
Best practice for Service and data contracts - WCF

I understand I can apply several options to the ServiceContract (like Name, Namespace) attribute and for OperationContract (Action, ReplyAction) The same goes to DataContract (Namespace) and DataMember (IsRequired, Name, Order) How do I determine if I need to apply a particular option or not. What is the best practice/convention I shou...

Is there a jquery micro-architecture similar to cairngorm for Flex?

Is there a jquery micro-architecture similar to cairngorm for Flex? That helps development a lot. It makes it more disciplined, and layers out the code. Is there a good starting point that I have to look up, before starting coding in jquery. I would like the code to be extensible and maintainable. ...

How to benchmark your progress as a programmer?

Is there any site / tool that'll let me check where I stand as a programmer? AFAIK the development of programmer would include Language Basics Good coding standard (class level) Design Patterns Architecture Is there a way to benchmark and check areas of weakness? For language basics, vendor certifications can help but other areas l...

iPhone app architecture

Hi all, considering good design, is it better for each view controller to manager their own connection / networking / loading, or to centralize it in the app delegate, or a separate object? Context: I have a multi-tab app, each with a navigation controller, and a number of view controller below. Each view controller is doing networ...

Restrictive API (imposing limits on the client user)

Hi, I am writing an API and have come across the following pattern: My API will force the client user in what he/she writes. The code must test x number of sites on a portal by logging in/out with different credentials. I cannot rely on chance that another developer will write his/her own login code (and this is going to be common code...

When to develop a new drupal module vs. work with what exists?

This can probably apply to other extensible content management systems, but I've been working with Drupal. Specifically I created an image sharing web application whose functionality relied on more original code than Drupal core code. I used the WebForm module and point its forms at Custom Pages with hard coded php to have nodes create...

Single auth URL? Why not authenticate on ANY URL?

Why hello SOers. My question today is about authentication endpoints and the architecture surrounding them. Most web frameworks and applications I've encountered seem to have a single URL or endpoint to deal with 'authentication' - e.g. processing authentication tokens such as usernames and passwords, and doing something with them. It ...

Prevent Massive Shadowing Of Methods

I'm in a project where it's pretty much my first time doing all the architecture myself, and I'm running into a frustrating situation. My architecture for forms seems to be correct from a heuristic perspective, but I don't think its implementation is correct. My architecture is thus: Base Class: OrderForm Child Classes: PurchaseOrder...

Android architecture for real-time applications

I'm having some trouble achieving adequate real-time performance from my application and am wondering if I've architected it suboptimally. The requirement is for the application to play a sound and draw a line on a Canvas at a user specified time interval. I have a Thread that sleeps for the user-specified time interval, wakes up and u...

Applying DDD to Northwind database

Hello, I would like to do some exercice and apply DDD to my Domain Model applied to Northwind database. Even if Northwind is an example I imagine that it was done to satisfy some " virtual business" requirements. So the goal is to have a Domain Model that respects DDD and the data is stored in Northiwnd database. Consider this EF persi...

WPF dynamic data architecture

So I'm having some level of difficulty with architecting a particular solution with some dynamic data elements.... So I've got two places where I'm storing data -- a database and a pdf (although I only write to the pdf - I never read from it). You can think of the pdf working a lot like a database -- except that the schemas for the tab...

WPF Architecture & Creating Unique Builds

I haven't figured out the correct programming architecture for: -WPF Application -Each build will be unique for each customer -There will be unique variables for each customer in both code and the app.config file -Ideally, there will also be unique deployment URLs for each customer What is the best way to build the project file given th...

Suggestions needed for threading and process architecture for search engine software.

The software is a classic search engine. There is one portion of the app that is tasked with crawling/collecting data, and there is another that takes that data and builds an index or database. The final portion handles queries from clients, and performs a search on the data, before retrieving the results. The specific engine that I'm d...

Do I have to consider firewalls while architecting n-tier applications?

While architecting any n-tier intranet applications, do I have to consider anything about firewalls in the organization? Are there any special considerations which needs to be proactively addressed or it could be an afterthought. ...

Class structure for an inventory control system

As an exercise in good OO methods and design, I want to know what is a good way to model inventory control in a company. The problem description is a. A company can have different types of items, like documents (both electronic and physical), computers etc which may further have their own sub types. b. The items can be kept in a...

What components to use for ASP.Net Web site re-architecture

I am tasked with re-architecture an existing ASP.Net 2.0 Web Site. The current solution has 3 projects; Web UI, Business layer project and Data layer project. The Data layer uses some sort of SQL helper class and stored procedures to return DataTable. The Business layer sort of passes the DataTable along, I don't see much business lo...

Recommended Web Service Architecture Books/Sites?

I'm in the position where I may be creating a new web service from scratch - without much pre-existing infrastructure to have to contend with. What resources are there that talk about the architectural aspects of deploying a web service? [Clarification: I'm not talking about an Enterprise SOA orientation here - rather setting up one fam...

Developing enterprise level application using LINQ

Using LINQ to SQL make application development faster but dissolves the logical layers in the application. The data access layer and the business objects layers almost have no identity, they sit in the same dll. Does any one has an idea on how to develop an enterprise level application using LINQ to SQL. How do we cleanly separate the bu...

Where can I find some presentation on Google Analytics backend architecture?

What I would like to know is where or what do they use to store all that traffic information for millions of websites? How to they process it? ...

When should I extend NSDocument and when should I extend NSWindowController?

I've an application that holds a main window with a list of items, and from that window an undetermined number of windows can be opened. Each of those windows can hold several instances of a model object, with those instances listed in a drawer. I started my project by making the (main window) list of items extend NSDocument and each ot...