
REST doesn't work with Sever-Client-Client setup

I am having a problem with my current RESTful api design. What I have is a REST api which is consumed by Django web-server, which renders the HTML templates. REST api > Django webserver > HTML The problem I am encountering is that I have to reconstruct all the URLS like<id>/stree...

How do I design a torrent application?

I was curious as to the "correct" architecture of a torrent application; with WPF as the front end? ...

Python: get windows OS version and architecture

First of all, I don't think this question is a duplicate of because imho it has not been thoroughly answered. The only approaching answer is: Use sys.getwindowsversion() or the existence of PROGRAMFILES(X86) (if 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ) But: ...

Performance of a proposed JEE architecture

I have concerns about the performance of the following architecture: j2ee application in an appserver, ejb session bean and DAOs remote (rich) client, a swing app. A classic, form-based client only one stateless ejb, the ejb is accessed via web services, not rmi, through a homegrown framework each web service request will get authentic...

How to design a high-level application protocol and data format for metadata syncing between devices and server?

I am looking for guidance on how to best think about designing a high-level application protocol to sync metadata between end-user devices and a server. My goal: the user can interact with the application data on any device, or on the web. The purpose of this protocol is to communicate changes made on one endpoint to other endpoints thr...

How To Create a Flexible Plug-In Architecture?

A repeating theme in my development work has been the use of or creation of an in-house plug-in architecture. I've seen it approached many ways - configuration files (XML, .conf, and so on), inheritance frameworks, database information, libraries, and others. In my experience: A database isn't a great place to store your configuratio...

Java Swing architecture for flipping through JPane based views

Hi all, I have done a couple of simple swing based apps with static layout, but now I've run into a problem while trying to create an app containing multiple views which are changed by pressing appropriate navigational button. You could compare the idea to a website so that every view has buttons to access certain other views but this ...

Start with remoting or with WCF

Hi. I'm just starting with distributed application development. I need to create (all by myself) an enterprise application for document management. That application will run on an intranet (within the firewall, no internet access is required now, BUT is probably that will be later). The application needs to manage images that will be s...

Consolidate information held in a number of SQL Server Express Instances

Hi, I'm trying to determine the best architecture for creating an oData web service for information held in a number of SQL Server Express instances. The web service should provide a consolidated view of the data. All the SQL Server Express instances have the same DB schema. I was initially planning to use SQL server replication however ...

Sandbox architecture in ASP.NET?

Is it possible to develop a web-app in ASP.NET (framework is not a constraint), to have a sandbox architecture, and deploy widgets without disturbing the parent application? I expect both the parent application and the widget to be developed using .NET. EDIT: To elaborate, I want to have an web-app, say App1, and widgets (say wid1 and ...

Content based website: Django project layout/architecture

I'm taking over a project with which the company are pretty unhappy with the usability of the website. It's using django, and the website is a very content based, user driven website. Having looked through the layout of the django folders, I'm beginning to question its structure. There are many different types of content in the website...

Recommendations for 'C' Project Architecture Guidelines?

Now that I got my head wrapped around the 'C' language to a point where I feel proficient enough to write clean code, I'd like to focus my attention on project architecture guidelines. I'm looking for a good resource that coves the following topics: How to create an interface that promotes code maintainability and is extensible for fu...

Logic behind plugin system?

I have an application in PHP (private CMS) that I would like to rewrite and add some new things - I would like to be able to extend my app in an easier way - through plugins But the problem is - I don't know how to achieve "pluggability", how to make system that recognizes plugins and injects them into the app? So, what's the logic of ...

Software to Mind Map Dependencies

I'm putting together something I'll soon release as OSS and I wanted to make a map of dependencies to get a clearer idea of the big picture. I ended up making the mind map myself using pen and paper: This is something I wish I could do more often, but mapping bigger projects manually is too troublesome (and virtually impossible due to...

look for C# multithread application with plugin architecture

I'm looking for an example of multithread C# application who use plug'in architecture, can any one help me please ? many thanks ...

Best way to implement plugin framework - are DLLs the only way (C/C++ project)?

Introduction: I am currently developing a document classifier software in C/C++ and I will be using Naive-Bayesian model for classification. But I wanted the users to use any algorithm that they want(or I want in the future), hence I went to separate the algorithm part in the architecture as a plugin that will be attached to the main ap...

How do I design a Wizard-based system with SoC in mind?

I'm building a Windows Forms system (in C# if it matters to anyone) that provides an application automation service. As this application is targeted at users who are not computer savvy, I've decided to simplify things for the user with a wizard UI. I'd like to avoid coupling the views and view engine (from which the Wizard will be built)...

Database per application VS One big database for all applications

Hello, I'm designing a few applications that will share 2 or 3 database tables and all of the other tables will be independent of each app. The shared databases contain mostly user information, and there might occur the case where other tables need to be shared, but that's my instinct speaking. I'm leaning over the one database for all...

The best way to separate admin functionality from a public site?

I'm working on a site that's grown both in terms of user-base and functionality to the point where it's becoming evident that some of the admin tasks should be separate from the public website. I was wondering what the best way to do this would be. For example, the site has a large social component to it, and a public sales interface. ...

Which is the better C# class design for dealing with read+write versus readonly

I'm contemplating two different class designs for handling a situation where some repositories are read-only while others are read-write. (I don't foresee any need for a write-only repository.) Class Design 1 -- provide all functionality in a base class, then expose applicable functionality publicly in sub classes public abstract cla...