momen...

How is fseek() implemented in the filesystem?

This is not a pure programming question, however it impacts the performance of programs using fseek(), hence it is important to know how it works. A little disclaimer so that it doesn't get closed. I am wondering how efficient it is to insert data in the middle of the file. Supposing I have a file with 1MB data and then I insert somethi...

What should be the considerations for choosing SQL/NoSQL?

Target application is a medium-sized website built to support several hundred to several thousand users an hour, with an option to scale above that. Data model is rather simple, and caching potential is pretty high (~10:1 ratio of read to edit actions). What should be the considerations when coming to choose between a relational, SQL-ba...

Learning about the low level

I'm interested in learning more about the PC from a lower (machine) level. I graduated from a school which taught us concepts using the Java language which abstracted out that level almost completely. As a result I only learned a bit from the one required assembly language course. In order to cram in ASM and quite a few details about ar...

Allow for modular development while still running in same JVM?

Our current app runs in a single JVM. We are now splitting up the app into separate logical services where each service runs in its own JVM. The split is being done to allow a single service to be modified and deployed without impacting the entire system. This reduces the need to QA the entire system - just need to QA the interaction ...

Linq to SQL - design question.

HI, Currently i have one big datacontex with 35 tables (i dragged all my DB tables to the designer). I must admit it is very comfortable cause i have ORM to my full DB and query with linq is easy and simple. My questions are: 1. Would you consider it bad design to have one datacontext with 35 tables or should i split it to logic units?...